RockOn! Welcome to the 2009 RockOn! Workshop
RockOn! RockOn:
RockOn! RockOn: - Arrive at Hotel
RockOn! Welcome: - You are finally here! INSERT PICTURE HERE
RockOn! Welcome: - It took many people, many long hours to get here - Colorado Space Grant – Chris Koehler, Brian Sanders, Shawn Carroll, Riley Pack, David Ferguson, Eric Pahlke, Emily Logan, Jessica Brown, Aaron Russert, Justin Simmons, Brian Cox, Frankie Ning, and Kendra Kilbride - Virginia Space Grant – Mary Sandy, John Companion, Debbie Ross, Kevin Shinpaugh, Robbie Robertson, Steve Nelson, Kareem El-Gohary, and Max DePiro - Wallops Flight Facility – Phil Eberspeaker, Keith Koehler, Rick Weaver, and Andrew Mandigo - NASA HQ’s – Joyce Winterton, Diane DeTroye, and Katie Pruzan
RockOn! Welcome: - And YOU!
RockOn! Welcome: - Thank you for coming and believing in this workshop - We will take a few minutes to find out why you came… The students you represent…
RockOn! Welcome: - Three students (171)
RockOn! Welcome: - Twelve students (684)
RockOn! Welcome: - Forty-eight students (2736)
RockOn! Welcome: - This workshop has been done once before - This workshop will be fun - This workshop will be hard - This workshop will give you the tools, skills, and experience to start your own rocket payload program - This workshop has been done once before - Things may not go as planned…
RockOn! RockOn! 2009 Workshop Goals
RockOn! Workshop Goals: - The goals of this workshop are…DARFFALS 1. FUN – have an experience like no other 2. LEARN – how to build simple sounding rocket payloads 3. DO – use your hands to do the above 4. FLY – put all the above on a rocket and launch it 5. ANALYZE – understand the data from your flight (recover) 6. ACCESS – create standard access platform to space (RockSat) 7. START – Go home and start your own student program 8. RETURN – in the future with your own rocket payload
RockOn! Workshop Origins: - Based the successful Boulder BalloonSat workshop
RockOn! Workshop Origins: - This workshop has been held five times with great participation
RockOn! RockOn! 2009 RockOn 2008
RockOn! RockOn: - Arrive at Hotel
RockOn! Welcome: - We are finally here!
RockOn! RockOn 2008: 57 People
RockOn! What we told them…
RockOn! What we told them… - This workshop has never been done before - This workshop will be fun - This workshop will be hard - This workshop will give you the tools, skills, and experience to start your own rocket payload program - This workshop has never been done before - Things may not go as planned…
RockOn! Workshop Goals: - The goals of this workshop are…DARFFALS 1. FUN – have an experience like no other 2. LEARN – how to build simple sounding rocket payloads 3. DO – use your hands to do the above 4. FLY – put all the above on a rocket and launch it 5. ANALYZE – understand the data from your flight (recover) 6. ACCESS – create standard access platform to space (RockSat) 7. START – Go home and start your own student program 8. RETURN – in the future with your own rocket payload
RockOn! What we told them… - You will form teams of three (you pick them)* * one team of four
RockOn! What we told them… - Teams will get a kit of parts
RockOn! Movie:
RockOn! Movie: MOVIE
RockOn! Electronics Build on Day 2 What we told them…
RockOn! What we told them…
RockOn! Workshop Goals: - Program on Day 3
RockOn! Workshop Goals:
RockOn! Workshop Goals: - Integrate on Day 4
RockOn! Workshop Goals: - Integrate on Day 4
RockOn! Workshop Goals: - Load on Day 5
RockOn! Workshop Goals:
RockOn! Workshop Goals:
RockOn! Workshop Goals:
RockOn! Workshop Goals:
RockOn! Workshop Goals:
RockOn! Workshop Goals:
RockOn! Workshop Goals:
RockOn! Workshop Goals:
RockOn! Workshop Goals:
RockOn! Recovery: How many worked?
RockOn! Then another something else amazing happened…
RockOn! Workshop Vision: - You take this experience and do something with it - When you are ready to fly, you’ll come back to Wallops - You’ll fly your payload on next summer’s workshop flight - Your launch fee will directly supports the 2009 workshop flight
RockOn! Future: - Four RockSat Payload Canisters will be flown on the same flight - Cost is $12K per canister for 20 pounds - Launch is June 26, 2009
RockOn! Future: AUG Intent to Fly - RockSat Users Guide OCT – DEC Design Reviews FEB Wallops Final Reviews JUN Launch
RockOn! Future: PL 1 PL 2 PL 3 PL 4 PL 5 PL 6 PL 7 PL 8 PL 9 Participating Schools Boston University Colorado State University Metropolitan State College Penn State, Mont Alto University of Colorado at Boulder University of Minnesota University of North Dakota University of Puerto Rico University of Wyoming Virginia Tech University of North Dakota Metropolitan State College Colorado State University
RockOn! Future: - Wallops has already committed to a much bigger rocket for next summer - A two stage Terrier- Orion Sounding Rocket - Expected to reach 140 km
RockOn! RockOn! 2009 World Impact
RockOn! World Impact:
RockOn! World Impact:
RockOn! World Impact:
RockOn! World Impact:
RockOn! Workshop Vision:
RockOn! World Impact:
RockOn! Workshop Vision:
RockOn! World Impact:
RockOn! World Impact:
RockOn! World Impact:
RockOn! World Impact:
RockOn! Future:
RockOn! June 21 – 26, 2009
RockOn! RockOn 2009… Includes… $ Breakfast and lunch every day $ Dinner twice $ All reusable kit hardware $ Handbook and software $ Shirt and other items $ Launch and recovery $1,875 Priceless Total Experience… $1699
RockOn! RockOn! 2008 RockOn/ RockSat History
RockOn! Workshop Origins: - The workshop kit or RocketSat has been under development and testing since January RocketSat has been developed by undergraduate students from the University of Colorado at Boulder - RocketSat has flown three times in different configurations - RocketSat I September RocketSat IIApril RocketSat IIIJune RocketSat DMarch 2008 (moved to June/July 2008) - RocketSat IVJune 24, 2008
RockOn! RocketSat I: Objectives: 1. Easily reproducible payload design (COTS) 2. Qualitative data description of flight environment with altitude 3. Science Package: - Geiger Counter - Microwave Detector - Temperature sensor - Accelerometers - Pressure sensor
RockOn! Kit Concept:
RockOn! RocketSat I:
RockOn! Kit Concept:
RockOn! RocketSat I:
RockOn! RocketSat I:
RockOn! RocketSat II: Objectives: 1. Easily reproducible payload design (COTS) 2. Record detailed flight data: - Video Camera 3. Environmental sensors: - Temperature - Pressure - Humidity - Three-axis accelerometers - Strain gauges - Faculty GPS experiment
RockOn! RocketSat II:
RockOn! RocketSat II:
RockOn! RocketSat II:
RockOn! RocketSat II:
RockOn! RocketSat II:
RockOn! RocketSat II:
RockOn! RocketSat II:
RockOn! The Next Step:
RockOn! The Next Step:
RockOn! The Next Step:
RockOn! RocketSat III: Objectives: 1. Re-fly all hardware from RS I except microwave sensor and Geiger counter 2. New Sensors: - Silicon pressure sensor - New Geiger counter - New microwave sensor
RockOn! RocketSat III:
RockOn! RocketSat III:
RockOn! RocketSat III:
RockOn! The Next Step:
RockOn! RocketSat III:
RockOn! RocketSat D: RocketSat D (for Donut) Objectives 1. Sanity check for RockOn workshop kit
RockOn! RocketSat IV: Objectives: 1. Highest recording of greenhouse gases via Aircore process 2. Prove RockSat standard and RockOn sustainability concept
RockOn! RocketSat IV:
RockOn! RockOn! 2008 RockOn 2009
RockOn! Workshop Preparations: - Numerous reviews, meetings, and telecons with Wallops
RockOn! Workshop Preparations: - Lots of testing
RockOn! Workshop Preparations: - Many walk-throughs
RockOn! Workshop Preparations: - Lots and Lots of cash…
RockOn! Workshop Funding: - Workshop is being funded by… - Wallops Flight Facility - NASA Education - CO and VA Space Grant - RockSat teams - You – the participants (Registration Fee)
RockOn! Workshop Preparations: - All that said, we think we’re ready…
RockOn! Your Handbook: - One copy for each participant - Everything we use in the workshop is in the handbook - There is a DVD-ROM with electronic version of everything - Put your name on the handbook, we do not have extras - You will use it in conjunction with the projected slides
RockOn! Let’s Go: - AGENDA….
RockOn! Let’s Go: - AGENDA….
RockOn! Other Items: - Hotel OK? Problems, let me or Debbie know ASAP - Who is not staying at the Refuge? - Anyone have a flight before 1:00 PM on Saturday? - Anyone need transportation to Wallops tomorrow? - Special needs?
RockOn! RockOn! 2008 Workshop Logistics
RockOn! Plan on about minutes to get from Refuge Inn to Wallops -Lost, call You will need to display both your name tag and security badge at all times - Keep them with you everywhere you go - Safety briefing is on Monday so stay off the runway, construction sites, and buildings we are not working in - You will be traveling to and from the hotel and Wallops numerous times this week - Allow for plenty of travel time Workshop Logistics:
RockOn! Plan on about minutes to get from Refuge Inn to Wallops -Lost, call Directions to Wallops from Refuge Inn
RockOn! Directions to Wallops from Refuge Inn -Exit LEFT on Maddox from Refuge Inn -Turn LEFT on N. Main Street -Turn RIGHT on Chincoteague Road (175) -Cross Chincoteague Bay on 175
RockOn! Directions to Wallops from Refuge Inn -Follow Chincoteague Road around Wallops Station -Turn RIGH at Atlantic Road
RockOn! Directions to Wallops from Refuge Inn -Turn RIGHT on Fulton Street, guard station on left, security office on right. Badges should let you pass through guard station. Security Office Guard Station
RockOn! Directions to Wallops from Refuge Inn -Continue on Fulton Street -Take LEFT on Stubbs Boulevard
RockOn! Directions to Wallops from Refuge Inn Breakfast Park Here Our Meeting Location Building F3 Turn LEFT on Bond St and LEFT into Parking Lot
RockOn! Buildings off to your right when you turn left onto Stubbs Rd. Directions to Wallops from Refuge Inn
RockOn! The Williamsburg Room Directions to Wallops from Refuge Inn
RockOn! Workshop Parking Lot Directions to Wallops from Refuge Inn
RockOn! Entrance to Building F3 coming from the parking lot Directions to Wallops from Refuge Inn
RockOn! Workshop Room in Building F3 Directions to Wallops from Refuge Inn
RockOn! Workshop Room in Building F3, looking the Other way and showing the projection screen Directions to Wallops from Refuge Inn
RockOn! Directions to Wallops from Refuge Inn
RockOn! So Let’s Hit the Road… RockOn! 2009 Ready?