Are you ready?
Mr Langhorst – South Valley Jr High Social Studies
Some reminders about the game: Answer the question on your sheet Circle the amount you win when you answer the question correctly These ANSWERS are written in the form of ANSWERS to make it easier to help you study
The area from the Missouri River to the Rocky Mountains Great Plains
Unsettled or sparsely settled area of the country largely occupied by Native Americans FRONTIER
A large deposit of gold and silver found in Western Nevada in 1859 COMSTOCK LODE
Groups of people who take the law into their own hands VIGILANTES
Land set aside for Native Americans RESERVATIONS
Signed in 1851 in Wyoming, set boundaries for tribal lands TREATY OF FORT LARAMIE
Government sends this leader with soldiers to the West to stop the Native American uprising GEORGE CUSTER
This event happens in South Dakota in 1890, the last armed resistance by Native Americans WOUNDED KNEE MASSACRE
African American soldiers who fought in the West BUFFALO SOLDIERS
A piece of land with a home on it HOMESTEAD
Spanish speaking people in the American Southwest MEXICANOS
I created a traveling show that spreads the myth of the American West WILLIAM “BUFFALO BILL” CODY
I create the first steel plow JOHN DEERE
Settlers who build homes of sod on the plains SODBUSTERS
Wanted unlimited coining of silver, creates more money and prices go up FREE SILVER POLICY
An organization created in 1867 by farmers so they can have some political power GRANGE
Moving cattle from the ranch to the railroad towns for transportation LONG DRIVE
Battle in Montana in which George Custer and all 211 of his men are killed by Native Americans BATTLE OF LITTLE BIGHORN
Created in 1862, the U.S. government offered 160 acres free to anyone who would live on it for 5 years and make improvements HOMESTEAD ACT
African Americans who moved West to set up farms EXODUSTERS
Thanks for Playing! Good luck on the test!