U NPACKING THE E NGLISH L ANGUAGE A RTS C OMMON C ORE S TATE S TANDARDS By Illinois State Board of Education English Language Arts Content Area Specialists
P URPOSES /O UTCOMES Understand overall structure and layout of the English Language Arts Common Core State Standards (CCSS). Engage in processes and activities that may be utilized in your school or district.
Kathleen McNeary Area IA Erik Iwersen Area I-BB, BC, BD Amy Robinson Area I-C Jill Brown Area II Katy Sykes Area III and IV Kathi Rhodus Area V and VI
English Language Arts Common Core Standards Reading Strand Key Ideas and Details Craft and Structure Integration of Knowledge and Ideas Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity Writing Strand Text Types and Purposes Production and Distribution of Writing Research to Build Knowledge Range of Writing Speaking and Listening Strand Comprehension and Collaboration Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas Language Strand Conventions of Standard English Knowledge of Language Vocabulary Acquisition and Use
Q UESTIONS TO C ONSIDER 1. Pick a GRADE LEVEL and read the Standards vertically for that grade. What resonates with you? What’s the same? What is different? 2. Pick a STANDARD and read that Standard horizontally across the K-12 continuum. What do you notice? BB
Illinois State Board of Education/SSOS English Language Arts Content Specialists Team/Summer Regional Conference
Y OUR T URN : U NPACKING THE S TANDARDS 1. Analyze what students to know (nouns), and 2. be able to do (verbs) to demonstrate mastery of this standard. 3. Classify these items under columns 2 or 3 Column 2 – lower level thinking skills Column 3 – higher level thinking skills Illinois State Board of Education/SSOS English Language Arts Content Specialists Team/Summer Regional Conference
4. Reflect on the similarities and differences to your current curriculum. (4 th column) 5. Consider the support needed to implement this standard with fidelity. (bottom of template) Illinois State Board of Education/SSOS English Language Arts Content Specialists Team/Summer Regional Conference
Unpacking Discoveries!
C ONTACT I NFORMATION Dr. Amy Robinson Katy Sykes