Project and Workshop on inventories and projections of GHG and NH 3 emissions from agriculture in Central and Eastern Europe Ispra, Juni 2005 National presentations on GHG inventories in the agricultural sector Hungary G. Borka 1 - I. Pazsiczki 2 – Zsófia Ördögh 3 1 Institute for Animal Breeding and Nutrition, Herceghalom 2 Hungarian Institute of Agricultural Engineering, Gödöllő 3 National Directorate for Environment and Nature
General information on the Hungarian agriculture 1980 – 1985 Hungarian agriculture in accordance with the countrys ecological and economic potentials 1986 – 1990 Decrease 1991 – 1995 Dramatic fall The area of the country 93,033 km 2 of which 62.9% agricultural area (48% arable land, 3.2% garden, orchard and vineyard, 11.3% grassland), 18.9% forest, 0.9% reed and fish-pond, 17.2% uncultivated land area)
GHG-emissions (in CO 2 -equivalent) from Hungarian agriculture between 1985 and 2004
Methodologies used for estimating GHG and ammonia emissions from agriculture GHGs: Rev. IPCC 1996 Guidelines for National GHG Inventories Good Practice Guidance and Uncertainty Management in National GHG Inventories (2000) Own estimates (statistical analysys, modelling) Tier 1, modified NH 3 : Atmospheric Emission Inventory Guidebook, EMEP/Corinair Own estimates (statistical analysys, modelling) simple methodology detailed calculation methods in both fields Planned:
Emission factors for enteric fermentation Assumed *) y=38.299Ln(x) – (R 2 =1, n=3) y= emission factor for calculating CH 4 from enteric fermentation (kg animal -1 year -1 ) x= annual average milk production per cow (kg cow -1 year -1 )
Milk yieldEmission factor for dairy cattle Milk yield and emission factors for enteric fermentation, dairy cattle between 1985 and 2004
CH 4 -emission factors for manure management
Percentage of different manure management systems in Hungary Proportion of N excreted in different manure management systems was determined by data obtained from a Hungarian study, Hungarian Central Statistical Office data for previous years and from experts.
N 2 O emission factors from manure management For estimating N 2 O emissions we currently use IPCC data and default Tier 1 emission factors as for the time being available information is not sufficient for applying a method adjusted to specific Hungarian circumstances. Amount of N annually getting into soils of agriculture use Volume of N-agent in synthetic fertilisers used per annum was determined on the basis of official data provided by Hungarian Central Statistical Office. IPCC Tier 1 method was used to calculate the applicated manure-N and the amount of N put into soils together with agricultural residues.
Emission factors for agricultural soils Here we also used Revised 1996 Guidelines Tier 1 calculation method and emission factors as indicated below as to our current knowledge more reliable data are not available in Hungary.
Activity data : Livestock Dairy cattle Other cattle
Activity data : Livestock Sheep
Activity data : Livestock Swine
Activity data : Livestock Poultry
Activity data: Agricultural Soils Activity data of this sector are obtained from Yearbooks of Agricultural Statistics published by Hungarian Central Statistical Office. In calculating the amount of N put into soils together with agricultural residue we practically accounted for all non N-fixing crops and all N-fixing crops cultivated on the plough-land. Activity data are derived from official records of Hungarian Central Statistical Office.
Research projects in the country that will eventually improve national data Researches on the revision of the methodology of agricultural greenhouse gas inventory are in an initial stage. The most important aim of the project is to elaborate the national emission factors based on the IPCC methodology. Researches on the evaluation of the efficiency and costs of the possible emission reduction measures are in a preparatory phase.
Planned improvements for the methodologies used in the GHG and NH 3 inventories Enteric fermentation We try to obtain even more accurate data on farming practices and elaborate our local emission factors. Elaboration of the application of Tier 2 estimates for the most important categories is at an advanced stage. Manure management We plan to determine local emission factors. We started the elaboration of Tier 2 estimation method which is more detailed than the current one for the most important categories (dairy cows, other cattle and swine). The first results are expected to come in For the time being, concrete developments are not planned at other points of the GHG emission inventory. Revision and recalculation of the NH 3 emission inventory will be start.
Major problems encountered for the estimation of NH 3 and GHG emissions arising from agriculture The key problem pertaining to the improvement of agricultural emission inventories is the financing and the co-ordination of the research capacity scattered in the country. For the time being, negotiations have been started between the Ministry of Environment and Water, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and several research units on establishing a working group of agricultural emissions.
Thank you for your attention!