ATAV – ACTION TEENAGERS AGAINST VIOLENCE Gender - Consulenza Formazione Ricerca - Milano Do we really have to talk about it? Sexual abuse as perceived by teenagers
ACTION TEENAGERS AGAINST VIOLENCE 18/12/01 Gender - Consulenza Valutazione Ricerca - Milano Reflecting on violence Do we really have to talk about it? A video for a discussion with the teenagers in the schools
ACTION TEENAGERS AGAINST VIOLENCE 18/12/01 Gender - Consulenza Valutazione Ricerca - Milano Who are the interviewed? The Sample
ACTION TEENAGERS AGAINST VIOLENCE 18/12/01 Gender - Consulenza Valutazione Ricerca - Milano The Sample Composed by 96 students: Coming from two florentine secondary schools: Istituto Tecnico di agraria (Agricoltural College) (78); Istituto professionale di moda De Medici (Professional School of Fashion) (18) Mainly GIRLS: 52, (55,9%) AGED between 14 and 19, with a prevalence of the group of those aged 16 (37, = 38,5%) attending the third year. Girls are present in a greater number compared to the mean between the 14 and 15 year old. CLASSES OF AGE BASED ON GENDER (V.A.) Who are the interviewed?
ACTION TEENAGERS AGAINST VIOLENCE 18/12/01 Gender - Consulenza Valutazione Ricerca - Milano The Families The interviewed live in families of DIFFERENT composition and dimensions NEARLY HALF OF THEM are composed by parents, brothers and/or sisters, mainly 4 people Who are the interviewed?
ACTION TEENAGERS AGAINST VIOLENCE 18/12/01 Gender - Consulenza Valutazione Ricerca - Milano What we wanted their opinion about 1. THE VIDEO 2. THE SITUATION IN WHICH IT WAS PROPOSED
ACTION TEENAGERS AGAINST VIOLENCE 18/12/01 Gender - Consulenza Valutazione Ricerca - Milano The Video FIRST IMPRESSIONS: How did you feel watching this video? CONTENTS: Is it possible to find situations of violence in the experience of teenagers? What kind of violence should a video for teenagers tackle? GENERAL EVALUATIONS: the video is: clear, useful, confused, boring, useless? the video is : good, very good, sufficient, inadequate? What we wanted their opinion about
ACTION TEENAGERS AGAINST VIOLENCE 18/12/01 Gender - Consulenza Valutazione Ricerca - Milano The situation in which it was proposed LIVING SUCH AN EXPERIENCE AT SCHOOL: Is it useful, interesting and stimulating, or useless and boring? TOGETHER WITH OPERATORS DISCUSSING WITH BOYS AND GIRLS: Was it stimulating? What we wanted their opinion about
ACTION TEENAGERS AGAINST VIOLENCE 18/12/01 Gender - Consulenza Valutazione Ricerca - Milano 1. The Video For the 7.3% to reflect on a problem they have never tackled before Esp. YOUNGER BOYS (15.4%) For the 38.5% to reflect in a DIFFERENT way on a problem you already know of Esp. OLDER BOYS (52.2%) For the 41.7% to be confronted with SITUATIONS of which you already TALKED ABOUT in your family, at school or with friends Esp. YOUNGER GIRLS (53.6%) For the 10.4% to live over again, with some emotion SITUATIONS LIVED BY PEOPLE CLOSE TO YOU OLDER GIRLS (13.8%) FIRST IMPRESSIONS What do teenagers think about the video?
