This Sunday is the first of the great parable, that of the Prodigal Son. It is the Sunday of all prodigals whom we are. We are the prodigal children distant from the heart of the Father.
We pray that each of us today will grasp the unchanging love of God !
The Exodus was marked by a wandering spiritual infidelity. But God's faithfulness to his people remained steadfast. As in the Exodus, we again encounter the fidelity of the Father to the Prodigal Son.
This is a fidelity that encompasses Israel, the Church, all of us. Everyone is called to be grasped by God’s fidelity enabling us to heed the words of Paul « Be reconciled to God. » The Church echoes and assures each one of us that like the prodigal and the older son, we are beloved by God.
Lord Jesus, through your many parables, you have unveiled the infinite mercy of God our Father.
Lord as you offer the bread of your word and the bread of your Eucharist, you enable us to delight in our privileged relationship with you. We are truly blest to be your daughters and sons, blest to be your beloved children.
We thank you for keeping us closer to the Father and for calling us to be advocates of his reconciliation.
« Having reached the end of his life, Saint Paul asks his disciple Timothy to “aim at faith” with the same constancy as when he was a boy. We hear this invitation directed to each of us, that none of us grow lazy in the faith ». (Porta Fidei)