Research and Innovation Participant Portal for Horizon 2020 A preview Peter HÄRTWICH eFP7 Communication Office RTD M2
Home page This is the home page of the new more ergonomic and user-friendly Participant Portal. (It does not include yet H2020 information because we thought of going public with it well before the launch of the first H2020 calls, but we could update it with the H2020 information before the Cabinet meeting though)
New ways for finding funding opportunities in calls
Funding opportunities landing page Calls Horizon 2020 COSME Search Topics Call Updates Other Funding Opportunities Horizon 2020 COSME Horizon 2020 is the new EU funding programme for research and innovation running from 2014 to 2020 with a €70 billion budget. The first calls for proposals for Horizon 2020 are envisaged for December 2013. Its simplified rules and submission and grant management tools should facilitate participants' tasks. For practical guidance, see the H2020 Funding Guide. H2020 supports SMEs with a new instrument that runs throughout various funded research and innovation fields, so it should be easy for SMEs to find opportunities in many calls. H2020 also aims to enhance EU international research cooperation so there are more opportunities for Third Country participation. Having built H2020 around the main societal challenges like an ageing population, food security, energy efficiency, the EU attaches high importance to embed socio-economic sciences and humanities into the work programme. Another important priority of the Commission is to ensure gender is embedded in the design of Horizon 2020 project proposals. Programme for the Competitiveness of Enterprises and SMEs (COSME) will run from 2014 to 2020, with a planned budget of €2.3bn. It will facilitate SME access to finance, create supportive environment for business creation, help small businesses operate outside their home countries and improve their access to markets. Previous Framework Programmes (FP7 & CIP) Other calls This page lists additional research activities, initiatives executed by several Member States or joint programmes, co-funded calls, thematic opportunities, and intergovernmental actions. This is the Funding Opportunities landing page. The text gives a short overview of the information that a user can find in this section and some priority highlights of H2020. When clicking, for instance, on the link "SME instrument" in the text, a user will access directly a specific page with all the related topics of open calls. The left hand menu gives targeted entry points both for old and new users: the experienced user finds an opportunity to go directly to the calls of specific parts of H2020, and the new user can click on "Search topics" and search funding opportunities just with free keywords, without having to know the structure of the programme. Call updates The page displays the latest updates to the calls, like change of deadlines. Search The call search tool has several filtering options to help you select funding opportunities that are most relevant to your activities. Stay informed FP7 and CIP – previous programmes RSS feed iCal Email notification FP7 and CIP are previous instruments to fund research and innovation activities in Europe for the period 2007 to 2013. You can view closed calls information of these programmes.
Horizon 2020 calls Calls HORIZON 2020 CALLS F U N D I N G G U I D E Horizon 2020 66 results COSME Filter options Search Topics Specific Programme: Type: ☑ Calls for proposal ☑ Calls for tender Call Updates Excellent Science Industrial Leadership Societal Challenges Spreading excellence and widening participation Science with and for society Other Funding Opportunities Status: ◎ Open calls ○ Closed calls ○ Forthcoming calls Previous Framework Programmes (FP7 & CIP) Sort by: ◎ Publication date ○ Deadline ○ Title ○ Call ID This is the H2020 Calls page. The Calls are presented as clickable "cards" that lead to the call details. When landing on the page the user will see all the open calls in the order of their publishing dates, but he or she has also the possibility to see forthcoming and open calls when filtering accordingly. The user can also filter calls by programmes and themes. Stay informed RSS feed iCal Email notification
Horizon 2020 calls – Full tree structure F U N D I N G G U I D E Horizon 2020 66 results COSME Filter options Search Topics Specific Programme: Type: ☑ Calls for proposal ☑ Calls for tender Call Updates Excellent Science Industrial Leadership Societal Challenges Spreading excellence and widening participation Science with and for society Excellent Science └ European Research Council └ Future and Emerging Technologies └ Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions └ European research infrastructures (including eInfrastructures) Industrial Leadership └ Leadership in enabling and industrial technologies └ Information and communication technologies └ Nanotechnologies, Advanced materials, Advanced manufacturing and processing, Biotechnology └ Space └ Access to risk finance └ Innovation in SMEs Societal Challenges └ Health, demographic change and wellbeing └ Food security, sustainable agriculture and forestry, marine and maritime and inland water research and the bioeconomy └ Secure, clean and efficient energy └ Smart, green and integrated transport └ Climate action, environment, resource efficiency and raw materials └ Europe in a changing world – inclusive, innovative and reflective Societies └ Secure societies – Protecting freedom and security of Europe and its citizens └ Cross-challenge area Spreading excellence and widening participation Science with and for society Other Funding Opportunities Status: ◎ Open calls ○ Closed calls ○ Forthcoming calls Previous Framework Programmes (FP7 & CIP) Sort by: ◎Publication date ○Deadline ○Title ○Call ID A preview of the full tree of H2020 actions and parts. Stay informed RSS feed iCal Email notification
Horizon 2020 predefined criteria: Search topics Calls SEARCH TOPICS F U N D I N G G U I D E Horizon 2020 COSME Search keywords: climate change Search Search Topics Horizon 2020 predefined criteria: Call Updates Cross-cutting Key-Enabling Technologies (KETs) International cooperation ERA-NET SME Instrument Gender Socio-economic science and Humanities Other Funding Opportunities Previous Framework Programmes (FP7 & CIP) This is the page for newcomers that allows searching for call topics by free keywords without having to know the structure of the programme. In addition, the users can also access topics with predefined horizontal priorities for easy access to all topics involving the SME instrument, international cooperation opportunities, gender issues, etc. Each item will have a "tool tip" that explains it shortly, e.g. KETs including advanced manufacturing technologies, photonics, nanotechnologies, advanced materials, micro/nanoelectronics, and biotechnology. Stay informed RSS feed iCal Email notification
Search topics – Results Calls SEARCH TOPICS F U N D I N G G U I D E Horizon 2020 COSME Search keywords: climate change Search Search Topics Horizon 2020 predefined criteria: Call Updates Cross-cutting Key-Enabling Technologies (KETs) International cooperation ERA-NET SME Instrument Gender Socio-economic science and Humanities Other Funding Opportunities Previous Framework Programmes (FP7 & CIP) 3 results ◎ Open calls ○ Closed calls ○ Forthcoming calls Filter options: ○Publication date ○Title ◎Deadline ○Call ID Sort by: Topic: SFS 7 - 2014: Optimising external nutrient inputs in intensive crop production systems in Europe European crop production is facing more and more difficulties in remaining competitive in the global market for many reasons. One of these reasons is certainly the high cost of external nutrient inputs necessary More… Call title: Sustainable Food Security Status: Open Call identifier: H2020-SFS-2014/2015 Deadline: 2014-03-18 This is the page of results that the user gets after searching with the key word "climate change". It is a list of topics (result of a Google-like search) from all open calls with relevance for the free search term "climate change"(search in the full text and in the metadata – tags). If he or she finds a topic of interest, the user can get more detailed information when clicking on the topic title. It is also possible to see the Call information when clicking on the call identifier. Topic: WATER 2 – 2014/2015: Integrated approaches to water and climate change The rising demands of a growing world population for food, water, materials and energy will put increasing pressures on land use, water resources and ecosystems. Energy consumption is expected to increase, More… Call title: Water Innovation: Boosting its value for Europe Status: Open Call identifier: H2020-WATER-2014/2015 Deadline: 2014-03-18 Topic: WATER 5 – 2014/2015: Strengthening international R&I cooperation in the field of water Developing countries, especially in Africa, are facing serious challenges for sustaining its development. Sustainable water supply and sanitation is fundamental to the food security, health, survival More… Call title: Water Innovation: Boosting its value for Europe Status: Open Call identifier: H2020-WATER-2014/2015 Deadline: 2014-03-18 Stay informed RSS feed iCal Email notification
Horizon 2020 calls – Call details F U N D I N G G U I D E Horizon 2020 COSME WATER INNOVATION: BOOSTING ITS VALUE FOR EUROPE H2020-WATER-2014/2015 Search Topics Publication date: 2013-12-11 Deadline Date: 2014-03-18 +17:00:00 (Brussels local time) Stage 2: 2014-05-22 +17:00:00 (Brussels local time) Budget: €65.000.000 Specific programme: Societal challenges Status: Open OJ reference: OJ C2020 11 of December 2013 Call Updates Other Funding Opportunities Call summary Water is an invaluable resource for human health, food security, sustainable development and the environment, and is an economic sector of growing importance for Europe. However, water resources are constantly under pressure from climate change, urbanisation, pollution, overexploitation of freshwater resources and increasing competition between various user groups, and the improvement of the state of water resources will trigger substantial economic benefits. More… Previous Framework Programmes (FP7 & CIP) Topics ▶ WATER 1 – 2014/2015: Bridging the gap from innovative water solutions to market replication ▶ WATER 2 – 2014/2015: Integrated approaches to water and climate change ▶ WATER 3 – 2014/2015: Stepping up EU research and innovation cooperation in the water area ▶ WATER 4 – 2014: Harnessing EU water research and innovation results for industry, policy makers and citizens ▶ WATER 5 – 2014/2015: Strengthening international R&I cooperation in the field of water Clicking on a Call identifier will display the Call details page, presenting a short summary of the call information and the full list of topics it covers. When the user clicks on any of the topic titles, he or she will access the specific topic information and the link to the electronic submission service. The buttons on this screen give access to the general information and services that are the same for all the topics. For instance, "Get support" lists all the relevant helpdesks like Research Enquiry Service, IT helpdesk, European IPR helpdesk, etc. "Subscribe to Notifications" will allow the user to receive e-mails about any updates to this call or topics. Latest info Call documents Submission Service Get support Subscribe to Notification Stay informed RSS feed iCal Email notification
