Regions for Economic Change: Networking for Results LMP Workshop 3C: When exchanging is good for innovation: Experiences from the Lisbon Monitoring Platform INTRODUCTION Krzysztof Nowaczek COMMITTEE OF THE REGIONS Lisbon Monitoring Platform
2 The CoRs LMP monitoring exercise To help implementing the revised Lisbon Strategy, the CoR decided in 2006 to set up a tool for cities and regions to track what happens on the ground to voice the message directly to the EU institutions to allow regions and cities to exchange experiences and learn lessons
3 Platform aims to involve regional and local authorities in the Lisbon governance process for a better implementation of policies linked to Lisbon goals, Contributing to the CoR political message to Spring European Councils, Platform monitors progress at regional and local level LMP members provide yearly updates on: their policy priorities, the governance of the Lisbon Strategy, their involvement in the elaboration of the National Reform Programmes, their funding sources, projects carried on in partnership, Voluntary membership of 112 regions and cities fairly representing the EU as a whole, Platform to assess the synergy between the Lisbon agenda and Cohesion Policy, Interactive web platform The Lisbon Monitoring Platform – bridging the gap
4 The LMP Monitoring Exercise: Key Results The Lisbon Paradox (2007 and 2008 Reports) Regions and cities are engaging in virtually all Lisbon-related policy areas, but they do not perceive the Lisbon Strategy as such as contributing to their regional or local development to the same degree. In 2008 they still perceive they are not yet seen as key stakeholders in the Lisbon policy cycle, while they think they could play a much more active role in the implementation of the NRP
5 LMPs Monitoring Exercise
6 Source: LMP 2008 monitoring questionnaire
8 Introduction of speakers: Difference and Similarities DifferencesSimilarities Regions coming from different European Innovation Scoreboard (EIS) country groups …but leaders in investments in innovation in their respective countries Diversity in terms of centre- periphery relationship … but all of them being border regions Different fields of specialisation … but still priority areas Different cooperation partners… but common trend to move from a simply policy learning to joint policy design and implementation
9 Speakers presentations: Guidelines 1) Multiannual Programme (Strategic Agenda) for the given Region i) Role of innovation pillar ii) Role of general cooperation with other regions/cities and learning from their experience 2) Presentation of the selected policies/project(s)/actions 3) Learning Process i) Identification of potential partners or best practices ii) Actions iii) Challenges iv) Added-value v) Lessons learnt 4) Future - plans for policy learning/cooperation in the future 5) General conclusions means for better sharing of knowledge, for improved coordination among local and regional authorities, and for the enhancement of culture of innovation?