“How can we sustainably fund the CFNZ strategic plan so we remain viable across next 3 years?”
1. Understand the challenge 2. Idea-a-thon 3 ideas 4. Board decision 3. Idea building
Financially sustainable Membership understand what we are trying to achieve in terms of sustainability High level of engagement with branches maintained Equity in service levels across branches achieved
CEO Belinda freed up to focus on advocacy with DHBs and MOH for increased funding for services & medication How many hours per week? What is ideal?
Ground Rules for Today Keep in mind throughout the session: 1.Idea building – not decision making 2.Make sure you have a voice 3.Respect the views of others 4.We have included ways the idea could be implemented….these are not final
No single nationwide event that represents CF Apart from awareness week limited ongoing work to raise community awareness Overseas and in branches there are great fundraising events
We need to create a single strong fundraising platform to increase income Nationwide presence across all branches Organised and run on the same day every year (i.e. the Big Bounce, Cycle Event, Great Strides (US)
Get inspired from global CF network (UK, AUS, US) and from successful branch events Have national co-ordinating role with nationwide fundraising target (NOT CEO) Support all branches with support kit
Increases income through nationwide fundraising We have not done this before Lots of inspiration from global & branch network This will connect us as a CFNZ network Provides platform for fundraising and community development
National office fundraising focus can take away from other activity Low awareness of CF and its impact beyond existing community
Grow income by leveraging value of personal connections beyond the PWCF network We’ll bring them into our community & maintain a dialogue with them Both personal relationships or businesses committed to giving to communities
Engage wider audience through impactful communication ◦1 in 25. It could be you ◦Personal impact of living with CF ◦Inspirational stories from “CF ambassadors” On the ground support by engaging more at branch level ◦Reach out to someone you know ◦National office toolkit Build a database so we can stay in touch with the community National communications co-ordinator
Don’t lose personal touch, encourage local community building – build on what you have done Provide support package for higher value businesses to support Corporate Social Responsibility activity Investigate role of social media to build community (i.e. Facebook Friends of CF)
All of CFNZ can contribute – we have connections, we just need to know what to say and keep in touch National network of Friends of CF means connections made in one part of the country could benefit elsewhere Grow income through individual and business investments/support (i.e. bequests)
Members are not aware who is fundraising initiatives (branch vs national) Differences in funding levels per person across branches CFNZ does not have a unified voice within PWCF community Some branch members do not understand what national office do
CFNZ is aligned throughout its branch and national network Playing to their strengths the national office will focus on providing advocacy, national fundraising overview & capacity and valued services equitably for all PWCF Branches will provide majority of fundraising income with support from national organisation, plus local community building & awareness
Aligned to mission, vision and strategic plan CFNZ brand identity All communicating to PWCF and wider community with one voice Provides a clear focus National on services and advocacy, fundraising support Branches on fundraising, local profile & community awareness
Mechanism for services provided by national office to be paid for by branches Transparency from national office of service provision through frequent breakdown of services provided per region Working group to evaluate services being provided and prioritise highest value services National fundraising target including support
Single voice that best meets the needs of wider PWCF community Provides 100% clarity for everyone across CFNZ network on valued services being provided in their area Allows CFNZ community to focus on what everyone is best at Ensures national office can continue to fund services being provided