Sesame Business Network Ethiopia Mekelle, March 21 st 2015 Results group 4: Labour in the sesame sector
What should be done to improve labourers’ working and living conditions; capacities and skills? How to comply with guidelines (such as the checklist of investors) of labour and social affairs? How can we improve labour shortage/abundance problem in the sesame area at peak times? Lead questions
The relationship between farmers and labourers is not good Investor farmers don’t comply to the guidelines/checklist Less emphasis to the labour in the sesame sector as a significant economic sector Labourers skill/capacity is not as required Poor sense of ownership of farm activities Transportation service (expensive at peak times) and poor infrastructure Untimely payment Investor farmers are not real agronomist nor business minded General impression
What should be done to improve labourers’ working and living conditions; capacities and skills? Training Awareness creation on labour rights and responsibilities Communicating labour handling situations to respective government bodies Farmers (investors) should provide basic services On time salary payment Organizing labourers as interest group Results Lead question 1:
What should be done to improve labourers’ working and living conditions; capacities and skills? Organizing committee which consists of farmers and labourers which work for mutual benefit Improving transportation service to labourers Certifying labourers Written agreement b/n labourers and farmers (labour and social affair should follow up) Awareness creation on saving culture Improving the labour rules and regulations Results Lead question 1 (continued)
Woreda administration should know total number of labourers needed and work together media Labour day should be 8 hours per day (for extra hours = extra payment) Farm equipments should be provided by farmers Use of farm machinery/mechanization Working to improve security of labourers in the areas Advising labourers not to drink alcohols (katikala) Results Lead question 1 (continued)
How to comply with guidelines (such as the checklist of investors) of labour and social affairs? Written agreement between labourers and farmers Organizing committee which follow up implementation of the guideline /checklist Organizing labourers associations Awareness creation on the checklist to labourers and farmers Labour and social affairs should follow up on the implementation of the checklist Farmers who failed to do so, should be penalized Certifying investors that comply the guideline/cheklist Results Lead question 2
How can we improve labour shortage/abundance problem in the sesame area at peak times? Promotion using mass media Improving transportation service (from and to place of origin) Mechanization Improving salary and other services Establishing agency which facilitate linkage b/n farmers and labourers Strengthening legal institutions at kebele level Working to improve security issues at local level Improving infrastructure (communication, road etc.) Managing conflict between labourers/labour groups Results Lead question 3
..... Major practical action points
Contract agreement between labourers and employers/farmers should be monitored by respective government bodies The labour rules and regulations should be revised and updated Promotion by individual investors should be regulated Major policy action points