What Planners need to know from Local Enterprise Partnerships: Understanding development and improving the economy Richard Hardesty – on behalf of GLLEP.


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Presentation transcript:

What Planners need to know from Local Enterprise Partnerships: Understanding development and improving the economy Richard Hardesty – on behalf of GLLEP

What Planners need to know Local enterprise partnerships: 39 agreed partnerships across England which cover all but one local authority led by local authorities and businesses across natural economic areas provide the vision, knowledge and strategic leadership needed to drive sustainable private sector growth and job creation in their area The Local Growth White Paper set out the diverse roles the local enterprise partnerships can play depending on their local priorities As a result, they are all operate differently and have their own priorities.

Introduction to GLLEP The Greater Lincolnshire Local Enterprise Partnership was approved in the first wave of LEPs and has committed itself to improving the economy of Lincolnshire, North Lincolnshire and North East Lincolnshire. It met for the first time on 7 th December The partnership was formed in response to a strong desire by the business community and the public sector to ensure that economic interests of the area were properly represented. Image to go here

Progress and Successes Balanced board of 16 operational Key priorities - infrastructure and creating the right conditions for business growth Engagement with business Increased operational working between the three areas Infrastructure – Lincoln Eastern Bypass, and A18/A180 link road Successful BDUK – Lincolnshire, and NE and North Lincolnshire Growing Places Fund Port of Grimsby Enterprise Zone (Humber LEP) RGF – 3 successes

Task groups The GLLEP is working with businesses in 6 key sectors (Manufacturing, Visitor Economy, Renewables, Care, Agri-food and Ports & Logistics) to establish the following: The top 5 opportunities for growth in the sector The top 5 barriers for growth in the sector, and how could these be removed? What role could the public sector play in facilitating new investment? How are national policies affecting companies at a local level? What critical issues would the sector group like the GLLEP to lobby national government about?

Task Group Findings The top 5 barriers for growth in the sector were identified as: Access to finance Skills Transport and Infrastructure Planning Red Tape But how does this affect Planners in Lincolnshire?

GLLEP Workshop The GLLEP Board recognises the important link between timely development and improving the local economy, so decided to create a platform to enable public and private sector bodies to look at the current system for development. A workshop was held in March and discussed the present development process, how things could be done differently and what’s getting in the way of timely development The aims of the event were to identify opportunities where the LEP can lobby for change and to create a closer working relationship between public and private sector bodies. Attendee’s (stakeholders) included developers, district and county council planners, highways representatives, utility companies and the Environment Agency among others.

Pre workshop - developer consultation A breakfast meeting was held where invited attendee’s were given the opportunity to share their views on anything relating to the Development Process. It was intended that feedback received from this developer consultation session would feed into the main workshop. In general feedback was that: Frustrations with the time it takes to get things done Would like a check list of all the things that need to be considered Individuals make a big difference It feels like we try to meet planners requirements but still get rejected Trying to get utilities to work together (single excavations) is nigh impossible But how would this feedback be received?

The Workshop Delegates were introduced to the GLLEP, the background to the event, as well as the Purpose and Objectives. They then separated into two groups to consider: How we do things now What could we do differently to the benefit of all involved? What would be the next steps

Workshop – the process

Workshop Key Messages “It was a very positive meeting and by the end everyone present agreed that we can all benefit from working together more effectively.” “It was agreed that understanding of the development process was poor and that we should attempt to communicate the process much more effectively to all stakeholders.” “All stakeholders could benefit from being involved earlier in the process.”

What happens next Share the learning from this workshop with stakeholders Create working group to clarify the ‘end to end process map’ - publish it to key stakeholders Consider the creation of a Greater Lincolnshire Planning Charter Mark as a result. Identify if there are barriers which the GLLEP could help remove

The intended outcomes Improved understanding of the development process Appreciation of other stakeholders perspectives Timely development resulting in quicker investment into the local economy Government induced blockages can be lobbied for change

Further information The LEP Network The LEP Network is a gateway to news and information that enables Local Enterprise Partnerships to come together to discuss issues of shared importance, engage with Government, and share knowledge and good practice.