February 19-21, 2008 Hazim Dawood Telecommunications Engineering and Certification Canadian Update on MRA Implementation
2 OUTLINE Introduction Applicable procedures Statistics
3 INTRODUCTION Canada is currently participating in both Phases of the MRA The regulatory authority is Industry Canada The Canadian Accreditation authority is the Standards Council of Canada The MRA covers Terminal Equipment, Radio Equipment and EMC
4 Allows for mutual recognition of Conformity Assessment Bodies (Testing Laboratories) and mutual acceptance of test reports Covers Terminal Equipment – Technical Specifications List (CS-03) PHASE I OF THE MRA
5 Terminal Equipment - Technical Requirements CS-03 establishes technical requirements for terminal equipment that connects to the PSTN – Analogue, DS-1, ISDN, xDSL CS-03, Issue 9, was published on November 13, 2004 Three amendments issued in 2006 CS-03 is available at: gst.nsf/en/h_sf06131e.html Prevent network harm Ensure that handset telephones are hearing aid compatible and have volume control
6 REC-LAB: Procedure for the Recognition of Designated Foreign Testing Laboratories by Industry Canada DC-01: Procedure for Declaration of Conformity and Registration of Terminal Equipment PHASE I PROCEDURES
7 Terminal Equipment - Conformity Assessment Declaration of Conformity adopted in January 2002 Procedures for the Declaration of Conformity and Registration of Terminal Equipment (DC-01) available at: TE testing must be performed by IC recognized testing laboratories TE must be marked with Registration Number and Model number All TE models require registration The label fee has been replaced with a one-time registration fee
8 New IC Conformity Assessment Fees for Terminal New fees were published on September 10, 2007 –Labelling fee for terminal equipment replaced with one-time registration fee of $750 More information available at: gst.nsf/en/sf08796e.html
9 The Foreign Designating Authority submits to IC: Signed application (Appendix I of REC-LAB) Covering letter Copy of ISO/IEC scope of accreditation -List of CS-03 Parts for which recognition is sought DESIGNATION PROCEDURE
11 RECOGNITION PROCEDURE Upon receipt of a designation, Industry Canada: Assesses the information provided by the Designating Authority Issues a letter of recognition to the Designating Authority Adds the new testing laboratory to the list of recognized testing laboratories: bhst.nsf/en/h_tt00039e.html Separate designations are required for Phase I and Phase II
12 LISTING OF DECLARED TERMINAL EQUIPMENT Registration details will be listed on the Terminal Equipment List (TEL) by Industry Canada Listing fee applies before equipment added to the TEL Equipment is not considered registered if not properly labeled and listed in the TEL
13 STATISTICS MRA Partner Foreign Labs Number of Foreign Labs Recognized by IC USA32 Chinese Taipei7 Korea4 Hong Kong1 Singapore1 European Union 9 MRA Partner Canadian Labs Number of Canadian Labs Recognized USA10 Chinese Taipei7 Korea9 Hong Kong1 Singapore4 Australia6 Canadian and Foreign Testing Laboratories Recognized under Phase I of the MRA
14 Allows for mutual recognition of Conformity Assessment Bodies (Certification Bodies) and mutual recognition of equipment certificates Coverage – All Radio Standards Specifications (RSS) and Broadcasting Equipment Technical Standards (BETS) in the Category I Equipment Standards List PHASE II OF THE MRA
15 ACCREDITATION SCOPE Radio – All Radio Standards Specifications (RSSs) in the Category I Equipment Standards List Broadcasting – All Broadcasting Equipment Technical Standards (BETS) in the Category I Equipment Standards List
16 REC-CB: Procedure for the Recognition of Foreign Certification Bodies by Industry Canada CB-02: Recognition Criteria, and Administrative and Operational Requirements Applicable to Certification Bodies for the Certification of Radio Apparatus to Industry Canada Standards and Specifications CB-03: Requirements for the Certification of Radio Apparatus to Industry Canada Standards and Specifications Available at: gst.nsf/en/h_sf06138e.html PHASE II PROCEDURES
17 The Foreign Designating Authority submits to IC: Signed application (Appendix I of REC-CB) Covering letter Cross reference checklist (Appendix II of REC-CB) completed by the applicant Copy of accreditation certificates (ISO/IEC Guide 65 and ISO/IEC certificates) Copy of ISO/IEC scope of accreditation -List of standards/specifications for which recognition is sought DESIGNATION PROCEDURES
18 Radio apparatus certification procedure based on CB-03 Auditing and surveillance procedures Assessment report from the Accreditation Body DESIGNATION PROCEDURES (CONT.)
20 Auditing and Surveillance Procedures Shall cover the following: Auditing Complaints IC requests
21 RECOGNITION PROCEDURE Upon receipt of a designation, Industry Canada: Assesses the information provided by the Designating Authority Issues a letter of recognition to the Designating Authority Adds the new certification body to the list of recognized CBs: bhst.nsf/en/h_tt00039e.html Status of applications are not disclosed to the public until recognition process is completed
22 FCB Administrative and Operational Requirements Limit certification activities to scope of recognition Publish its certification procedures Keep certification files for ten years Keep informed of Industry Canada regulations Ensure that Open Area Test Site (OATS) is filed with Industry Canada Ensure proper marking Notify IC, through E-filing, of all certifications performed by a CB A CB shall:
23 A CB shall not: Assign Company Numbers Waive any applicable requirements Certify equipment for which there are no requirements promulgated by IC Advertise outside scope of recognition FCB Administrative and Operational Requirements (continued)
24 LISTING OF CERTIFICATIONS Certification details will be listed on the Radio Equipment List (REL) by Industry Canada There is a listing fee Equipment is not considered approved if not properly labeled and listed in the REL
25 MRA Partner Canadian CBs Number of Canadian CBs Recognized U.S.A.2 Chinese Taipei1 (pending) MRA Partner Foreign CBs Number of Foreign CBs Recognized by IC USA13 European Union 6 STATISTICS Canadian and Foreign Certification Bodies Recognized under Phase II of the MRA
26 MRAs in which Canada participates: MRA Workspace: TAPAC Workspace: ccprt.nsf/en/ni00048e.html Procedures for Conformity Assessment Bodies: List of Conformity Assessment Bodies: bhst.nsf/en/h_tt00039e.html E-Filing: Radio Equipment List (REL): bhst.nsf/en/h_tt00020e.html Terminal Equipment List (TEL): bhst.nsf/en/h_tt00050e.html Radio Advisory Board of Canada (RABC): Category I Equipment Standards List: gst.nsf/en/h_sf06128e.html Useful Links