The national re-designation rate for Special Education students is 4% (USDOE, 1996) Graduation rate of Special Education students is 57% (USDOE, 2001). An estimated 50% of the US prison population was identified as having Special Needs in school (NCSET, 2006). Students with disabilities become adults with disabilities. This is the subgroup of adults that have the highest unemployment rate.
: There were 6.4 million children being served under the Individuals with Disabilities Act. Students with disabilities account for 13% of the school aged population being served in public schools. Out of the 13%, Specific Learning Disabilities represent 4.8%. The largest identified group within this 6.4 million was Specific Learning Disabilities (SLD) with 2.4 million. The identification of students with a SLD has increased from 796,000 to 2.4 million from 1977 to Largest increase than any other identified disability.
“It is estimated that up to 80 percent of students identified as having a specific learning disability do not have a disability at all – they simply never mastered the ability to read” --Baird, 2008
It is a way of thinking! “Don’t tell me all kids can learn. Show me what you do when they don’t.” – Rick Dufour
RTI2 replaces S-Team Students can still have a 504 It’s a catch and release model Skills based intervention not standards Process-What do “I” need to do? The ACS RTI webpage with the RTI Manual, School Teams and all Required Forms is located at:
K-2 Reading and Math 2%20ELA_Math%20Guidelines%20Final.pdf 2%20ELA_Math%20Guidelines%20Final.pdf 3-5 Reading and Math 5%20ELA_Math%20Guidelines%20Final.pdf 5%20ELA_Math%20Guidelines%20Final.pdf 6-12 Reading and Math 12%20ELA_Math%20Guidelines%20Final.pdf 12%20ELA_Math%20Guidelines%20Final.pdf
Who is your fidelity monitor? Make sure the fidelity monitor is documenting checks in Tier 1, Tier, II, and Tier III. Guidelines for fidelity monitor is here: overview.html overview.html Fidelity Monitor Checklist is here: monitoring-checklist.html monitoring-checklist.html
Universal Screening (Istation and CBM for k-1 math) Occur the week of Sept K-2 CBM Math will be given the week of Sept 15
Review reports for all classes Identify students scoring below the 25% Complete an RTI2 folder sheet for EVERY child below the 25% in your homeroom. Begin completing the Intervention Documentation Form - Some suggested interventions are here: intervention-suggestions.html intervention-suggestions.html Complete the Referral to RTI Team form Identify students scoring below the 10% Complete an RTI2 folder sheet for EVERY child below the 10% in your homeroom. Begin completing the Intervention Documentation Form - Some suggested interventions are here: intervention-suggestions.html intervention-suggestions.html Complete the Referral to RTI Team form
The students below the 25% and the 10% in Reading and Math are referred to the RTI2 school team. Individual teachers may bring the RTI folder sheet, RTI Referral Form, and the Intervention Documentation form for each student to the RTI school team meeting every 4.5 weeks. Complete these forms in advance. It is also possible for all grade chairs to collect this documentation and bring to the team meeting to represent the grade level.
Team will meet to discuss Tier 2 and 3 only Review each case Tier II students go into yellow folders Tier III students go into red folders Parent letters go home when students change tiers RTI team will complete the list of students at risk form and also the Assignments of Interventions for Students at risk form Determine interventions using the “1.2 Referral to RTI Team Step 3” form Yellow/Red folders are returned with teachers
Follow the Istation path for that student Tier 2: 3, 30 minute sessions per week on the computer and 2, face-t0-face lessons Tier 3: 3, 30 minute sessions per week on the computer with 15 additional minutes (total 45) and 2, face-to-face lessons – Document on Intervention Log Istation provides 1 progress monitoring data point at the beginning of every month. If you see they are not improving, you will “On Demand” the student(s) outside of intervention time for additional data points
Meets every 4.5 weeks Discuss interventions working/not working Modify interventions every 4.5 weeks if not working Goal is to make the interventions work and move students to the next level (hopefully off of SPED services)
Intervention Time for Tier 1 students: Deliver normal lesson aligned with skills they are lacking from Universal Screener (Istation) data. Concentrate on the greatest skill deficit. If no deficit is present, then provide enrichment to students scoring in the upper percentiles. Data points may be collected for students receiving enrichment for progress monitoring although these students do not fall into a district defined tier (local level only defined tier).
On the following slides, please find some scenarios that you might encounter in the RTI process. Have your school RTI team or teachers practice with recommendations for each scenario.
STUDENT 1 September Universal screener (Istation) scores below the 25% in reading. She qualifies for Tier II intervention. Now what? RECOMMENDATION
STUDENT 2 6 th grade students scores below 10 th % in reading on universal screener. He qualifies for Tier III intervention. Now what? RECOMMENDATION
STUDENT 3 Scores Tier II Istation Math and Reading below the 25%. Now what? RECOMMENDATION
STUDENT 4 She scores Tier I ELA, but scores Tier III Math. Now what? RECOMMENDATION
STUDENT 5 She scores Tier I ELA with 95% and scores in 90% in math, Tier I. Now what? RECOMMENDATION
Students receive intervention based on what the RTI2 team designed. Tier 2: 3, 30 min sessions and 2 face-to-face lessons Tier 3: 3, 45 min. sessions and 2 face-to-face lessons Tier 1: provide interventions regarding skills Monitor the students Progress monitor will automatically occur the first of the month on Istation.
Sept Istation (Reading & Math) Sept easyCBM Dec Istation (Reading & Math) Dec. 15-Jan. 9 easyCBM May 1-22 Istation (Reading & Math) April easyCBM
Todd Goforth, Elementary Supervisor Susan Knight, Psychologist, Donelson and AHS Jessica Mosteller, Psychologist, Arlington Elementary and Arlington Middle