PBIS Tier 1 & 2 Coaches’ Meeting WCTC – ISU Room March 19 or 20, 2014
Announcements/Expectations Welcome Be respectful –Cell phones off/vibrate –Leave no trace Be responsible –Sign In (to get paid!) –Use a CR-PBIS lens –Participate!
Today’s Focus includes: Spring Assessment Tools –New Tool replaces PoI Effective Use of Data New PBIS Recognition Process
Multi-Tiered Action Plan (MAP)
Visible and used at EVERY team meeting Use one action plan to coordinate all of the building’s PBIS implementation steps, for the entire year Data Sources for action planning: –“Big 5” & other discipline data –TIC –SAS –BAT –SET Survey –School-wide PBIS Tiered Fidelity Inventory Multi-Tiered Action Plan (MAP) Working plan that documents progress of implementation
Multi-Tiered Action Plan (MAP)
Websites!!!!!! Get your surveys and checklists at:
SW-PBIS Tiered Fidelity Inventory Replaces the Phases of Implementation (PoI)
School-wide PBIS Tiered Fidelity Inventory Available on March 21 st at Used for PBIS Recognition Bronze Silver Gold Platinum Guides Action Planning at all 3 Tiers
School-wide PBIS Tiered Fidelity Inventory “Big picture” of PBIS implementation at all tiers Itemized rubric Used for PBIS Recognition Bronze Silver (80% on any tier) Gold (80% at 2 or more tiers) Platinum (80% on all 3 tiers) Guides Action Planning at all 3 Tiers
Self Assessment Survey (SAS)
Window Open: April 1-30, 2014 Reports available May 1st Assesses the extent to PBIS practices and systems are in place within a school School-wide Non-classroom Classroom Individual Student All certified and non-certified staff take the survey at pbisapps.org using your login information. Assists with internal decision making, assessment of change over time, awareness of staff perception, & team validation
SAS Individual Items Report
Benchmarks for Advanced Tiers (BAT)
Tier 1 & 2 Teams complete in April/May Addresses 10 Critical Features for Tier 2/3 Interventions Team self-assessment of Tier 2/3 implementation status to guide action planning
Tier 2/3 Tracking Tool
Tier 2/3 Tracking Tool
Major vs. Minor Referrals Major = Office Managed Minor = Classroom Managed Defined with consensus of staff and then taught to ALL
T-Chart (Classroom vs. Office Managed Behaviors)
Why collecting minor referrals matters… Patterns of Minor Office Discipline Referrals in Schools using SWIS Cody M. Gion, Kent McIntosh and Robert Horner; University of Oregon See our article in the C&I February 2014 Newsletter: ty/Domain/23/NewsletterFebruary2014.pdf Or Visit for the original articlehttp://
Minor Referral Data is used to identify… Classroom management needs –Grade/classroom level instructional focus for “Cool Tools” –Grade/classroom level acknowledgement focus –Celebrations –Procedures –Supervision Support for individual teachers –Professional Development –Coaching
Major Referral Data is used to identify… School-wide needs –Instructional focus for Behavioral/Cool Tool Lessons –Acknowledgments –Boosters –Celebrations –Procedures –Supervision Small group and Individual student intervention needs (Tiers 2 & 3)
Beyond the “Big 5” & Top Five Use Pinpoint Analytics –Data at least monthly –Project during meetings –Share with all staff Digging deeper to answer questions, target action steps, problem solve Use “fresh” data: less than 48 hrs old! Proportionality data –Cultural Responsiveness
Average Referrals/Day/Month Note: Major offenses only Change over time Trends Predict needs for planning Goal: per 100 students per day/per month Elementary: 2 referrals M.S./H.S.: 3 referrals
Recognition Process
Recognition Process Due May 16, 2013 to: Illinois PBIS Network 335 N. LaGrange Rd. Suite 4 LaGrange Park, IL Complete Implementation Inventory and submit on Check Implementation Inventory results on and if meeting 80% fidelity on 2 or more tiers, submit application for Gold/Platinum.
SWPBIS Tiered Fidelity Inventory Required for Recognition
Sharing & Networking
Cultural Responsiveness How is your team/school addressing cultural responsiveness? How have you addressed CR in: Analyzing proportionality Teaching expectations (Cool Tools) Acknowledging student behavior Collecting data of majors and minors Building Relationships with students and each other
US Dept of Education Comprehensive Report & Resources New Federal Guidance on School Discipline and Discrimination discipline/index.html This resource is invaluable in helping to examine data, systems and practices to problem-solve and action plan around topics/issues related to cultural responsiveness.
Family/Student Engagement How do you involve families in PBIS at your school and on your team? What skills/contributions can family members offer to your team/school? How do you involve students in providing input/feedback on PBIS? What skills/contributions can students offer your PBIS team/school?
Teaching Expectations Behavioral Lesson Plans/Cool Tools: Response to discipline data Explicitly connect to school-wide expectation(s) Monitoring the fidelity of teaching All adults teach o What is your building schedule for teaching behavioral lessons? o What resources do you use to build lessons? o Who develops the lesson plans?
Upcoming Team Times May 1 st or May 6 th 7:30-10:30 or 12:30-3:30 *Choose 1 day and 1 time* Add planning ideas to your MAP Today
Thanks for being here!!!