Office of Science U.S. Department of Energy EMSL Operating Hours EMSL users have access to a wide range of experimental instrumentation for molecular-level research and a supercomputer for computational studies. Examples: - Twelve nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectrometers ( MHz) - Five FTICR mass spectrometers ( Tesla) and a half dozen other spectrometers Some users need user operator assistance (available 10h/day, 5 days/week), but many do not and use systems on weekends The supercomputer is used 24/7 Overall average scheduled operating hours estimated at 12h/day, 365 days/year Scheduled Operating Hours / % Operation FY 2003FY 2004FY %
Office of Science U.S. Department of Energy ARM Climate Research Facility Operating Hours ARM Climate Research Facilities (ACRF) consist of ground stations for studying cloud formation processes and their influence on radiative transfer and for measuring other parameters that determine the radiative properties of the atmosphere. There are 3 ground stations: US Southern Great Plains, North Slope of Alaska, Tropical Western Pacific. Mobile Facility being developed. Scheduled Operating Hours: Average of scheduled hours for the three fixed sites and measured by data availability. Assumes 24x7 operations minus scheduled maintenance of instruments and geographic considerations (mostly due to polar night) Scheduled Operating Hours / % Operation FY 2003FY 2004FY >98%
Office of Science U.S. Department of Energy FACE Research Facility Operating Hours FACE facilities enrich, in a controlled manner, CO 2 concentrations in the atmosphere within a terrestrial ecosystem enabling the study of the effects of a change in atmospheric composition on ecosystem structure and functioning. There are 4 FACE facilities: Duke Forest; Nevada Test Site; Oak Ridge National Laboratory; Rhinelander, Wisconsin. An operating hour is an hour during which CO 2 concentration is enriched in a controlled way. Each site has a different schedule of operation that varies from year to year because of differences in ecosystem type and theoverall research strategy. Total Scheduled Operating Hours / % Operation FY 2003FY 2004FY ,44215, %97.5%
Office of Science U.S. Department of Energy Production Genomics DNA Sequencing Facility Operating Hours The Production Genomics Facility (PGF) carries out high throughput DNA sequencing to address the DNA sequencing needs of the broad scientific community through a merit reviewed process of sequencing target selection. The PGF also addresses the DNA sequencing needs of the Genomics:GTL research program. The PGF is located in Walnut Creek, California. The PGF operates 80 hours per week, 45 weeks per year. Scheduled Operating Hours / % Operation FY 2003FY 2004FY >98%
Office of Science U.S. Department of Energy Center for Comparative Genomics Operating Hours The Center for Comparative and Functional Genomics is a state of the art mouse research facility. The facility has a large collection of mouse stocks, most of which propagate mutations induced (over a period of several decades) by radiation or chemicals in various stages of male or female gametogenesis. This facility opened in FY 2004 and is just beginning to develop a research user base. The Center is located at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. The definition of an operating hour for a facility with live animals is not clear since the animals are “maintained” 24/7/365. However, staff are present at the facility 12 hours a day Monday-Friday and 4 hours a day on the weekend. Scheduled Operating Hours / % Operation FY 2003FY 2004FY 2005 Not open3536 >99%
Office of Science U.S. Department of Energy Structural Biology User Facility Operating Hours BER supports user facilities for structural biologists at DOE synchrotron and neutron sources operated by the Office of Basic Energy Sciences (BES). User statistics for these facilites are collected and reported by BES.