Aspects Covered: Field Research In Developing Countries Purpose Conditions Challenges Adapting Tools for Nutrition Field Research Tools Tested
Purpose of Field Research To Learn Community Practices Agriculture, Nutrition, Child rearing, etc Identify Community Needs Felt Needs Unfelt Needs
Purpose of Field Research Identified Practices Could Be : Positive: to be encouraged Harmful: to be discouraged through education
Enablers of Field Research Resources/ Researchers Side Expertise Time Budget, etc Resources/ Community Side: Acceptance Time Literacy level, etc.
Field Research: Challenges for Nutrition Educators Limited Services : Telephone Survey Questionnaire Literacy Level: Food Records Food Frequencies Diminishing Food Resources Not applicable Questionable
What Alternatives Are There?
The Challenge for Nutrition Profession: To Respond to Household Needs In Special Way that Balances: Current KnowledgeIndigenous Skills
Adapting Methods for Nutrition Field Research Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA ): Focuses on full participation of a given community in studying community needs, planning, implementing and assessing intervention impacts.
PRA Guidelines Respect/ Humility Complete Ignorance Diversity of Analysis Continuity
Adaptable Techniques 1. Mapping 2. Transect Walk 3. Individual Case Studies 4. Seasonality Analysis 5. Ranking and Scoring 6. Historical Profiles
Adaptable PRA Techniques for Nutrition Field Research Mapping: Method for Visual Representation of Study Area Drawn by Study Participants Practical Entry Point for Discussion Helps to Explore Community Resources Example: Ask participants to locate related places How does distance affect food intake? What do participants recommend?
Maps Study Area
Transect Walk A systematic walk in a study area with key informants.
Individual Case Studies In-depth Study of: Individuals Nutritional practices Farming Systems, Etc. Example for Nutrition Why are some children healthy while some are not, given the same living situations?
Seasonality Analysis Helps to assess: Opportunities affecting living situations Seasonal Constraints Examples for Nutrition Use Market Food Prices Food Availability Labor Demand Income Expenditure Disease Incidences Daily Routines
Ranking & Scoring Method for Identifying: Preferences Local criteria's Related Techniques Wealth Ranking Proportional Pilling Examples for Nutrition Use Choices b/t food groups Food distribution Food Expenses Selection of risk groups Identifying priority areas, etc
Wealth Ranking - Cattle
Historical Profiles Historical Profiles A detailed account of the past. Indicates: Trends Relationships Changes over time Note: elderly groups are good resources. Casual free conversation Example for Nutrition Use Indicates: Changes of food consumption patterns Factors for such changes Are the changes positive or negative? Possible solution/ Suggestions
Means For Reducing Possible Bias Acknowledge: bias will be there, but try to minimize it! Possible Bias : Frame related: Old listing ( Missing, or foreign elements) Wealth ranking bias Instrument related (check list, items for ranking, seasonality analysis) Interviewer bias Cross check listing Adequate discussion Watch for sizes/uniformity Provide training Explain purpose
Assumptions Instrument developed enabled to get the right information Training & interviewing process has enabled to control possible biases
Assumptions Wealth classification is realistic to local situation. Participants have given realistic answers.
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