Transitions to Community Living September 10, 2013 Robert Weaver, Project Manager Martha Are, Housing & Homelessness
Federal Focus on ADA and Olmstead Complaint letter and DOJ findings –The State’s prioritization of investment in congregate settings at the expense of community-based settings; –Many individuals with mental illnesses have not been provided choices of where they live
State Response –On August 23, 2012 Acting DHHS Secretary Al Delia signed a voluntary agreement with the US DOJ to settle claims that the state of North Carolina had violated the American with Disabilities Act. This implementation of this project has been titled Transitions to Community Living Initiative.
Who is the Priority for Transitions to Community Living Initiative Individuals who are living in adult care homes who have a diagnosis of serious and persistent mental illness. Individuals who are referred to adult care homes with a diagnosis of serious mental illness Individuals who are in treatment in a state hospital. Individuals living in the community who have diagnosis of serious mental illness who are considering moving into an ACH
Settlement Agreement Roles MCO and DHHS In-reach Diversion Transition planning Housing slots with rental assistance and transition supports ACT fidelity Supported employment Quality Assurance and Performance Improvement Independent Reviewer
Pre-Screening and Diversion Use of Pre-admission Screening and Annual Resident Review (PASRR) by January 2013 to identify individuals with MH needs seeking admission to ACH If identified MH need, referred to LME- MCO for care coordination and linking to services as well as development of a community integration plan.
In-Reach Coordinated by LME-MCO Use of certified peer specialists Adult Care Homes and State Psychiatric Hospitals Recurrent in-reach Begin with ACH determined at risk of being an IMDs Build on Money Follows the Person (MFP) experience
Transition Planning Establish teams coordinated by LME- MCO and headed by Transition Coordinator Development of a comprehensive person centered plan that is holistic in nature including both natural supports and treatment needs. Establish interest list and tracking mechanism
Transition Day Responsibilities Transition Coordinator must be available at least by phone on moving day. MCO assumes responsibility for assisting on moving day: –Could be transition coordinator –Could be housing person –Could be peer specialist –Could contract with moving company to do heavy lifting.
Supported Housing Slots Package of rental subsidy, one-time transition supports, community services Total of 3,000; First come first served and based on geographic housing availability and individual preference Interest list up to twice the slots of current and subsequent year Establish a Tenant Based Rental Assistance program (TBRA) Build upon experience with targeted/key housing program
Housing Characteristics Tenancy support services to assist in overcoming barriers to obtain housing and develop skills to maintain housing Enable individuals with disabilities to interact with individuals without disabilities to fullest extent Are scattered site, no more that 20% units occupied by persons with disabilities Afford individuals choice in daily life activities Preference for single occupancy in apartment setting Not licensed
Transition Year Support Resources Offered if person cannot safely and adequately meet transition-related expenses Available only during transition year One-time start-up costs –Utility and rent deposits –Appliances –Essential furnishings –One-time home preparation, e.g. pest eradication, cleaning
Approved Housing Slots AllianceBH PBH CPHS CoastalCare ECBH EastPointe Mechlink Partners PBM Sandhills Smoky Mount Ctr WHN Total
LME/MCOHousedInspected not leasedTotal Alliance BH 110 PBH 426 CPHS CoastalCare ECBH 4112 EastPointe 120 Mecklink 808 Partners BHM 909 Sandhills 130 Smoky Mount Ctr 110 WHN Total
Assertive Community Treatment Team (ACT) Fidelity By July 2013 all teams must meet fidelity and will have at least 33 teams serving 3,225 individuals. By July 2019, 50 teams serving 5,000 individuals Tool for Measurement of Assertive Community Treatment (TMACT) fidelity scale Service definition changes and rate revision Training Fidelity Review process
Supported Employment Seeking to develop evidence based Dartmouth Individual Placement and Support (IPS) model 100 individuals by July 2013 building to 2,500 individuals by July Initiate with through pilot sites using state funding. Consider as b3 service in out years. Training Fidelity review process
Quality Assurance and Performance Improvement Tracking length of stay, readmissions, community tenure Personal Outcomes including: –Incidents of harm –Repeat admissions –Use of crisis beds and community hospital admissions –Repeat ED visits –Time spent in congregate day programming –Number employed, attending school, maintenance of living arrangement, engaged in community life In-reach and discharge Quality of Life Surveys External Quality Review (EQRO)
Issues of Interest to Housing Developers & Managers DOJ has a strong preference for single occupancy, which leads to a demand for one bedroom and studio units. Roommates are ok, though DOJ does not expect many people to choose having a roommate Only 250 of the 3000 persons housed can live in a development of fewer than 16 units that has an occupancy requirement for persons with disabilities –Cannot have requirements for a specific disability
Issues of Interest to Housing Developers & Managers Rural areas will be more challenged in identifying appropriate, safe units –A little more flexibility with large homes broken up into smaller units –DOJ wants each tenant to have their own lease
Issues of Interest to Housing Developers & Managers A conservative statewide estimate is at least persons identified for Diversion each month DOJ also expects close to 100% of these persons to be diverted to community housing rather than moving into ACHs –Only 1000 of these persons will qualify for a DOJ housing slot over the 8 years –Group homes, existing 811s, and other developments with disability status as an occupancy requirement are acceptable for all others identified through Diversion
Issues of Interest to Housing Developers & Managers ACT Team is the most intensive behavioral health community based service Supportive Employment has not focused on persons with mental illness prior to implementation of TCLI Tenants who are eligible for these services will be prioritized for them
Issues of Interest to Housing Developers & Managers Additional financial support –Supplemental Assistance – In Home –Community Living Voucher –These funds can be used to assist with rental payment since the TBRA voucher is capped at $360 –Funds can be used for other necessary expenses
Issues of Interest to Housing Developers & Managers Quadel administers the housing voucher. The lease will be between the tenant and property; a HAP will be signed between property and Quadel Transition Year funding will be available for deposits
Issues of Interest to Housing Developers & Managers Tenancy Supports is a new (some would say fabulous) service –Tied to housing administrator –Non-clinical –Focuses on helping the tenant to comply with lease requirements
Issues of Interest to Housing Developers & Managers State has an extensive contract with New portals will be created, including licensed beds and restricted occupancy units Owners/managers will be able to update both of these portals daily
Issues of Interest to Housing Developers & Managers NCHousingSearch will also be reaching out to property owners in communities persons with housing slots are interested in living in NCHousingSearch will also reach out to landlords that have leased to an individual with a housing slot
Questions? Robert Weaver – General Information – Martha Are – Housing and Homeless Unit: DAAS –