Water Cycle Christopher Kan Lizzy Saxe Irene Chon Jerry Heo
Condensation Water is in clouds as water vapor. Water clumps around dust. Clumps fall as rain
Precipitation Rain falls when the clouds aren’t too cold. If the ground is cold freezing rain may result. Hail falls when the clouds are cold and winds allow the hail ball to get bounced around in the cloud. Snow needs cold and relatively moist air to form.
Rain Shadow Effect Mountains cause clouds to rise and dump their rainfall on the approach side. This causes much less rainfall on the opposite side. A good example? Nevada.
Lakes and Rivers Only.3% of all of Earth’s water is in rivers and lakes. Many lakes and rivers are threatened by pollution from urban runoff and rural pesticides.
River Enviroments Fast moving headwaters are high in Oxygen and low in nutrients Middle Sections contribute biomatter and have healthy balance of oxygen and nutrients. Lowland flood plains include deltas and are slow, low in oxygen and high in nutrients.
Lake Ecology Littoral zone-Near shore most things live here most productive part of lake. Limnetic zone- Open water zone, little plant life, fish Eutrophic zone- Bottom feeders. Lakes turn over in spring and fall and cycle O2 to the bottom and nutrients to the top
Ground Water 30% of fresh water but only.009 of all the water on Earth. 50% of USA’s water supply is from the ground. Ground water is threatened by pollution Ground water eventually flows to the ocean. (Water flows to the lowest point) Percolates down!
Water Management Water conservation is needed. We could save 3.4 million acre-feet of water each year in Cal alone. Sewage Treatment is very important in preserving the environment.
Ocean Zones euphotic zone –Most life here, water evaporates back into clouds. Disphotic-same life here Aphotic-little life here Pollution can cause dead zones!
Plants Major conduit for evaporation of water on land back to the clouds. 10% of all evaporation occurs through plants Called TRANSIPIRATION.
Summary -Water evaporates to form clouds -Rain falls -Water runs back to ocean -Repeat
Works cited Condensation photo: Ice: Rain: Clouds: Mountain: River: Pesticides: Fast River: Slow River: aphs.worldnomads.com/richie/6382/DSC09300.jpg Delta: Canyon: Ocean: Water treatment: Water cycle: Water glass: Lake: