Implementing PBIS with Fidelity to Create a System that Works for ALL, including Students with Disabilities: One Small School’s Journey March 5 th, 2015 School District of Wild Rose
Introduction Where/Why did we start? What is PBIS? A broad range of proactive, systemic, and individualized strategies for achieving important social and learning outcomes in safe and effective environments while preventing problem behavior with all students (Sugai, 2007). How did we get buy-in?
Tier 1 District Matrix Voice Volume Chart Flowchart Wildcat Ticket/Classroom Rewards Monthly Character Traits/Cool Tools/Rewards PBIS District Website All School Rewards-quarterly
Tier 2 Office Discipline Referrals-(ODR) Definitions of Major and Minor Behaviors SWIS Data Collection Check in Check out-(CICO) Social Academic Instruction Groups-(SAIG) Functional Behavior Assessment
Future of Our Journey Tier 3 Checklist readiness tool/Fidelity of Tier 2 interventions Data collection/ SAS (Self-Assessment Survey) Monthly meetings/Universal meetings Waiting for Tier 3 trainings-CESA?