Achieved results and Implementation progress Achieved results and Implementation progress Partnership Re-confirm the partners commitment in Med NetU activities New partners Assure governmental support to the project In Italy and in the partners countries
Achieved results and Implementation progress Achieved results and Implementation progress Set up of the Med NetU Management Bodies and Scientific Committees Set up of the Med NetU Task Force For the project management NETTUNO Partners
Achieved results and Implementation progress Achieved results and Implementation progress Project Updating Technological evolution Psycho-pedagogical didactic model Technological architecture
Didactic Technological Architecture Sub-project Didactic Technological Architecture Sub-project Procurement procedure Psycho-pedagogical didactic model Organisational model of Distance Learning Network Design, detailed and sharing by all partners the new technological architecture: allows Bi-directional Internet by Sat Methodology to adapt (VET) and co-produce (University)
Technological Poles 12 New Technological Poles 7 Universities Technological Poles 5 Vocational Training Technological Poles
Yarmouk UniversityJordan University of Aleppo Syrian Virtual University Syria Ecole Nationale Superieure dInformatique et dAnalyse de Système Morocco University of CreteGreece Institut Nationale Polytechnique de GrenobleFrance Cairo UniversityEgypt University Technological Poles Italy NETTUNO
Institut National De Bureautique et de Micro-Informatique (INBMI) SEII Tunisia Ministère de lEmploi, de la Formation ProfessionnelleMorocco Egyptian Incubators AssociationEgypt Institut de Gestion et de PlanificationAlgeria Vocational Training Technological Poles
Technological Pole With: LCD colour television, Combo VHS-DVD, Integrated system of video conference
Production Centres 9 New Production Centres 7 Universities Production Centres 2 Vocational Training Production Centres
Jordan University of Science and Information Technology Giordanie Ege UniversityTurquie Damascus UniversitySirie Univeristé de Cadi AyyadMorocco Aegean UniversityGreece Helwan UniversityEgypte Universitè de Djialli LiabesAlgerie Universities Production Centres Italy NETTUNO
Ministère de lEducation et de la Formation Professionnelle – CENAFFIF Tunisia Fondation Sophie AntipolisFrance Vocational Training Production Centres
Video Production Centre Main features: Based on digital/DVCAM Protocol Acquisition of video and audio tapes Interface with all video standards
Med NetU Network
Enlarged Network
Coverage of the EUTELSAT W3 satellite
Psycho-Pedagogical-Didactic Model This is a mixed model that empowers traditional systems by using a way of teaching free from space and time limits, but still maintains direct interaction
Psycho-Pedagogical-Didactic Model > Traditional Method > Distance Method
Traditional Model direct interaction with teachers and tutors seminars and practical assignments carried out in the presence of the tutor or teacher meetings with tutors and groups of students held at the Learning Centers
Distance Model on-line distance tutoring teachers Videolessons practical exercises on the Internet
Achieved results and Implementation progress Achieved results and Implementation progress Training of trainers plan for the professionals skills required in the Distance model teaching and learning of Med NetU Training of trainers plan for the professionals skills required in the Distance model teaching and learning of Med NetU
Skills to train the video professors train the web tutors train all profiles engaged in web- based didactic activities
Training of the technical staff working in production and post-production areas to carry out didactic activities on Television director directors assistant video editors light technician others
Training of the Technological Poles managers and of management staff Training of tutors at different level
Achieved results and Implementation progress Med NetU website implementation: 8 section: Information, Office of the student, University Courses, Vocational Training Courses, Lesson on Television, Teachers Area, Students Area, Tutors Area Working partners area 4 languages: arabic, english, french, italian
S University Sub-project
Achieved results and Implementation progress From adaptation to co-production WP 2200: Joint adaptation of the distance modules for University users From adaptation to co-production WP 2200: Joint adaptation of the distance modules for University users WP 2500: Designing and producing distance modules
Achieved results and Implementation progress At the projects end two complete university degree courses in a multilingual version will be produced The degree will be recognised by the different countries involved At the projects end two complete university degree courses in a multilingual version will be produced The degree will be recognised by the different countries involved
Curricula of the University Degrees in Information Communication Technologies and Mechanical Engineering Curricula of the University Degrees in Information Communication Technologies and Mechanical Engineering
Achieved results and Implementation progress Achieved results and Implementation progress Each Didactic Module in three languages: arabic, english, french
Achieved results and Implementation progress Training of the first years Professors 4 didactic modules recorded = 100 hours of videolessons 9 didactic modules ready to be produced in the next two months
Vocational Training Sub-project Vocational Training Sub-project
Availability of the basic didactic materials Translation of the materials available Identification of 8 Area of common interest Identification of the working group for each area Identification of the modules to be adapted in a multilingual version
Common interest Area 1. Basic training on TIC 2. Training of trainers and technicians of the distance teaching 3. Business companies management 4. Public administration management 5. Tourism Management and Marketing 6. Sustainable development 7. Development economics 8. Landscape management
Internet website for Vocational Training
For each module Objectives Contents videolessons Video texts to be downloaded Slides to be downloaded Exercices
Med Net U website