WELCOME TO NATIONAL AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD CENTRE 2 nd Symposium on Innovation, cooperation in technology and international transfer of technology Prof.


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Presentation transcript:

WELCOME TO NATIONAL AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD CENTRE 2 nd Symposium on Innovation, cooperation in technology and international transfer of technology Prof. Štefan Mihina CEO Nitra, 23 rd September 2015

The National Agricultural and Food Centre Was established on January 1 st 2014 as a legal successor of all agricultural and food research organisations of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of the Slovak Republic National Agricultural and food Centre

The National Agricultural and Food Centre Currently consists of: Soil Science and Conservation Research Institute Research Institute of Plant Production Agroecology Research Institute Research Institute of Viticulture and Enology Grassland and Mountain Agriculture Research Institute Research Institute for Animal Production Food Research Institute Research Institute of Agricultural and Food Economics Bratislava Agricultural Technical and Testing Institute SKTC-106 National Agricultural and food Centre

Soil Science and Conservation Res. Inst. Comprehensive pedological research activities Creation and continuous updating of the Land Parcel Identification system (LPIS) in agriculture which is a key component of Administration and Control System – IACS Operating soil monitoring of Slovakia Operational use of Remote Sensing for Control of area based – subsidies yield forecasting land and soil degradation Development of the knowledge on production and other non-production soil functions Identification and mapping of the land use in Slovakia and monitoring of its transformation National Agricultural and food Centre

Soil Science and Conservation Res. Inst. Comprehensive pedological research activities Creation and continuous updating of the Land Parcel Identification system (LPIS) in agriculture which is a key component of Administration and Control System – IACS Operating soil monitoring of Slovakia Operational use of Remote Sensing for Control of area based – subsidies yield forecasting land and soil degradation Development of the knowledge on production and other non-production soil functions Identification and mapping of the land use in Slovakia and monitoring of its transformation National Agricultural and food Centre

Maintenance and upgrading of Soil Portal – web portal providing geographical and database information concerning soil and land Development and maintenance of database components of soil information systems including expert systems for soil protection and sustainable land use Modelling of climate change impact on landscape Assessment of ecosystem services especially agro ecosystem services Research modelling and management of soil water regime Participation in activities of the European Soil Bureau Network at the Joint Research Centre Ispra Soil Science and Conservation Res. Inst. National Agricultural and food Centre

Technological research Sustainable improvement and innovation of growing systems and technologies in plant production including the integrated alternative and ecological forms; Sustainable production of biomass and ways of biomass utilisation for energy production and for non-food purposes; Impact of climate change and possibilities for an adaptation of agriculture to the change. Research Institute of Plant Production National Agricultural and food Centre

Research in the field of genetics: Analyses of plant genotypes and phenotypes relationship between them and creation of new biological materials with improved properties using the progressive methods; Biotechnological procedures applicable in plant production and in agriculture including the modifications of plant genomes; Genetically conditioned tolerance and persistence of plants to negative factors of the environment; Improving the quality safety and functionality of food resources and testing of the genetically modified plants. Research Institute of Plant Production National Agricultural and food Centre

Gene Bank collecting evaluation conservation and utilisation of plant gene pool for agriculture and nutrition Research and Breeding Stations - aimed at winter wheat oats triticale and poppy Research Institute of Plant Production National Agricultural and food Centre

Production potential of the heavy and extremely heavy soils in the East Slovak Lowland Updating the risk factors in connection with presumption of climate change Research of protective soil tillage technologies and soil amendments to keep the soil fertility Quantification of non-production functions of soil Development of special crop production for energy production Weed mapping (whole Slovakia) Agroecology Research Institute National Agricultural and food Centre

The oldest research institute in Slovakia(1924) Molecular biology and genetics of vine Pathogenic diseases in vine Identifying of wine adulteration Authentication of vine and wine (varieties region technology etc.) Databank of chemical and analytical parameters for wines Impact on country biodiversity and wine character Representation of the Slovak in Wine and Vine International Organisation (O.I.V) in Paris Research Inst. of Viticulture and Enology National Agricultural and food Centre

