ACTION ITEMS FROM COMSOC RETREAT Miami, Feb , 2011 September OpCom 2 update ACTION ITEM 1: Shri will report on results of matching GOLD volunteers with available positions in publications, conferences & TCs. Done ACTION ITEM 2: Len will report on results of matching applicants for editorial positions with open positions. Done. (see ICC report) ACTION ITEM 3: Sergio will report on the status of ComSoc awards, at all levels, directed toward GOLD members. Steve will check with Sergio ACTION ITEM 4: Director of Education Stefano Bregni will develop a proposal for leadership training in ComSoc's educational program. See Education Industry Report.1109 ACTION ITEM 5: Doug will develop a proposal to recruit/retain/ recognize more women among ComSoc's membership. Still needs to be addressed
ACTION ITEM 6: Jack and Harvey will bring a status report on our future headquarters location and keep Sergio's committee informed. Facilities Manager will refurbish floor – more space for IEEE HQ/less for ComSoc/Spectum, Cheaper to stay. ACTION ITEM 7: Nim will make a list of current and anticipated TAB initiatives that might be of interest to ComSoc. Steve will contact Nim on status. ACTION ITEM 8: Alex, Byeong, Curtis, Vijay & Doug will socialize, in TAB, the concept of a TAB Standards entity. This is difficult as TAB will not want to fund this. Alex will take it as far as he can. Nothing has happened; Steve will bring it up again. ACTION ITEM 9: Alex will propose, to Opcom1, a better name for his proposed Director of Standardization Programs Development. Name is pending. ACTION ITEM 10: Len Cimini and Andrzej Jajszczyk will report on organization of the China Communications Steering Committee. Pending
ACTION ITEM 11: Khaled, Mark and Vijay will propose an initiative in a major cosponsored conference in India. Interest, but needs more detail. Heiner will give him a more concrete proposal. Vijay & Heiner are pursuing. ACTION ITEM 12: Roberto D. and John will track and influence the two-tier membership issue. Roberto D. will arrange for ComSoc attendance at Fincom meetings to track implementation details. Each society Will decide what they want in the bundled version. Needs TAB approval. What Do we want to offer as base membership in the base membership for the IEEE Package for 2014 membership (our basic membership). Put in “bold” that it is coming: what for basic members, what for enhanced members. ACTION ITEM 13: Harvey will work with treasurers of SP, PES and Computer to determine the consequences of implementation of two-tier membership. Jack took that up. Will talk to other societies, Need exit strategy as per Jack..ACTION ITEM 14: Alex G. will prepare a preliminary proposal to take over an existing standards conference. Not sending Alex. Alex planning to go to SAIT next week. Conference now wants a publication. Alex will report what he observes to the Conferences Council. ACTION ITEM 15: Mark, Fred and James will encourage the sub-TC on social networks to organize a conference on smart phonomics (or some other appropriate title). Mark will go back and follow up again.
ACTION ITEM 16: Len will explore the collective intelligence reviewing process. Done. Decision was not to pursue. ACTION ITEM 17: John will arrange for delivery of QMAG to iPad. Done ACTION ITEM 18: John will determine if there is a reasonable business model for single article download from QMAG. Done. Answer is no. ACTION ITEM 19: Roberto D. & the Business Development ad hoc committee will draw up a rough business plan for custom workshops for companies.: Back-burnered. Still looking at this. ACTION ITEM 20: Roberto D. and the Business Development ad-hoc committee will explore virtual courses on other topics, not dependent on the certification program. Have not discussed. Can be included in business survey that is planned.
ACTION ITEM 21: Everyone is requested to submit new revenue ideas to Harvey. No revenue items received. ACTION ITEM 22: Steve and Merrily will pursue a financial cosponsorship discussion with WTS. Steve attended but was disappointed In no strong industry turn out. Will continue to look into it. ACTION ITEM 23: Merrily, Doug, and Mark will prepare a policy on technical co-sponsorship of conferences. Done (will discuss more tomorrow) ACTION ITEM 24: Jack, Alex, Harvey: Look at society-specific digital libraries and recommend a future strategy for ours (including possibility of not having one). Will look at Parity, at a model, and ongoing-committee formed. ACTION ITEM 25: Fred Bauer will take a look at our BoG structure and suggest possible structural changes. (For example, should Directors be members of BoG? Should one year officer terms be considered? Should ComSoc's regions directly elect voting BoG members representing them?) Ongoing, no action. Steve will remind Fred of this.