Faculty Senate Retreat August 17, 2010 MSU 208
Reminders and Information Senior Senators should complete elections in their respective units before September 14 th Special Hearing Committee Elections will take place at September meeting ◦Encourage colleagues to serve 2
What governs our system? Nevada System of Higher Education Board of Regents Handbook ◦ Title 1 Bylaws of the Board of Regents ◦ Title 2 NSHE Code ◦ Title 3 Legal Status of the University ◦ Title 4 Codification of Board Policy Statements 3
More on the Code Title 2 of the Board of Regents Handbook ◦ The “Code” Chapter 1 ◦ Organization and Administration of NSHE Chapter 2 ◦ Academic Freedom and Responsibility Chapter 3 ◦ Tenure for University Faculty Chapter 5 ◦ Personnel Policy for Faculty Chapter 6 ◦ Rules and Disciplinary Procedures for the University Community 4
UNLV & Faculty Senate Bylaws UNLV Bylaws ◦Formerly BOR Handbook: Title 5, Chapter 6 ◦Maintained by Faculty Senate Faculty Senate Bylaws and Constitution 5
How do we change the UNLV Bylaws? 6 Chancellor President 2/3 of UNLV Faculty who voted needed for approval Faculty Senate approves bylaw change
Structure of the Faculty Senate 50 Voting Senators (plus 3 Chairs – non- voting) Executive Committee ◦ Chair: Cecilia Maldonado (Workforce Education & Development), ◦ Vice Chair: Sally Miller (Nursing), ◦ Past Chair: John Filler (Special Education) ◦ Secretary: Elaine Bunker (English) ◦ Administrative Faculty Representative: Amy Brooks (Foundation) ◦ At-Large Senators: Bryan Spangelo (Science), Greg Brown (Liberal Arts) 16 standing committees ◦ approximately 400 faculty participate 7
Faculty Senate Committees Academic Freedom and Ethics Academic Standards Admissions Campus Affairs Curriculum Faculty Development Leave Fiscal Affairs General Education Grievance Priority and New Programs Professional Staff/Administrative Faculty Program Review Sabbatical Leave Scholarship Tenure and Promotion University Bylaw 8
FS Reps on Other Committees Parking Committee Special Hearing Committee Inter-Athletic Council [IAC] Graduate College Committees President’s Advisory Council [PAC] Consortium for Faculty Professional Opportunities [CFPO] 9
Faculty Senate Committees Faculty Senate Representatives ◦ act as liaison between Senate and Committee ◦ proposes agenda items Committee submits to Senate ◦ advises Committee policies and procedures 10
Senior Senators & Representation At Large….. Fabbi(3 Senators) Business….Riddel(3 Senators) Education…Gelfer(5 Senators) Engineering.Bein(3 Senators) Fine Arts…..Mink-Colbert(4 Senators) Health Sci…Pales(5 Senators) Hotel……….Izzolo(2 Senators) Law………… Gordon(2 Senators) Liberal Arts...Frink(6 Senators) Library……..Smith(2 Senators) Admin. Fac...Wilde(8 Senators) Sciences…..Hatchett(4 Senators) Urban Affairs. Traudt(3 Senators) Chairs
Senior Senator Role of Senior Senator ◦ Faculty Senate Bylaws Appendix 2 ◦ Guidelines for Senior Senators Liaison to Executive Committee ◦ Council of Senior Senators ◦ Meetings with Senators in their units Recommend agenda items for Senate Conduct elections certification of results 12
Senator Responsibilities As a Senator I must… ◦ come to Senate meetings prepared Senate debate requires knowledge of issues bring requests from my constituents know your colleagues positions regarding issues ◦ vote 13
Faculty Senate Meetings Faculty Senate procedures ◦ meetings on Tuesdays start promptly at 12:15 PM ◦ if you miss more than 2 meetings you may be replaced ◦ proxy rights short term long term 14
Typical Agenda [Call to Order, Announcements, Approval of Minutes, Invited Speakers] Action Items item presented first and second motion required to debate first Senator must support but second need not Future Action Items item presented without debate New Business [Committee Reports, Public Comment, Adjournment] 15
Senate Actions Bylaw Revisions Must be submitted according to FS bylaws, requires two meetings Resolutions May be brought forward, discussed and acted upon in a single meeting but customarily come from committee Sense of the Senate May be brought forward, discussed and acted upon in a single meeting 16
Robert’s Rules Govern Precedence of Motions ◦ ladder of motions has 14 steps 1.main motion 2.postpone indefinitely 3.primary amendment 4.secondary amendment 5.commit or refer 6.postpone to a certain time 7.limit/extend limits of debate 17
Robert’s Rules Govern Precedence of Motions ◦ ladder of motions has 14 steps 8.previous question 9.lay on the table 10.call for orders of the day 11.raise a question of privilege 12.recess 13.adjourn 14.fix time to which to adjourn 18
Process and Guidelines for Placing an Item on the Faculty Senate Agenda Senator can introduce a bill as a new business item To initiate a discussion of any action-oriented items, you need to prepare and submit a document that includes: current status and existence of a problem, proposed change (action), rationale and, pros and cons of the change. Please send it to me. I will take it to the Executive Committee for discussion and then place it on the future Senate agenda. In addition, a senator can verbally suggest ideas and solicit help from the Executive Committee in order to prepare issues for discussion. Please note that, on average, it takes about three meetings for an action item brought up as new business to actually be voted on, since it has to be a future action item and then an action item. The relevant material and as a template are provided in your binder. 19
Typical Action Item Form Faculty Senate Bylaws ◦ Additions are underlined/Deletions are in [brackets] ◦ Faculty Senate Bylaws, Section 5.0 Article 5: Committees Section 2.0 ◦ 5.1 Unless changed in a manner consistent with the Senate Bylaws or Constitution of the Faculty Senate, the following committees, composed of the following membership, shall be maintained: ◦ Tenure and Promotion ◦ 1Tenured academic faculty from each degree granting college and school ◦ 1Tenured alternate academic faculty from each degree granting college and school ◦ 1 Tenured librarian ◦ 1Tenured alternate librarian ◦ 1Vice Chair of the Senate (ex ‑ officio, non ‑ voting) ◦ 1Immediate Past Chair of the Senate (ex-officio, non-voting) ◦ a) An alternate committee member shall be elected from each unit to serve in the event the committee member is on leave or in cases of conflict of interest. Alternates shall attend in place of the principal member only when the principal member is on leave or in case of conflict of interest. ◦ b)The Immediate Past Chair of the Senate shall serve as the chair of the Tenure and Promotion committee for one year. ◦ 5.6 After committee membership has been determined, the Executive Committee shall appoint a chair subject to the approval of the committee. The chair of the Tenure and Promotion committee shall be the Immediate Past Chair of the Senate. 20
Typical Action Item Form Pros: Past Chair of Senate identifies this committee as a Faculty Senate committee and not an administrative committee. Chair of the committee will not vote on any applicant including his/her unit, thus eliminating potential of conflict of interest. Chair of the committee will be knowledgeable of Board of Regents Handbook, UNLV bylaws, and Faculty senate bylaws and, thus, fluent with promotion and tenure processes. Chair of the committee will be identified two years in advance of serving. Being an ex-officio member of the committee two years earlier and chair of the Senate one year earlier, provides significant experience to be an effective chair of the P & T committee. Cons: Increases workload for Past Chair of the Senate. 21
Issues this year… Advocacy for maintenance of PEBP Benefits Program Review Implementation General Education Assisting in setting the agenda for upcoming legislative session 22
Questions? 23