the starting point for designing a successful bar is its clientele the people you want to attract and serve, who are going to pay your bills and provide your profit and give you the pleasure of making them happy. The are the focal point around which everything else revolves : the atmosphere you create, the drinks you serve, the décor, entertaining, sound, lighting, dress the total impact. They influence your location, your floor plan, the equipment you put in your bar, the kind of staff you hire everything.
1. Dinner at restaurant where drinks are serve. They enjoy a good meal, and the drink- whether a cocktail or wine or after dinner drink or all three – enchance the enjoyment of the total experience. through the food may be the primary focus, these people usualy want the drink too. Restaurant that do a flurishing business without alcohol are the exception rather than the rule.
2. Drop –in customers who are on their way some where else. They usually want refreshment – a quick pick-me-up or let me down after a day’s work. The drinks is the focus here one or two at most and than the customer is on the move again. people waiting for a plane or a train or meeting someone at the bar also belong to this group. Bars near office building or factories, or in train or bus stations, airport, and hotel lobbies typically serve this kind of customer.
3. Meet and go customer, individuals looking for a new friend of the opposite sex anything from a date for the evening to a whole new relationship. They go as singles to “meet bars” that are attractive to other seekers like themselves. They stay long enough to meet someone they’d like to spend the evening with, and the two of them move on to a place where the food or the entertainment is suitable for a leisurely evening together.
4. Entertainment seeker leisure time customers looking for relaxation, stimulation, a change of place. The frequent bar, lounge, clubs, and restaurant where something is going on country and western music, games, dancing, a change to meet new people or keep up with social trends. They may visit several places or spend a whole evening in only one if the entertainment and the drinks and the company are good.
5. Regular patrons of neighborhood bar or taverns where friend are likely to gather. They are interested in enjoyment and relaxation too, but their primary desire is for companionship being with people they know and like, felling comfortable and at home, feeling they belong.