1 Energy Resources INSPIRE Data specification on Energy resources (ER) Version 2.0 Thematic Working Group on Energy Resources Temporary Facilitator: Martin Tuchyna & Editor: Diederik Tirry Edinburgh, Scotland 30 june
2 INSPIRE Conference, Edinburgh 2 Main aim: …prepare data specifications ensuring exchange of spatial data in the energy resources domain… TWG ER
3 INSPIRE Conference, Edinburgh 3 Basic facts: One of the smallest TWG (few new experts joined recently) 17 meetings so far: 3 physical, 14 teleconferences Still waiting for facilitator Profile of the group: Coverage of 6 EU countries Limited domain expertise (lack of renewables expertise) Close connection with JRC Institure of Energy (Petten) Representation of public, private and academic sector Related EU funded projects representation (EuroGeoSource) International and national domain networks coverage TWG ER
4 INSPIRE Conference, Edinburgh 4 TWG ER SurnameNameCtryOrganisationProposed byRole Burgos CasadoPabloESMinistry of Industry, Tourism and Commerce (MITYC) IDEE working group of Commission on Geomatics (National Geographic High Council) Expert ChudýRadoslavSKComenius University in Bratislava, Faculty of Natural Sciences Expert KristensenSøren Elkjær NONorwegian Water Resourses and Energy Directorate Partner in Digital NorwayExpert RemmeltsGijsNLTNO Geological Survey of the Netherlands EuroGeoSourceExpert RhodesChrisUKFresh-Lands Environmental Actions Expert ChudýRadoslavSKComenius University in Bratislava, Faculty of Natural Sciences Expert KristensenSøren Elkjær NONorwegian Water Resourses and Energy Directorate Partner in Digital NorwayExpert SemradPeterJRCEuropean Commission, DG JRC, Institute for Energy, Petten Expert SuriMarcelSKGeoModel Expert TirryDiederikBESADL KULeuven R&D Editor ThomasLisaUKThe Coal Authority Expert TuchyňaMartinJRCEuropean Commission, DG Joint Research Centre Temporary facilitator, JRC Contact Point
5 Overview Definition: Energy resources including hydrocarbons, hydropower, bio-energy, solar, wind, etc., where relevant including depth/height information on the extent of the resource [Directive 2007/2/EC] Legislation: –Energy A strategy for competitive, sustainable and secure energy –Overview of the secondary EU legislation (directives and regulations) that falls under the legislative competence of DG for Energy and that is currently in force 5
6 Overview Two categories of Energy Resources: 6
7 Overview In scope of data specifications –geographical areas that have been, are currently, or will be in the future mapped to indicate the presence and (potential) availability of Energy Resources. –located in terrestrial, aquatic and/or marine environments, and may be under either public or private ownership –focus to the resource aspect and the extent/distribution of the resources. 7
8 Overview Out of scope –Secundary Energy Resources (e.g. Electricity) –Technical constructions for abstraction, transport and treatment, these are largely covered by TWG PF –Energy use, e.g. petrol consumption. –Fissile Minerals: U and Th –Raw data for non-renewable Energy –Anthropogenic energy e.g. Biogas 8
9 Main concepts of data model 3 conceptual application schemas: 9 Base provides a core set of common Energy Resource types Features Delimitation of renewable and non-renewable Energy Resources (horizontal/vertical extent) Classification and Quantification of Energy Resources Coverages Focus on continuous variation of renewable energy properties (potential energy resources) Generic modelling pattern Variables: resource type and measure
10 Base application schema 10
11 Features application schema 11
12 Coverages application schema 12
13 Open issues – Discussion points Scope –Bio-Energy –Carbon Dioxide Capture and Storage (CCS) –Data quality & dataset/level metadata requirements –Annex I placeholders Technical implementation –Implementation on Coverages (Statistics, Multisurfaces,...) –Encoding of Coverages –Choice of proper rangetype/measures –Portrayal 13