Agent Technology Center, Czech Technical University 25+ researchers performing : »basic research in multi-agent systems, agent based computing and agent technology »applied research in air traffic control, network security, tactical planning, distributed diagnostics, production planning »building complex multi-agent models of distributed, multi-actor scenarios used for testing, verification and demonstration of agent- based computing algorithms key capabilities and skills: »modeling and simulation »planning and coordination »distributed data analysis
Subject of the presentation AGENTFLY multi-agent system: high-fidelity and scalable air traffic simulator. »From demonstrator for modeling and solving the UAS collision avoidance »To system modeling civilian aircrafts providing high fidelity model of NAS AGENTFLY baseline functionality: »modeling and simulation of free-flight UAS campaign »sense and avoid by means of negotiation based collision avoidance »efficient, real-time trajectory based planning for collision free flight »complex 2D and 3D visualization of the flight, airplane interactions (including history), plans and manoeuver spaces AGENTFLY NAS related functionality: »high-performance, scalable simulations by means of full distribution »integration the BADA physical models of the airplanes, fuel burn models »integration the weather models, integrates SUA, air sectors, GPS coordinates The system developments has been supported by: »AFRL, AFOSR and EOARD, ARL, US ARMY CERDEC, FAA, BAE Systems
Flight Trajectory Planning – State Space[1]
Collision Avoidance[2]
Interaction of UASs and Civilian Traffic[3]
Collision Avoidance of Perpendicular Flows[4]
Iterative Accelerated A* Planning[5]
Dynamic SUAs[6]
Integrated Weather Model[7]
Ontario to Houston Flights[8]
Planning in NAS Traffic[9]
All IFR Flights touching NAS[10]
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