Getting to know your Eastside HOG Board: 20 Questions with Micki Brown 6) Of all the rides you've taken, which one stands out the most and why? The 1st trip to Yellowstone -- awesome friends to ride with and the weather and scenery were incredibly great!. 7) What one ride do you want to take before you lower your kick stand for the last time? Any ride with Ron. He's the reason I ride. 8) What ride do you look forward to every year and why? The MS-150 that Karen Penewell heads up. She's so totally awesome at this -- and a great gal to boot! 9) What Harley model would you buy next and why? If it's up to me, we'd keep the RK we now have, but sooner or later the bug will definitely bite Ron again. Then we'll be debating on the horrid colors (orange, turquoise, etc.) that he can get a screaming deal on. I'd love to get a light blue one though with some nice pin striping. 10) Who's the most famous person you've met? Hmmm... I had lunch with Jean Enerson once; does that count? 11) Who's the one person you would like to meet & why? Lady Diana, very much a lady and one who left a legacy to her sons. 12) Who do you admire the most and why? My husband. Geez.. he puts up with me, doesn't he?! 13) What do you want to be doing in 5 yrs? Enjoying my family, gardening, reading and maybe still traveling in Europe. 14) Besides riding motorcycles, what are your other hobbies? Enjoying my family and friends, gardening, reading, photography and traveling. 15) What don't most people know about you? My middle name! (Continued next page) 16) What gets you fired up (angry)? Disrespect. 17) What relaxes you (puts you at ease)? Sharing a nice glass of wine as we sit on our deck with the sun shining down over Lake Washington.. 18) If you could, what non-living person would you like to have a conversation with and why? Again, Lady Diana. 19) What's your biggest mistake? Not marrying Ron 1st. 20) If you could, what one message would you like to communicate to the world? Embrace life; it is short, but it's really wide! Live, laugh, love and be happy! 1) How would friends in high school describe you? Quiet and shy... yeah, right! 2) Give us your Favorites Movie: Play Misty For Me Bike Movie: Are there any good ones? Book: How about authors instead... that'd be JRRTolkien, Michener, Clancey, Cussler Clavell, Hiassen, Nevada Barr... avid reader. Vacation Spot: Used to be Puerto Vallara, Mexico, but it's too sophisticated. Guess it'd be just about anywhere except high desert when it's too hot and too dry. Our USA is so beautiful we can afford to be whimsical! Actor: Lead actor in Play Misty For Me, Clint Eastwood. Food Dish: Coffee yogurt with sliced almonds and chocolate syrup Athlete: Dan Wilson, past catcher for the Mariners. Sport: Baseball (mostly just the Mariners though). Musician: Johnny Mathis Song: Old favs are Let It Be by the Beatles, Norma Jean by Elton, but today it's most any CW music that KMPS plays. TV Show: TV mystery series like the CSI series, NCIS and, of course, Survivor! TV Bike Show: You're kidding, right? Day of the week: If it's a beautiful morning, that's the day. Being retired, we get weekends every day! 3) If you could have a life mulligan (do over) what would it be ? Marry Ron 1st. 4) What model was your first Harley? Didn't have a H-D; it was a Honda. 5) Why Harley and not another motorcycle brand. We've had other "brands", but the Harley family gives Ron and I what we're looking for: companions to ride with. We've made so many friends via HOG, that it's hard to imagine who we'd be hanging with today without the experience. Like anything else that's expensive, it's worth the cost to go 1st Class! 6) Of all the rides you've taken, which one stands out the most and why? The 1st trip to Yellowstone -- awesome friends to ride with and the weather and scenery were incredibly great!. 7) What one ride do you want to take before you lower your kick stand for the last time? Any ride with Ron. He's the reason I ride. 8) What ride do you look forward to every year and why? The MS-150 that Karen Penewell heads up. She's so totally awesome at this -- and a great gal to boot! 9) What Harley model would you buy next and why? If it's up to me, we'd keep the RK we now have, but sooner or later the bug will definitely bite Ron again. Then we'll be debating on the horrid colors (orange, turquoise, etc.) that he can get a screaming deal on. I'd love to get a light blue one though with some nice pin striping. 10) Who's the most famous person you've met? Hmmm... I had lunch with Jean Enerson once; does that count? 11) Who's the one person you would like to meet & why? Lady Diana, very much a lady and one who left a legacy to her sons. 12) Who do you admire the most and why? My husband. Geez.. he puts up with me, doesn't he?! 13) What do you want to be doing in 5 yrs? Enjoying my family, gardening, reading and maybe still traveling in Europe. 14) Besides riding motorcycles, what are your other hobbies? Enjoying my family and friends, gardening, reading, photography and traveling. 15) What don't most people know about you? My middle name! 16) What gets you fired up (angry)? Disrespect. 17) What relaxes you (puts you at ease)? Sharing a nice glass of wine as we sit on our deck with the sun shining down over Lake Washington.. 18) If you could, what non-living person would you like to have a conversation with and why? Again, Lady Diana. 19) What's your biggest mistake? Not marrying Ron 1st. 20) If you could, what one message would you like to communicate to the world? Embrace life; it is short, but it's really wide! Live, laugh, love and be happy!
(Cont Questions) 16) What gets you fired up (angry)? Disrespect. 17) What relaxes you (puts you at ease)? Sharing a nice glass of wine as we sit on our deck with the sun shining down over Lake Washington.. 18) If you could, what non-living person would you like to have a conversation with and why? Again, Lady Diana. 19) What's your biggest mistake? Not marrying Ron 1st. 20) If you could, what one message would you like to communicate to the world? Embrace life; it is short, but it's really wide! Live, laugh, love and be happy! Lake Chelan Ride After a long ride we’re finally at Lake Chelan Group shot in Leavenworth