The DataTAG Project 25 March, Brussels FP6 Information Day Peter Clarke, University College London
DataTAG - EU FP6 Information Day - Brussels 25 March 2003 (2) DataTAG Mission EU US Grid network research EU US Grid network research High Performance Transport protocols Inter-domain QoS Advance bandwidth reservation EU US Grid Interoperability EU US Grid Interoperability Sister project to DataGRID Sister project to DataGRID T rans A tlantic G rid
DataTAG - EU FP6 Information Day - Brussels 25 March 2003 (3) Collaborations Collaborations Collaboration with Networks Collaboration with Networks DANTE and National Research Networks (NRN) GARR (IT), MB-NG (UK), Surfnet (NL), VTHD (FR) Internet2/Abilene, Starlight, TeraGrid, ESnet, Canarie Collaboration with projects in Europe Collaboration with projects in Europe DataGrid/CrossGrid Gridstart National Grid projects (e.g. IT) LHC Computing Grid (LCG) Collaboration with projects in the US Collaboration with projects in the US Globus iVDGL GriPhyN PPDG
DataTAG - EU FP6 Information Day - Brussels 25 March 2003 (4) EU collaborators Brunel University Brunel University CERN CERN CLRC CLRC DANTE DANTE INRIA NIKHEF PPARC UvA University of Manchester UCL
DataTAG - EU FP6 Information Day - Brussels 25 March 2003 (5) US collaborators ANL ANL Caltech Caltech Fermilab Fermilab University of Chicago University of Chicago FSU FSU Indiana Indiana Wisconsin Wisconsin Globus Globus Northwestern University UIC University of Michigan SLAC Starlight
DataTAG - EU FP6 Information Day - Brussels 25 March 2003 (6) Cooperating Networks Funding agencies
DataTAG - EU FP6 Information Day - Brussels 25 March 2003 (7) NL SURFnet CERN UK SuperJANET4 Abilene ESNET MREN IT GARR-B GEANT NewYork STAR-TAP STAR-LIGHT Network Research Testbed FR INRIA ATRIUM /VTHD 3*2.5G 2.5G --> 10G 10G
DataTAG - EU FP6 Information Day - Brussels 25 March 2003 (8) Phase I (iGRID2002)
DataTAG - EU FP6 Information Day - Brussels 25 March On February 27-28, a Terabyte of data was transferred by S. Ravot of Caltech between the Level3 PoP in Sunnyvale near SLAC and CERN through the TeraGrid router at StarLight from memory to memory as a single TCP/IP stream with 9KB Jumbo frames at a rate of 2.38 Gbps for 3700 seconds. This beat the former record by a factor of approximately 2.5, and used the US-CERN link at 96% efficiency. This is equivalent to: Transferring a full CD in 2.3 seconds (i.e CDs/hour) Transferring 200 full length DVD movies in one hour (i.e. 1 DVD in 18 seconds) Intel 10GigE Data Transfer Trial European Commission
DataTAG - EU FP6 Information Day - Brussels 25 March 2003 (10) Objectives Enable Middleware interoperability between European and US Grid domains Enable Middleware interoperability between European and US Grid domains Demonstrate Large Hadron Collider (LHC) Applications running on heterogeneous Grid Demonstrate Large Hadron Collider (LHC) Applications running on heterogeneous Grid EU US Grid Interoperability Issues Resource Discovery Resource Discovery Authentication & Authorisation Authentication & Authorisation Job scheduling Job scheduling Data Management Data Management
DataTAG - EU FP6 Information Day - Brussels 25 March 2003 (11) Results Common Resource Information Publication Common Resource Information Publication DataGrid Resource Broker and common Information system integration DataGrid Resource Broker and common Information system integration Implementation in standard Globus release To be included in next DataGrid Release Already included in US VDT release and CERN LCG-0 release Input to GGF and CIM
DataTAG - EU FP6 Information Day - Brussels 25 March 2003 (12) Results Common Virtual Organization Authorization system (VOMS) Common Virtual Organization Authorization system (VOMS) jointly developed by DataTAG/DataGRID Mapping between PKI-based Grid security and Kerberos-based mechanism at the local site. Mapping between PKI-based Grid security and Kerberos-based mechanism at the local site. New Grid monitoring system New Grid monitoring system
DataTAG - EU FP6 Information Day - Brussels 25 March 2003 (13) Dissemination Web site Web site Presentations Presentations GGF, DataGrid, Internet2, AcrossGrid, Nordunet, INFN- Grid, Gridstart, HNF Europe, IST2002, SC2002, etc Demos Demos iGRID2002, IST2002, SC2002 High Performance TCP workshop High Performance TCP workshop Feb-02Apr-02May-02Jul-02Sep-02Oct-02Dec-02Jan-03Mar-03 Month Hits 40000/month
DataTAG - EU FP6 Information Day - Brussels 25 March 2003 (14) Conclusions Successfull first year Successfull first year Comprehensive Transatlantic testbed built Comprehensive Transatlantic testbed built Many advances in very high rate data transport Many advances in very high rate data transport Demonstration of applications running across heterogeneous Grid domains Demonstration of applications running across heterogeneous Grid domains