Broadmeadows Special Developmental School Provides educational programs for students with ID ranging from moderate to profound Many of our students have other disabilities such as cerebral palsy, autism, hearing & visual impairments. Caters for students 5 – 18years Currently 92 enrolments Wide geographical and diverse socio-economic background IEP’s for each student address VELS Speech,Music, Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy are incorporated into IEPs
Past Practices Inconsistent Difficult to monitor Did not involve team work Stressful for staff Emphasised the negative
DATA – School Survey : Effective discipline policy Student Misbehaviour Classroom Misbehaviour
DATA Effective discipline policy There is an agreed philosophy on discipline in the school 39% Strongly agree60% Strongly Agree76% Strongly Agree Student Misbehaviour Students are generally Well behaved in this school 17% Strongly agree27% Strongly agree38% Strongly agree Class room Misbehaviour % of class time spent on misbehaviour 24% of teachers responded with 30% Of their time 21% of teachers responded with 30% of their time 35% of teachers responded with 10% Of their time School Survey
STRATEGIES - 06 Coaching for teachers with a behaviour management consultant Written feedback Peer Observation Program Menu of strategies to use in the here and now Emphasis on teamwork Emphasis on positive reinforcement School wide Written into IEPs
Results Consistency school wide Attitudinal change amongst staff Stronger teacher reflection & discussion Change in student behaviour in the yard & classroom
AIZ - established a SIG in May of 08 The focus came from the Strategic Plan & the Annual Implementation Plan
Strategic Plan Annual Implementation Plan 2008 School Improvement Group 2008 Progress 2008Staff responsible Student Engagement and Wellbeing To improve levels of student engagement and wellbeing. Strengthen behaviour management programs and develop an associated social skills curriculum from early to senior years Develop consistency in the use of incidents sheets across the school Establish folders for each student and collect student management and behaviour management profiles Audit Incidents sheets to establish changes in frequency/duration/& types of behaviour occurring across the school Establish workshops with behaviour consultant to develop skill level of staff Develop a goal bank of behaviour goals including goals for prevention Monitor current practise and discuss individual cases as appropriate Audit existing & external curriculum to develop a social skills curriculum from Early Years through to Seniors Incident sheet packs distributed to classrooms Folders Established on the T drive for staff access Members looking at the Trouble Tracker program Workshops established and underway Draft goal bank currently being developed To commence in 2009 Katy B SIG group Katy B & Dianne Record and collate case studies of students whose behaviour is being assessed as a future resource manual to aid professional development and the development and implementation of behaviour management programs Ensure compliance training is on task in the Early Years Develop behaviour practice on DVD for staff training Moderate class room practice and ensure that a team approach to Behaviour Management is occurring across the school Behaviour Consultant provided coaching and feedback in report form to each of the early years classrooms To commence in 2009 Teachers given an article on behaviour to read and discuss as part of section meeting Karen Peer observation related to behaviour management strategies Teachers to complete one behaviour management peer observation Teachers undertaking peer observationAll teachers Induction Program for new staff Audit Behaviour Management Consultant Reports to develop a series of Tips Sheet to distribute to all staff Tips sheet for 06 reports is in draft stage and ready to distribute to all teachers Kate C & Bev
SIG 08 TIPS SHEET DISTRIBUED TO TEACHERS COMPILED FROM CONSULTANT REPORTS “TROUBLE TRACKER” – looks at behaviour incidents in classroom & yard Goal Bank “Train The Trainer” program using the consultant – teachers to model/coach teachers in classrooms. Set reading for teachers to Section/Teachers meetings
Proposal for 09 consistency of incident reporting Student Code of Conduct Use coaching as part of Peer Observation Develop training DVDs for training Develop school wide strategies for yard duty Use data from the “Trouble Tracker” to enhance Teacher practice