Title of Presentation “Conduct & Practice of Consulting Engineers Bye-laws” of Pakistan Engineering Council(PEC) Engineer Karamat Ullah Chaudry Immediate Past President ACEP President TCDPAP Technical Adviser SMEC Former President and MD NESPAK
Section 1&2 Definitions Defines “consulting engineer” and “professional engineer” under Article 2© & 2(j) of the Act. “Allied Professionals” – Architect or Town Planner, Geologist, Hydrologist, Agronomist, Economist and such others as may be approved
Section 1&2 Definitions (continued) Consulting Engineers, Employer, Foreign Consulting Engineer, Pakistan Consulting Engineer Foreign consulting engineer appointed but PEC protects domestic consultant and malpractices “Foreign consulting engineer” means the enterprise incorporated or registered as a consulting engineer outside Pakistan
Section 3 Ownership Chief Executive must be Professional Engineer with minimum 5 years experience after MSc or 10 years after BSc Minimum 51% should be owned by Professional Engineers remaining by other PE or Allied Professionals Above not applicable to Public Sector firms. Directors should be PE or AP except one for Finance P.E and firm should work solely as an independent entity having no conflicting interests such as construction PE in public sector organizations can undertake private practice with permission
Section 4 General Regulations A consulting firm is responsible for professional conduct of its employees A consulting engineer or an Executive, Director, Partner, Sole Proprietor or MD shall have no conflicting financial interests A consulting engineer shall not injure the interests of other consulting engineers Dignified advertisement by cards, sign boards, brochures etc
Section 4 General Regulations (contd) Seeking professional work through agent or seeking commission is prohibited Selection of consulting engineer purely on financial bid is prohibited No team up with construction company except specified work as consultant such as EPC Contracts
Section 5 Professional Liability Twice the design fee for a proven fault Liability expires after three years of design or one year of construction Liability insurance beyond the specified limit of penalty is at the option of Employer Section 5(6) is ambiguous – unlimited liability for misconduct (Revised but not notified yet)
Section 5 Professional Liability (contd) No liability due for work done by another designer or by a constructor Employment of employer’s staff without prior consent is prohibited Exempted from above provisions in overseas jobs where local regulations are to be followed
Section 6 Selection Process Engineering Services to be awarded only to registered consultants Foreign consultants allowed to work in a joint venture if expertise not available in Pakistan Foreign consultants allowed to work independently with prior PEC approval for short assignments on Technology Transfer Agreements
Section 6 Selection Process (continued) Engineers proposed in proposal should be on the permanent strength of consultants Award on technical competency and not only on financial proposal Selection only through open competition with no bias in favor of public sector consultants
Section 7 Selection Procedure Invitation for pre-qualification of consultants except for Technical Assistance Two envelope proposals from pre-qualified consultants Employer should specify in TOR the basis of selection Qualified Committee to evaluate proposals based on QBS or QCBS only
Section 7 Selection Procedure (contd) For complex projects QBS recommended Open financial proposal of technically top three and make weighted evaluation ranking on Quality and Cost basis (QCBS) Top ranking consultant will first be invited for negotiation
Section 8 Registration and Penalties Renewal application by 1st November based on firm’s status as on 31 st October every year Consulting Engineer may continue working after renewal application unless refused renewal by PEC Infringement of PEC Bye-laws will render firm to punitive action False information to the PEC to be considered misconduct and liable to penalties Working without registration or abetting such unauthorized practice is punishable
Section 9 Registration of Foreign Consultants Two stage registration for foreign consultants A. PEC pre-registration for foreign consultants but registration only on J/V with Pakistani firms upon fulfillment of PEC Guidelines in Sec 6(2) B. Registration only on submission of J/V agreement with description of work and share of parties
Section 9 Registration of Foreign Consultants Exempted for transfer of technology agreements Registration of foreign consultants on project to project basis Registration of foreign consultants to be renewed in order to operate in Pakistan
Appendix A Professional Charges Remuneration of service by any one or combination thereof prescribed Cost plus fixed fee and fixed lump sum payment are two widely used methods PEC Guidelines highlight these two methods Remuneration include (a) Salary Costs, (b) Overhead Costs, © Direct Non Salary Costs and (d) Fixed Fee
Appendix A Professional Charges (contd) Above components are well defined but not the fee Rest of the Appendices relates to Registration procedures
Suggestions for Improvements (contd) Opening of only technically top-ranked consultants’ financial proposal in Quality based selection Remedy for unholy alliance between consultant and the employer Remedy for consultants delay Categorization of consultants for pre- qualifications
Suggestions for Improvements (contd) Dual Registration by the Departments Rationalization of Consultants fee Ensuring implementation of Bye-laws