ACTION TEENAGERS AGAINST VIOLENCE 18/12/01 Gender - Consulenza Valutazione Ricerca - Milano What do they think of it ? The similarity of the situations in the video with the experiences of violence that teenagers of the same age, might find themselves involved in What do teenagers think of the video? thinks that the video is about true experiences of the teenagers without differences due to gender and age The 79.2 %
ACTION TEENAGERS AGAINST VIOLENCE 18/12/01 Gender - Consulenza Valutazione Ricerca - Milano Contents based on gender GIRLS/BOYS feel the need TO DISCUSS, in particular, some kinds of violence: Psychological abuse (average=15.1%) most of all boys (19.4%) Sexual violence (average=11.8%), most of all girls (14%) Bullyism (average=10.8%), most of all boys (19.4%) What do teenagers think of the video? Valid cases 93 - Girls 57; Boys 36 GIRLSBOYS
ACTION TEENAGERS AGAINST VIOLENCE 18/12/01 Gender - Consulenza Valutazione Ricerca - Milano Evaluation based on gender and age POSITIVE aspects pointed out by the 68,1% of the interviewed, of which 44,7% totally favourable (esp. younger boys = 53,8%) 23,4% with a few perplexities (esp. older boys =34,8%) CRITICAL aspects /call for deeper investigation, pointed out by the 30,8%, esp. younger boys (38,5%) What do teenagers think of the video? Valid Cases 93 Boys 14/15 13 Boys 16/19 23 Girls 14/15 28 Girls 16/19 29
ACTION TEENAGERS AGAINST VIOLENCE 18/12/01 Gender - Consulenza Valutazione Ricerca - Milano Evaluation of the video based on first impressions Even among the PERPLEXED / CRITICAL the video has made them : think of a problem they had never tackled 57.1% / 28.6% see under a different light a problem already existing16.2% / 32.4% emotionally live over again close experiences10% / 20% see situations already present 27.5% / 32.5% Only the 2% of the CRITICAL have not felt involved What do teenagers think of the video? Valid cases 96 - A: 7; B: 37; C: 10; D: 40; E: 2
ACTION TEENAGERS AGAINST VIOLENCE 18/12/01 Gender - Consulenza Valutazione Ricerca - Milano Indications on the contents based on the general evaluation The contents of the video: its just fine ambivalent (77.3%) - critical (43.3%) Suggestions point out the need to reflect on: FAVOURABLE (+ younger boys): Psychological abuse (21.4%) Bullism (16.7%) PERPLEXED (+ older boys): Psychological abuse (9.1%) CRITICAL (+ younger boys) : Sexual violence (30%) – Sexual abuse (26.7%) Valid cases 94 Positive 42 Negative 30 Ambival. 22 What do teenagers think of the video?
ACTION TEENAGERS AGAINST VIOLENCE 18/12/01 Gender - Consulenza Valutazione Ricerca - Milano 2. The experience at school For the majority (88.5%) of the interviewed it was an IMPORTANT experience to discuss at school about violence EVEN those who have not valued the video positively: The 95.5% of the AMBIVALENT The 71% of the CRITICAL What do teenagers think of the experience at school with the operators? The importance of watching the video at school, Compared to the general evaluation of the video
ACTION TEENAGERS AGAINST VIOLENCE 18/12/01 Gender - Consulenza Valutazione Ricerca - Milano 2. The experience at school For the 98.9% it was positive to discuss a video on violence at school with the presence of the operators What do teenagers think of the experience at school with the operators? For the 52.2% comparison and exchange, has been an incentive For the 38% it helps to better understand the contents of the video For the 8.7% useful, but you could have watched the video without the operators For the 1.1% conditioned; without the operators they would comment more freely
ACTION TEENAGERS AGAINST VIOLENCE 18/12/01 Gender - Consulenza Valutazione Ricerca - Milano ATAV Project ACTION TEENAGERS AGAINST VIOLENCE European Commission Directorate-General Justice and Home Affairs Daphne Programme Preventive Measures to fight violence against children, teenagers and women PROMOTED BY WOW-Women On Work Onlus LOCAL PARTNERS National Equal Opportunities Commission Tuscany Region County of Florence Artemisia Association of Women against Violence Gender scrl. Harno srl. Italia 7 Television TRANSNATIONAL PARTNERS GREECE: Women Centre of Karditsa ESPANA: IMFE - Institut Municipal de Formacion y Empleo de la Mujeres, and Consejalia de la Mujer, Granada ROMANIA: Brasov County Council, Children Protection Department ACTION TEENAGERS AGAINST VIOLENCE