S.O Towards a global dependability and security framework Andrea SERVIDA Deputy Head of Unit ICT for Trust and Security European Commission Directorate-General Information Society
4 R&D shall lead to Whats the role of EU R&D in ICT trust & security? Develop knowledge & technology - understanding implications and benefits secure, dependable, acceptable & respectful (of human rights and dignity) systems/applications proper assessment and evaluation
5 A total portfolio of 17 Projects –6 Integrated Projects BioSec, e-Justice, Inspired, Prime, Secoqc, Seinit –3 Networks of Excellence Ecrypt, Fidis, Biosecure –6 Specific Targeted Research Project Digital Passport, Medsi, Positif, Scard, Secure Justice, Secure Phone –2 Coordination Actions SecurIST, CIR2CO* * Under negotiation The FP6 projects trust-security/projects.htm
6 Research Focus: security and dependability challenges arising from complexity, ubiquity and autonomy resilience, self-healing, mobility, dynamic content and volatile environments strategic and solid research on security and trust for new societal applications interoperable content and digital rights management Key Objectives & Breakthroughs –build on EU technical and scientific excellence on security, dependability and resilience –meet EU demands for privacy and trust –strengthen the interplay between research and policy The next step: S.O Towards a global dependability and security framework Indicative budget> 63 MEuro
7 The next step: S.O Towards a global dependability and security framework Priority areas integrated frameworks and technologies for resilience, dependability and security modelling/simulation techniques and synthetic environments for interdependencies, recovery and continuity technologies and architectures for secure computing and interoperable management and trustworthy sharing of digital assets secure and interoperable biometrics security and privacy technologies and architectures for future wireless and mobile scenarios security assurance and certification of complex networked systems and infrastructures Instruments IPs, NoEs, STREPs, CAs IPs, STREPs STREPs STREPs, SSAs
8 Synergies with other SOs 2.5.3: Embedded Systems **************** Dependability 2.5.5: Software and Services **************** Dependable Software 2.5.4: GRID **************** Security mechanisms 2.4.5: Mobile and Wireless Systems and Platforms beyond 3G **************** Security 2.4.3: ICT for Trust and Security 2.4.6: Networked Audio Visual Systems and Home Platforms **************** DRM 2.4.9: ICT Research for Innovative Government **************** e-authentication/IM : Integrated biomedical information for better health **************** Data security
9 PASR/ESRP and IST in FP7 IST/FP6 (WP ) & IST/FP7 ( ) ICT focused & technology oriented research. Focus on trust and security, dependability & resilience of networks, digital asset management, identity management and privacy. Time horizon from med (2-3 ys) to long term R&D (4-5 ys). All phases of R&D PASR ( ) & ESRP ( ) Multi-disciplinary (incl. ICT) solution & mission oriented researchMulti-disciplinary (incl. ICT) solution & mission oriented research Focus on Internal Security, Peacekeeping and Institution buildingFocus on Internal Security, Peacekeeping and Institution building Although PASR is not part of FP6, ESRP will be part of FP7Although PASR is not part of FP6, ESRP will be part of FP7 Time horizon from short (1-2 ys) to med term (2-3 ys).Time horizon from short (1-2 ys) to med term (2-3 ys). Feasibility, integration and demonstrationFeasibility, integration and demonstration
10 Unit D4 - Project Officers Cabirol, Laurent –CERT/CSIRT, electronic signature, encryption, certification Galetsas, Antonis –Biometrics, authentication and identification Marino, Angelo –Dependability and resilience in AmI, interdependencies Paindaveine, Yves –Mobile security, network security, smart cards Schumacher, Günther –Biometrics assessment/certification, standardization Sonnenschein, Richard –Digital Assets management, technology and law, Identity management and privacy
11 Web sites IST Programme: ICT for Trust & Security IST helpdesk IST helpdesk Fax :
12 Where are we in FP6? Novel crypto technologies, Digital assets protection Mobility, Virtual identity management, Privacy Dependable networks & systems, Critical infrastructure protection Biometrics & Smart card research Digital Assets Mgt, Critical Infrast.Prot. Dependability / Resilience Proposals from Calls 1, 2 & 3 Total funding ~75 MEuro Projects Contracted three key Areas not addressed
13 FP6 Roadmap Projects on security and dependability DDSI AMSD : Overall Dependability e-businessembeddedCIPprivacy PAMPAS mobile privacy & security AMSD dependable embedded systems ACIP critical infrastruct. protection RAPID Privacy / Identity Mgmt BVN Biometrics RESET Smart Cards STORK Crypto Dependability policy support Building Constituency Derive Research Roadmaps WG-ALPINE Active Loss Prevention rmapsecurity.html
14 PET & M U L T I P L E ID Resilience and plasticity in a complex world Assured Service and Information in Information Society endemic vulnerabilities, auditable security properties active, self- adapting and Autonomous content user empowerment, digital asset control and management Towards a dependable ICT for Information Society Resilience in large scale and complex systems Mastering scale & volume Miniaturization of components, ICT fabric NETWORK LEVEL SERVICE LEVEL Dynamic security policies; epidemiological security models and mechanisms for computing and sensor networks; network awareness & disaster avoidance technologies; network assurance and forensics; assured security of service provisioning; open and interoperable management of digital assets; … Architecture and technologies for resilience and dependability (autonomy, self-adaptability & self-healing); widely distributed attack detection systems; synthetic environments for RT dependability and continuity analysis; autonomous and cooperative recovery systems; risk management; human factor technologies; … multiple virtual identity; management of roles; access control; privacy aware authentication and authorization; user empowerment of rights and obligations
15 PASR/ESRP and IST in FP7 IST/FP6 (WP ) & IST/FP7 ( ) ICT focused & technology oriented research. Focus on trust and security, dependability & resilience of networks, digital asset management, identity management and privacy. Time horizon from med (2-3 ys) to long term R&D (4-5 ys). All phases of R&D PASR ( ) & ESRP ( ) Multi-disciplinary (incl. ICT) solution & mission oriented research Focus on Internal Security, Peacekeeping and Institution building Although PASR is not part of FP6, ESRP will be part of FP7 Time horizon from short (1-2 ys) to med term (2-3 ys). Feasibility, integration and demonstration
16 Web sites IST Programme: Call-4 Contact: Antonis Galetsas ICT for Trust & Security IST helpdesk IST helpdesk Fax : wp0506_en/2_4_3.htm