The Pegaso project Spatial Data Resources for Coastal Land and Ecosystem Accounting Alejandro Iglesias-Campos ETC-LUSI/Junta de Andalucía EIONET Workshop.


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Presentation transcript:

The Pegaso project Spatial Data Resources for Coastal Land and Ecosystem Accounting Alejandro Iglesias-Campos ETC-LUSI/Junta de Andalucía EIONET Workshop – Maritime Copenhagen (DK) 26 October 2010

Coastal system is part of a wider picture Source: US CCSP The coastal system represents complex synergies amongst uses, including land, rivers and sea which require managing conflicts!

ICZM and main policies Support the ICZM Recommendation (EU expert Group and indicator production) Support WFD (river catchments DB) Support the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (especially the ecosystem based concept and the spatial perspective of the seas) Support the Maritime Road Map (coast/sea uses and spatial planning), Adress main socio-environmental issues (especially marititime activities) in all EU coasts and seas (Cohesion policy) Support the EU climate change adaptation Strategy, the flooding Directive and H2020 Support the new EU Comission restructuring of Directorates (DG ENV Marine unit with Coast and Maritime issue; support DG MARE and DG CLIMA initiatives. Policy context

Our common work Defining Coastal units – Administrative (Coastal Nuts) – Geographical (coastline, elevation and bathymetry), physical (sandy, rocky, muddy), by landscape Articulation of the coast with river catchments, and broader hinterland – Water quantity and quality (S) – River management impacts (ex. dams and beach erosion) (I) – River floods (I) – Land uses (D, P) – Lagoons and deltas, transitional waters (WFD) integrated management (fish nursery, protection against CC ) (S, R) (link with ICZM) Articulation of the coast and river with the marine interface and the maritime activities – Coast and Sea bed morphology and biodiversity (ex.posidonia beds) (S) – Sea water quality (S, P) – Land use and sea use drivers D) – Sediment balance (river-coast-sea) (S) – Anadrom migratory Species (river-coast-sea)(S) – Seascapes and marine ecosystems and species (S) – Sea uses maps (3 dimensions) (D, P) – Maritime activities and their coastal-sea hinterland (D) – Coastal/maritime planning (R) within ICZM frame

Corine Land Cover

Land Cover Net Changes Low coast High coast

Corine Land Cover and the Coast 25 Hectares are not enough to map with details the uses and changes in the coastal area and there is no link with the sea uses.

Coastline (s)

Soil Sealing Problems found identifying the soil sealing in the coastal area

WFD Spatial data and Environmental information

Exploring time-series of spatial data on pressure, impacts and state indicators for the north and the south Mediterranean coastal area Example of application for the Nile delta region Exploring environmental accounts and scenarios construction

Change of NDVI The dark green on the margins of the delta shows substantial increase in NDVI (above 150) and seems to be caused by new irrigation fields developed in the nineties Change of NDVI

However in the recent period the delta margins look like loosing productivity Change of NDVI

24 year difference in AVHRR NDVI NDVI differences

Marine Data Status Parametercollectionassemblingapplication Bathymetryur-EMODnetWISE marine Geologyur-EMODnet PhysicsGMES (space)GMES (except near coast) GMES Fisheries (including fisheries economy) Data Collection Framework Joint Research Centre (and other users) ICES, STECF, GFCM Chemistryur-EMODnetWISE-Marine Biologyur-EMODnetWISE Marine

Motorways of the Sea

Poor quality and quantity of marine / maritime data ?

Data problems Lack of coastal terrestrial and marine layers. Lack of coastal terrestrial datasets homogeneously develop for all the EEA Member States. Inconsistency among national datasources not facilitating the comparisons. Lack of socio-economic data at NUTS3 and NUTS5 level.

What are we doing to change this situation? Supporting the EEA in the NRC Marine/Maritime in order to find common approach for the future. Developing a first approach on LEAC Marine Ecosystem Accounting and Marine Uses. Supportting the EEA defining integrated work lines for the future and other research initiatives in order to improve the amount, quality and extent of data in Europe and its regional seas. Connecting the work agendas among ETCs on Water, Biodiversity and Vulnerability with our ETC- SIA.

Opportunities for analysis Coastal vulnerability and impact assessments in specific coastal areas (cities, natural zones, sea ports, etc). Model analysis for monitoring future changes and impacts. Integrative terrestrial and marine coastal assessments using a continuous land topography and bathymetry. Development of the Coastal Vulnerability Index for Europe.

Coastal Vulnerability Index

Water RBDs, water bodies, tidals, waves, currents, sea level, etc. Land Bio Erosion, sedimentary processes, geomorphology, coastlines, etc. Natura 2000, species, ecosystem accounts, biological parameters, etc. Clima Socio-Econ Rainfall, wind, temperatures, climate change observation, vulnerability, etc. Administrative units, land use/cover, infrastructures, natural resources, population, culture and heritage, planning, etc. Proposed Terrestrial and Marine Coastal Data Platform serving as internal project database.

Land, Coastal and Seas Integrated Assessment Our objective!

¡Muchas gracias! Moltes gràcies Eskerrik Asko Moitas gracias * * * * * Dziekuje Merci beaucoup Mного Благодаря Obrigado Paldies Ευχαριστώ Tack Thank you very much Dank u Hvala Köszönöm Dekuj Multumesc Dakujem Danke Takk Aitäh Grazzi Kiitos Grazie Tesekkur Ederim Dêkuji شُكْرًا