2007: Matthew Kadey
Our Coffees Today Chiapas – El Triunfo MEXICO DECAF Matagalpa – San Ramon NICARAGUA REGULAR
Coffee P James Hayes-Bohanan Chair of Geography Bridgewater State College SeniorNet Massasoit Community College Brockton, Massachusetts From the Grounds GEOGRAPHY PROCESSING TRADE PREPARATION SHOPPES
Geography The Spatial Science that asks: What is it? Why is it there? So what?
Global Scale – what do you see?
National Geographic
Coffea arabica is very happy here! THRIVES: 3,000 – 6,000 feet 70 ºF 70 inches of rain
Young, fertile soils are best
FamilyGenusSpeciesVarieties RubiaceaeCoffeaArabicaTypica CanephoraRobusta Liberica ArabicaRobusta Date species described Floweringafter rainirregular Ripe cherriesfallstay Yield (kg beans/ha) Root systemdeepshallow Optimal temperature15-24° C24-30° C Optimal rainfall mm mm Optimal elevation m0-700 m Hemileia vastatrixsusceptibleresistant Kolerogasusceptibletolerant Nematodessusceptibleresistant Tracheomycosisresistantsusceptible Coffee berry diseasesusceptibleresistant Caffeine content % % Shape of beanflatoval
Sun-grown arabica in transition
Hypsometrically challenged! 95 percent below 3,000 feet
Balmy, but watch for frost!
Coffee Production (60kg bags) TOTAL77,548,87591,556,721SHARE 1Brazil 15,300,933 27,321, % 2Vietnam 3,779,415 13,904, % 3Colombia 10,588,431 10,936, % 4Indonesia 6,440,280 5,291,1035.8% 5Peru 1,679,374 3,882,5124.2% 6India 3,119,736 3,698,7714.0% 7Guatemala 3,978,998 3,312,1223.6% 8Honduras 2,059,760 2,898,4283.2% 9Ethiopia 1,838,231 2,843,8713.1% 10Mexico 4,633,497 2,570,0852.8%
Sr. 37% Background
Coffee SNOBS? Bean to Cup: 50 steps! Coffee CARE!
Take good care of the coffee.
Selva Negra
French Press
Our Coffees Today Chiapas – El Triunfo MEXICO DECAF Matagalpa – San Ramon NICARAGUA REGULAR
Independents do it without chains: Enjoy your locally-owned coffeehouse. Bumper sticker in the Malaprop Cafe ~ Asheville, NC
18 Main St, Plymouth Rt. 53 Merchants Row, Hanover Mikaela
110 Palmer Ave, Falmouth (508) 540-CAFE Monique
19 Main Street Hingham, MA Voted Best Independent Coffee Shop in 2007 by South Shore Living Kaitlin
Esselon Café 99 Russell Street Hadley, Ma (413) Tabitha
Geography of Coffee Online Any Questions?