1 First Task: Homepage for the Preparation of the Pilot Project www.eu-humanbiomonitoring.org News / Updates / Proceedings Policy background Implementation.


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Presentation transcript:

1 First Task: Homepage for the Preparation of the Pilot Project News / Updates / Proceedings Policy background Implementation group on HBM European Pilot Project on HBM Background information on HBM Links Discussion forum FAQ

2 Concept for the Selection Process relevant after applying exclusion criteria relevant after applying selection criteria relevant alternatives for decision makers Broad list of possible pollutants and biomarkers relevant after discussion with Implementation Group BiPRO

3 Preparation of a Decision Basis and first Results STEP 1 Exclusion criteria Selection criteria YES NO Waitlist Broad List STEP 4 STEP 3 STEP 2 NO Waitlist YES Ranking Scenario I: heavy metals, e.g lead, methylmercury FIRST RESULTS: Scenario II: heavy metals + selected POPs BiPRO

4 DG Research funds ESBIO to further prepare the HBM Pilot Project Expert team to Support BIOmonitoring 22 experts from 17 Member States + Croatia national governments, research institutes, industry, NGO schedule: 2 years, 4 reports 8 workpackages ESBIO

5 Workpackages of ESBIO WP 1: Inventory on HBM Conference State of the Art of HBM Updated inventory in electronic form EU platform for exchange of expertise and experiences WP 2: Guidelines for best practise and coordinated approach protocol for sampling, recruitment, collecting, analyses, organisation of laboratory work questionnaire for Pilot Project

6 Workpackages of ESBIO WP 3: Guidelines for integration scenarios with E&H monitoring links of HBM results to environmental monitoring, health monitoring and research Concept to establish biomonitoring as a policy making tool on a European level WP 4: Ethical issues workshop with stakeholders justified concept for dissemination and communication of results within participants of HBM

7 Workpackages of ESBIO WP 5: Inventory on HBM assessment of alternatives for costs and benefits Concept for follow up of the Pilot Project WP 6: Utility and Sensitivity of biomarkers WP 7: Consortium Management WP 8: Communication and Dissemination press release brochure homepage