Grassland management practices considering of production ecological aspects and biodiversity The soil and microbiological processes Production and non- production functions of grassland Animal grazing management Effects of intensity of animal husbandry on landscape Quantity and quality of animal production Grassland biomass for energy production Grassland and Mountain Agriculture Res. Inst. National Agricultural and food Centre

Genetics and Reproduction Population genetics Molecular physiological biochemical and endocrinologic genetics Protection of farm animal gene pools Animal Nutrition Economic health and environmental aspects of feeding Conservation and treatment of feeds Methods of digestibility biological value of feeds in vitro and in sacco Microbiological analyses of feeds and contents of the digestive tract Research Institute for Animal Production National Agricultural and food Centre

Livestock Farming Systems Products Quality and Breeding Optimisation of animal production systems in different production conditions of production in Slovakia Animal welfare Housing systems Emissions of harmful substances from animal husbandry Gaining of milk (dairy cows ewes) and study of nutritive and hygienic quality of milk Carcass quality and meat quality in vivo and post mortem Research Institute for Animal Production National Agricultural and food Centre

Small Farm Animals Rabbit breeding reproduction nutrition efficient meat hybrids Maintaining of biodiversity in agrarian landscape Improving of habitats for field hunting game through greening measurements (set-asides landscape vegetation global protection) Population dynamics and health status of European brown hare Research Institute for Animal Production National Agricultural and food Centre

Apiculture Breeding reproduction state of health and breeding technology in the honey bee Bee-keeping systems in connection with plant production Quality of bee products in Slovak regions Monitoring of the ecological load on the environment by foreign substances through bee colonies and their products Research Institute for Animal Production National Agricultural and food Centre

Annual international competition of professional films with the topic of agriculture and environment and rural area Agrofilm. This year for 31 st time Research Institute for Animal Production National Agricultural and food Centre

Development of new analytical and microbiological methods for food safety control Development of new/innovative food production technological processes Evaluation of the processes occurring in food during production and storage Modelling of food composition continuous update of the Slovak food composition and nutrition databases Evaluation and monitoring of processes and practices affecting food safety Research on good hygiene practices and sanitation systems Food Research Institute National Agricultural and food Centre

Behaviour and mutual interactions of food ingredients Clarification of the mechanisms of formation and elimination of substances with adverse effects on human health Utilisation of molecular-biological processes in diagnostic procedures of authentication and adulteration of food detection of the pathogenic micro-organisms GMOs Food Research Institute National Agricultural and food Centre

Bio-centre Pilot plant enabling to model and verify different food processing operations Fermenters extractors phase separators distillation units vacuum-concentrator units etc. Production isolation purification and application of natural additives Food Research Institute National Agricultural and food Centre

Applied economic research is focused to Assessment and predicting impact of proposals and changes in agrarian policies Problems solution related to agri-food sector in conditions of European integration and globalization Cross-sectoral characteristics of the agri-food chain Land market and rent market of agricultural land in conditions of EU Evaluation of agri-food foreign trade Res. Inst. of Agricult. and Food Economics National Agricultural and food Centre

Service to the Slovak Government and Society Creation and management of Central Database of the Ministry of agriculture and rural development of Slovakia Creation and management of Farm Accountancy Data Network of Slovakia and for Eurostat needs Processing documents for Global Information System and Early Warning System FAO (GIEWS) Maintenance and management of the Soil Evaluation Data Bank Development of outlook reports and situation analysis of selected agricultural commodities Res. Inst. of Agricult. and Food Economics National Agricultural and food Centre

Performance of tests of mechanic, ergonomic and electric properties in agricultural, food industry and forest machines, their safety and environmental influence Measurement of technical parameters in application equipment for pesticides Examination of technological parts in distilleries The research is aimed mainly at utilization of raw material from agriculture in production of energy Agricultural Technical and Testing Institute National Agricultural and food Centre

The National Agricultural and Food Centre Cooperation with Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences - Plant genetic resources - Animal Genetic and Reproduction - Soil protection - Mountains agriculture National Agricultural and food Centre