Delivering lifelong learning for knowledge, creativity and innovation Draft Joint Progress Report on Education & Training 2010 Education Committee, Lisbon,


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Presentation transcript:

Delivering lifelong learning for knowledge, creativity and innovation Draft Joint Progress Report on Education & Training 2010 Education Committee, Lisbon, 3 December 2007 Gordon Clark, Michael Teutsch European Commission, DG Education and Culture

2 Areas addressed LLL strategies and transversal issues VET and adult learning European cooperation

3 LLL strategies (2002 resolution, efficiency/equity, guidelines) covering all systems and levels coherent set of priorities, evidence-based flexible pathways and transition points: avoid dead-ends implementation and dissemination: partnership with stakeholders

4 Some progress Majority of countries have explicit strategies Comprehensiveness. Progress on validation of non-formal, still focus on formal systems Coherence: progress on evidence base + flexible learning pathways (qualification frameworks) Implementation and dissemination, partnership and funding as main challenges

5 5 Countries situation in relation to development of qualifications frameworks This map represents the situation as of November 2007, which is in constant evolution. Most of the countries in red are considering the option of having a National Qualifications Framework but have not yet taken a decision. Countries NQF ATD BE FRD BE NLD BGD CYN CZD DED DKD EED ELN ESD FID FRY HRD HUD IEY Countries NQF ISN ITD LIN LTD LUD LVD MTY NLD NON PLN PTD RON SEN SID SKD TRD UKY Y Country has framework D Country is developing framework N Country which has not yet taken a decision to have a framework

6 VET and adult learning Participation of older workers and low-skilled very low – equity, potential of migrants! Quality and attractiveness Improve links with labour market needs Improve transition and guidance Insufficient mobility

7 European co-operation Mobility: link national measures to LLP E&T in national Lisbon programmes Link to structural funds EU reference tools

8 European co-operation: improved governance + post-2010 Strengthen OMC Interface with other policies Better use of peer learning results Close coordination with Lisbon at EU and national levels Indicators and benchmarks Participation of civil society Development of post-2010 strategy

9 The way forward: LLL to achieve efficiency and equity improving the knowledge base sustainable funding raising skills levels addressing socio-economic disadvantage using the potential of migrants high quality teaching

10 The way forward: Innovation and creativity Education as key element in the knowledge triangle (education – research – innovation) Centres of excellence University-business co-operation Schools and VET