Enterprise Software Architecture Modelling Tool
Flash-based enterprise software architecture modelling tool Has visual tools for senior managers Supported by detailed data for technologists Different views show architecture changes over time Driver for change Shows areas of system redundancy Shows potential alternatives
Architecture defined by: Logical Components Software Systems Services (in a Service Oriented Architecture) Small footprint – typically < 1 Mb Portable – runs on any Flash-enabled browser No database or web server required for distribution
Data gathering XML file produced Adobe Flex Flash file produced Direct distribution End Users Web Server Publish to internet / intranet System Owners Flash- enabled Web Browser Microsoft Excel
Initial data gathering phase Data held in Excel and transformed into XML XML data read by Adobe Flex application Flex application compiled into Flash object XML data encapsulated within Flash object Flash file distributed as required
offers provides to requested by offers provides to requested by supports
Based around Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) Logical components describe aspects of the business model Each logical component offers a number of services These services are requested by other components
offers provides S1 to System 2 offers provides S2 to System... requests S1 from System 1
Systems support various components Implied service relationships between systems because of components Actual service relationships between systems also stored
Default starting view for Model-One Typically logical components Components can be grouped as required Actors (non-technology components) show people, teams, external groups Tooltips show detailed component descriptions Components can be clicked to show detailed information
Shows detailed information about logical component (can be altered as required) Services offered by the component Services provided by the component to other components Services requested by the component from other components
Shows systems supporting this component Filters available by system or timeline view Can see which services offered by the component are actually used by the systems
Each logical component is supported by one or more software systems Immediately shows areas of redundancy where there are many systems supporting the same logical components Systems colour-coded to show fate across time Multiple user-defined views available to show architecture changes over time
Like logical components, each system offers, provides and requests services Unlike logical components, these are actual services This can validate the notional services offered by the components
Impact tab shows what would happen if the selected system is demised In this case, ALGO provides a number of services to MUREX If one service is selected, then any alternative systems that can provide the same service will be shown on the right
In this case, Prism offers the “Create Limits” service, so this system may be used as an alternative to support Murex if ALGO is demised
However, for the “RM Functions – UI” service, there is no alternative system This can drive analysis and bring out issues much earlier in the development cycle
Business process modelling view Business scenarios with steps defined Each step can be linked to a service within the model Acts as validation for the model and a useful training tool
Clicking on each step highlights the components and services used
As each step is selected, the previously-used components remain active
Each system can be linked to two functional groups (user-defined) This allows a system architecture diagram to be derived
Dynamic visualisation of system-service connections Nodes (systems or services) rotate and move when selected Clearly shows related systems and how they are linked
Agile development methods mean user- requested changes (new data or visualisations) can be added easily Small footprint and use of Flash ensures ease of distribution Blends clean information visualisation with underlying data power Clear driver for change projects