Letter from the Head Coaches Desk As our season progresses into the New Year, our club continues to excel at all levels. Currently we are running training camps in Edmonton for our Gold level groups and up as well as a camp down here in Phoenix for a group of ten Sr National level swimmers. This time of year is a great way to get a jump start into the next cycle of our year, as we prepare for championship meets taking place from February to April. We have two swimmers (Devon Bibault and Lili Margitai) representing Canada this month at two different international level swim meets in Australia and another swimmer representing Canada (Nadine Williams) in an open water swim in Brazil. A nice time of year to be in the southern hemisphere! As you have hopefully noticed by now, we have two new record boards located at the Kinsmen Aquatic Centre. Our main one up in the stands and one for the swimmers located on the pool deck. These boards were 35 years in the making. There are still some records dating back to the early 80’s with several former Keyano Olympians and there are many new records that have been broken in the last several years. These boards are a testament to the success Keyano has had for the past 35 years and what an accomplishment is it anytime a club record is broken. As I have learned in my year of being in Edmonton, pool shutdowns seem to be a regular occurrence. We are doing our best to deal with these extended shutdowns. Please make sure that if you are a family who swims at Confederation Pool and Royal Glenora that you are in touch with your coach about the best alternative for your practice schedule during your pool shutdown. If the suggested change for your group will not work for you, there may be another alternative that might suit your family better. As the days get longer, keep having fun, doing your best, and swimming fast. I wish you all happiness and success in Go Bears! Sincerely, Derrick Schoof EKSC Head Coach and Director of Swimming
Keyano on Facebook and Twitter Facebook: We would appreciate that parents and swimmers that have an account on Facebook to "Like" and join our facebook page. We are aiming to have 500 "Likes" and members by June. We currently have 135 likes on facebook. Please note that this is also a community tool and will be updated frequently with news and photo's. This is also, a space for alumni to be informed on what is going on in the world of The Bears! Twitter: We would also appreciate that parents and swimmers that have an account on Twitter to follow us. Again, we are aiming for 500 followers for June. We currently have 95 Followers. Thanks so much! Your support really does make a difference is helping us reach our swim club objectives.
Important Notes from Colleen THANK-YOU to everyone for all of their help at this past weekend’s Blue Bears swim meet! We could not run such a successful event for our athletes without the time and support of our Parent Volunteers! Keyano Krossfit – Wednesday Nights from 5-6pm for Bronze Swimmers looking to add an additional practice to their week - $5 per session drop in fee Team Equipment – Placing another order – Order forms due to the Keyano Office by Wednesday January 30 th
Congratulations to our Swimmers of the Month - December Bonnie Doon – Gold – Katie Rosychuk, Silver – Jesse Power, Bronze – Avery Przyswitt Confederation – Gold – Talia Cole, Silver – Will Sun, Bronze – Johann Badion Jasper Place – Gold – Serena Ward-Cantor, Silver – Rayne Loeffler, Bronze – Olivia Warnock Royal Glenora – Gold – Bronwyn Tonelli, Silver – Rojine McVea, Bronze – Paige Chapman Terwillegar Pool – Gold – Meaghan Ure, Silver – Sommerset vanRooij, Bronze – Mattea Lastovka Kinsmen – Youth Championship – Stuart Lau, Provincial – Dante Chan