Angela and Blake Maps chapter 2
Vocabulary Map-is a model or representation of the Earth’s surface. True north-because the geographic North Pole never changes, it is called true north Angle of correction magnetic declination
Vocab. Cont… Equator-is a circle halfway between the poles that divides the Earth into the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. Latitude-is the distance north or south, measured in degrees, from the equator
Vocab. cont… Longitude-is the distance east and west, measured in degrees, from the prime meridian Passes through Greenwhich, England, is the line that represent zero degrees longitude. Prime meridian Mercator projection-it results when the contents of the globe are transferred onto a cylinder of paper
Vocab. Cont… Conic projection Transfers the contents of the globe onto a cone azimuthal projection – made by transferring the contents of the globe onto a plane
Vocab. Cont.. Aerial photographs-photographs from the air Remote sensing-gathers information about something without actually being there
Vocab. Cont… Topographic map- shows surface features, or topography, of the Earth Elevation-the height of an object above sea l level.
Vocab. Cont… Contour lines-connect points of equal elevation Contour interval- difference in elevation between one contour line and the next
Vocab. Cont… Relief- difference in elevation between the highest and lowest points of the area being mapped Index contour-a darker, heavier contour line that is usually every fifth line and that is labeled by elevation.
Summary -There are a lot of different kinds of maps that people read from -It helps you figure out where your goin and how far away things are. - They also help you figure out what time zone your are in and weather or not you are headed for north or south, east or west. - There is a lot of things to learn about maps and how to use them!