September ERD 5 th Grade
Welcome to Harmony! Norms House keeping
Today’s Learning Targets I can share best practices related to the Common Core and NC Essential Standards with teachers throughout our district. I can gain knowledge from other teachers about teaching the new standards, the math practices, and the shifts. I can find resources that align to the new standards and shifts in instruction. I can develop a clearer understanding of the new standards.
Continuing our Common Core PD Journey….. 1. April CCSS Overview ERD- 8 mathematics practices, 32 ELA anchor standards 2. August Digging deeper into CCSS- Introduction of new CG’s, connection to CWT 3. September ERD- Math Practice #1, Guided Reading 4. October Math Practice #5 and Conceptual Understanding to Abstract Understanding, Guided Reading and Shift 1- Informational Text 5. December Math Practice # 6 and Understanding Math Structures and Using Key Words, Shift 3- Text Complexity 6. February Math Practice # 3, Shift 4 Text Based Answers 7. March 2012 CCSS strategy sharing and digging deeper into CG’s 8. April Digging deeper into quality questions; Common Core Article 9. August 2012 Digging deeper into CCSS, new BA’s, improvements to CG’s *Continuous discussions in PLC’s using our CG’s and discussing learning targets and criteria for success
What’s coming this year with ERPD? Content Specific School-based September December March October February April
The End in Mind… The goal is to create lesson/activity for math and ELA. The place where lessons/activities will be…place Look at the copy of the CWT. These are instructional expectations of the district, but also these are good ways to get kids engaged. Be careful of copyright issues!
ELA Example Anchor Standard: Read closely to determine what the text says explicitly and to make logical inferences from it; Cite specific textual evidence when writing or speaking to support conclusions drawn from the text. 5.RI.1: Quote accurately from a text when explaining what the text says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text. – (SS 5.C&G.1.2: Summarize the organizational structures and powers of the United States Government (Legislative, Judicial, and Executive branches of government.) Lesson/Activity Template “The President”
. What do students need to know?. How will they learn it?. How will you know they’ve learned it?. What will we do if they don’t learn it?. What will we do if they already know it? Mission, Vision, and Values; Data-driven Decision-making; PDSA; Aligned Strategic Plans NCPTS Std 6 and NCSES Std 8 Formative Assessments Collaborative Teams Common Core/ Essential Standards What? Benchmark Assessments, Common Assessments created by PLC teams, other diagnostics, ongoing observation with feedback & adjustment of instruction How will we know? Matrix guidelines for data analysis and report back to PLC, SIT, whole staff, etc. ; PLC/class PDSAs; Leadership team follow-up & monitoring Connections to NCPTS Std 1-5 and NCSES Std 2 and 3 What? PLCs meet a minimum of 1x/week How will we know? PLC Matrix, PLC minutes/action plans, Leadership Team Agenda, PLC PDSAs NCPTS Std 1-5 What? Use of district developed curriculum guides w/ unpacking (I can/I will), sequencing for student success; program implementation How will we know? Benchmark/formative assessments, CWT, program implementation fidelity Connections to NCPTS Std 3 and NCSES Std 2 Learning Centered Instructional Facilitator Support I—SS Model to Raise Achievement and Close Gaps
Collaborative Work Time Each school will create a math and ELA lesson/activity, using the template (90 mins) – You were to save it to your desktop Each group will submit the lesson/activity to the address listed on the template – Each group will share out
Coming in October Open ended questions on BA 1 will be scored during ERPD. – At your school site – Score with your team using the provided rubric. – Will be a chance to clarify different interpretations and a chance to ask questions of each other.
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