Global Entry TEB For questions or comments, please contact: Matthew N. Greller, Esq. Bolton-St. Johns, LLC 917-345-0005 /


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Presentation transcript:

Global Entry TEB For questions or comments, please contact: Matthew N. Greller, Esq. Bolton-St. Johns, LLC /

CBP’s Global Entry Program Created and administered by CBP, Global Entry facilitates low-risk, pre- approved frequent international travelers with an expedited inspection and examination process utilizing kiosks Seamless experience for NJ’s frequent international business travelers 1 million commercial aviation passengers enrolled Established as a pilot program for three airports on 6/6/08, now operating at the nation’s 20 busiest international airports, including EWR and JFK

Benefits of Global TEB 1)BUSINESS FRIENDLY: Demonstrates that New Jersey is open for business with a seamless travel experience 2)COST EFFECTIVE: Privately funded, zero cost to taxpayers, and generates revenue for CBP and PANY/NJ 3)SECURE: Security that meets CBP requirements and specifications 4)GREEN: Better carbon footprint for TEB through less engine starts/stops, and less taxiing 5)NOISE MITIGATION: Less off airport noise with aircraft clearing CBP at their destination FBO 6)DELAY REDUCTION: Clearing aircraft at destination FBOs will allow greater efficiency through less runway crossing or taxiing, which will also reduce congestion

How to Expand Global Entry Established By: Section 7208(k) of the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004 (S.2845 passed U.S. House ; passed U.S. Senate 89-2) Requires: DHS to initiate rulemaking action to establish criteria to participate in the program, and to set the appropriate fee to provide for expedited travel for pre-screened populations Make Permanent/Expand: Based on the success of the pilot program, CBP is seeking to make it permanent and expand it to other airports Timeframe: Homeland Security needs to issue a final rule notification, which OMB would review and then publish a federal register notice (FRN). This is likely to occur by the first quarter of After OMB review, expansion would likely occur in the early Spring Expand to TEB: Amending 8 CFR parts 103 and 235 could allow implementation of a Global Entry Pilot Program at TEB

Global Entry TEB Proposal 1.Pilot Program: Establish a general aviation pilot program for Global Entry’s Trusted Traveler Network at Teterboro Airport 2.Enrollment Fees: $500 per GA passenger enrollment fee for the program shall also generate revenue for CBP 3.Kiosk Purchase/Lease: Global Entry kiosks can be purchased by PANY/NJ, then leased to interested FBOs, thereby providing revenue for TEB projects like Hangar 1 and control tower 4.Establish Metrics: The pilot program shall measure how the location of CBP facilities impacts upon security, noise, pollution, customer service and overall airport operations 5.Issue RFP: Based upon the metrics of the pilot, CBP shall issue an RFP to determine the best long term locations for CBP 6.Still 2 CBP Facilities: Under the pilot, FBOs with kiosks shall be considered temporary CBP facilities, thereby allowing TEB to host multiple kiosks, but remain with two total CBP facilities 7.Not Enrolled: International passengers not enrolled shall continue to clear CBP at previously existing CBP locations 8.Mixed Enrollment: If aircraft contains a mix of enrolled and not enrolled passengers, CBP shall determine FBO best suited for aircraft and passenger clearance

Reasons for Global TEB 1.Public-private-partnership with CBP: All interested FBOs can participate without burdening taxpayers 2.Generate revenue for CBP: Passenger enrollment fees can offset budget constraints and enable more officers 3.Generate revenue for PANY/NJ: PANY/NJ can purchase kiosks from CBP, then lease to FBOs to generate revenue for TEB renovations and improvements 4.Establish national policy for general aviation: Enhance security, expedite passenger and aircraft clearance 5.Establish metrics: Gauge impact of CBP location for operations, security, customer service, pollution & noise 6.Issue an RFP: For the best long-term CBP locations

Global Entry TEB Back of the Envelope Estimation: 5,600: Average # of internationals at TEB, $500 per passenger: To enroll in the private aviation Global Entry pilot project at TEB $2.8 million for CBP: Enrolling just 1 passenger per flight would result in $2.8 m in revenue for CBP (typically 4-8 passengers per flight, wide-spread enrollment at TEB could yield $22.4m) 56 new CBP officers: Using average FY11 salaries ($50K), CBP could hire 56 new officers for $5.6m (or 448 for $22.4m) Additional Revenue: These calculations do not include the FBO purchase/lease of Global Entry kiosks, which would result in additional revenue for PANY/NJ

Global Entry: TEB, not FBOs Atlantic Aviation’s CBP Facility Proposed Hangar 1 CBP Facility Jet Aviation’s CBP Facility Potential First Aviation CBP Facility Potential Signature Flight Support CBP Facility Potential Meridian CBP Facility