Creating A Token Economy in Your Classroom Presented by Heather Sparks, NBCT Taft Middle School
What is a Token Economy? A token economy is a system of behavior modification based on the systematic reinforcement of target behavior. The reinforcers are symbols or “tokens” that can be exchanged for other reinforcers.
What are the steps to setting up a Token Economy? Step 1: Pick target behaviors Raising your hand to speak. Remaining seated during work time. Completing assignments. Using appropriate language in class. These behaviors should be incompatible with negative behaviors. For example, you can’t read silently while talking with your friend.
What are the steps to setting up a Token Economy? Step 2: Decide your reinforcers. Small prizes. Computer time. Lunch with the teacher. Homework passes. You need a variety of reinforcers that will appeal to girls and boys who have different interests and are developmentally appropriate!
What are the steps to setting up a Token Economy? Step 3: Set up a schedule for delivering reinforcers. Time-based: hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, etc. Targeted-response-based: every time, every other time, every 5 times? Whichever you choose, develop a method for keeping track!
What are the steps to setting up a Token Economy? Step 4: Be consistent with implementation, but plan for “the fade”. Implement with fidelity in all classes for all students. Eventually, your tokens will lose their effectiveness if they remain the same. Consider moving to new reinforcers (that may be more ‘expensive’ or take longer to earn. Gradually devalue the tokens. Be sure to tell your students of the change and how proud they should be of their progress.
What are the steps to setting up a Token Economy? Step 5: Be enthusiastic and focus on the positive. Have fun and help the students enjoy it, too! Create a visible list of possible reinforcers so students can refer to it often. Add to it as student interest dictates.
Common Pitfalls Allowing students to go “bankrupt” without an opportunity to earn more reinforcers. Forgetting to follow through with reinforcers. Focusing on too many behaviors at once or setting lofty goals for students. Implementing unattainable reinforcers. Using the same system all year. Making the system too complicated.
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