Empowering the business user
A project funded by 2 csma/v1.1/ © ONTORULE Consortium, all right reserved Fact sheet 3 years Integrating Project FP7, ICT call 3, theme 4.2 Current status: operation Grant agreement: FP Started: 1 January 2009 Duration: 36 months Overall budget: >8 M Max. funding: 5.4 M Effort: 644 person.months (~18 FTE) Consortium Vendors: ILOG + Ontoprise SBVR consultants: PNA (+ John Hall) Use cases: Arcelor Mittal + Audi Technology center: CTIC Academics: TU Vienna + FU. Bozen/Bolzano + U. Paris 13 Coordinator: Christian de Sainte Marie (ILOG)
A project funded by 3 csma/v1.1/ © ONTORULE Consortium, all right reserved Todays practice XOM BOM Business Rules Business vocabulary Application design verbalize design Execute IT application developer Business user IT application developper + Business user
A project funded by 4 csma/v1.1/ © ONTORULE Consortium, all right reserved ONTORULEs vision XOM Business Rules Application Execute Vocabulary + Ontology BU IT BU = business user IT = IT application developer
A project funded by 5 csma/v1.1/ © ONTORULE Consortium, all right reserved Expected benefits for the user Starts from the business knowledge, not from the IT application Closer to Business users concepts and vocabulary Supporting acquisition from business people and policy documents Usability Better modularisation and separation of concerns/levels Accessibility Maintenance, evolution Quality (incl. consistency, validation, tracking…) Re-use Standardisation SBVR + RIF + OWL (+ PRR + JSR094 +…)
A project funded by 6 csma/v1.1/ © ONTORULE Consortium, all right reserved WP1 WP3 WP2 WP1 Technical developments required (Interactive) acquisition of ontologies and rules from business people and (semi-) structured policy documents SBVR for guidance and, maybe, intermediate representation layer B(R+O)MS Tracking/managing dependencies (including with textual sources) Evolution and maintenance (impact of changes across dependencies) Consistency checking (across dependencies) All XXX are discounted 10% during the Holiday period YYYs are never discountable Distribution related issues (usability, accessibility, …) Operationalisation of rules Mapping business-level terminology onto applications data model Coupling with ontology reasoner for what is not in the data model Execution Logical issues (OWA VS CWA…) Reasoners integration Distribution related issues (availability, scalability, …)
A project funded by 7 csma/v1.1/ © ONTORULE Consortium, all right reserved Key objectives Integrating modelling and acquisition framework Usable integrated ownership and management systems Efficient combined execution and inference engines Appropriate standards End-to-end pilot applications Acquisition from textual sources Managing heterogeneous knowledge Combining ontologies and rules Standard-based integration and innovation
A project funded by 8 csma/v1.1/ © ONTORULE Consortium, all right reserved Use case 1: CAx integration Domain The development process is supported by computer-aided methodologies (CAx) and supporting tools The development process is supported by computer-aided methodologies (CAx) and supporting tools Computer Aided Design (CAD): used for the virtual design of car parts and verification of the geometry Computer Aided Engineering (CAE): used for simulating the behavior of a car and its functions Computer Aided Testing (CAT): used for performing physical tests of cars Problem statement CAx methodologies and tools may be alternatives and/or complementary functionalities and/or they can be used at different stages in the development process Across CAx systems, the representation of the bills of material (BOM) varies in structure, granularity and semantics, which makes it difficult to share, interchange, consolidate and/or compare information across CAx methods and tools In addition, BOMs are continuously developed Expected outcome from ONTORULE Uniform representation of process knowledge and CAx method/tool competences methods and tools should be developed that make the BOMs comparable on a higher business level, and maintain the interdependency-information during their life cycle (validation and verification support) Benefits Business oriented orchestration and integration of CAx methods and tools Evolvable and maintainable cost efficient fulfilling all legal requirements
A project funded by 9 csma/v1.1/ © ONTORULE Consortium, all right reserved
A project funded by 10 csma/v1.1/ © ONTORULE Consortium, all right reserved
A project funded by 11 csma/v1.1/ © ONTORULE Consortium, all right reserved Use case 2: Steel Quality Control System Description Domain: Galvanisation line Rules: Quality evaluation of the product path Input: signals from process parameters Intermediate states: compound / extensive defects, qualitative assessment (types, severity, extension of the defects) Output: decision wrt the appropriate path for the product: send to client, downgrade, repair, cut, scrap, to be examined by experts Problems of the current system Maintainability of large rule base (partially) embedded in the application code Transferability (BOM, Rulebase) Expected outcome from ONTORULE Replication of (part of) the current system Assess applicability, maintainability, etc. Compare usability w.r.t. state-of-the-art system Benefits Improve classification accuracy Reduce complaints Reduce expert time Optimize repairing line use
A project funded by 12 csma/v1.1/ © ONTORULE Consortium, all right reserved Concrete output WP1: Acquisition WP2: Management WP3: Execution WP4: CAx integration WP5: Steel industry WP6: Integration and standardization standardsProto.Specif.Req.Validation Standards Open source standard-based specification Scientific papers Public demonstrators Training and tutorials, impact Commercial products (ILOG, Ontoprise) Knowledge and best practices (all) Applications (AUDI, ArcelorMittal) and exploitation RTD workpackages Demonstration workpackages
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