Horizon 2020 calls – Topic details: topic description F U N D I N G G U I D E Horizon 2020 COSME Call: Water innovation: boosting its value for Europe Topic: Bridging the gap from innovative water solutions to market replication WATER 1 – 2014/2015 Search Topics Call Updates Topic Description Topic Conditions Call Documents Submission Service Other Funding Opportunities Specific challenge: One of the main factors hampering the market uptake of innovative solutions in the field of water is the lack of real scale demonstration of their long term viability. In addition, highly promising and advanced eco-innovative water technologies, processes, products and services often do not reach the market due to pre-commercialisation challenges and the residual risk linked to scaling-up. The first Strategic Implementation Plan of the European Innovation Partnership (EIP) on Water has identified as priority areas: water reuse and recycling; water and wastewater treatment, including recovery of resources; water and energy integration; flood and drought risk management; and the role of ecosystem services in the provision of water related services. Scope: Actions should address one or more of the following: demonstration/pilot activities of new or improved innovative water solutions (technologies, processes, products and/or services) in a real environment the first application and market replication of near commercial water solutions. They should focus on the priorities identified in the first Strategic Implementation Plan of the European Innovation Partnership (EIP) on Water, and/or helping process industries become less water dependant while ensuring efficient management of other resources (e.g. raw materials and energy), and/or exploiting untapped potential of ICT by developing and deploying advanced ICT solutions for water resources management in agriculture and urban areas. Expected impact: Wide and fast deployment of eco-innovation in the water sector in line with the priority areas of the EIP 'Water'. Support to the objectives of the Sustainable Process Industries Public-private Partnership (SPIRE PPP), in particular helping process industries to view water as a highly valuable asset rather than a consumable. Market penetration, long-term application and sustained use of successful solutions by various end-users, and creation of new market opportunities both inside and outside Europe. Increased resource efficiency and environmental performance of the water sector, through synergies between public water authorities, water utilities, various economic sectors, big companies, SMEs and research organisations. Type of action: Innovation actions (70%) Previous Framework Programmes (FP7 & CIP) This is the topic details page presenting all information necessary to prepare a proposal for the topic (specific challenge, scope of projects and their expected impact). The button Call Documents takes you back to the Call page – section Call Documents that is the information package, including submission rules and guide for applicants among other key documents for proposals. The eligibility and evaluation conditions of the topic are available under "Topic Conditions" leading to the following section of the same page. Stay informed RSS feed iCal Email notification
Horizon 2020 calls – Topic details: topic conditions F U N D I N G G U I D E Horizon 2020 COSME Call: Water innovation: boosting its value for Europe Topic: Bridging the gap from innovative water solutions to market replication WATER 1 – 2014/2015 Search Topics Call Updates Topic Description Topic Conditions Call Documents Submission Service Other Funding Opportunities Topic Conditions Eligibility conditions – The standard eligibility conditions apply. Please read carefully these provisions before the preparation of your application. Evaluation criteria – The standard evaluation criteria apply. Please read carefully the provisions before the preparation of your application. Evaluation procedure – Please read carefully the standard evaluation procedure provisions before the preparation of your application. Proposal page limits and layout: 10 pages Applicants must ensure that proposals confirm to the page limits and layout given in the Guide for Applicants (see Call Documents) , and in the proposal part B template available through the electronic Submission Services of the Commission. The Commission will instruct experts to disregard any pages exceeding these limits. The minimum font size allowed is 11 points. The page size is A4, and all margins (top, bottom, left, right) should be at least 15mm (not including any footers or headers). Should the call publication postponed, the dates in this table should be adjusted accordingly. Consortia agreements: In line with the Rules for Participation and the Model Grant Agreement, participants in Research and Innovation Actions or in Innovation Actions are required to conclude a consortium agreement prior to grant agreement. Previous Framework Programmes (FP7 & CIP) This is the page of the topic conditions that gives the user the eligibility conditions, evaluation criteria and procedure. They also learn about approximate timelines for having the results of the evaluation, and if successful, signing their grant agreement. If the user is ready to start submitting a proposal, he or she will click on the button Submission Service and arrive on the next page. Topic Evaluation results (single or first stage) Evaluation results (second stage) Indicative date for signing of grant agreements Water 1 Maximum 6 months after the deadline Maximum 9 months after the deadline Stay informed RSS feed iCal Email notification
Horizon 2020 calls – Topic details: submission service F U N D I N G G U I D E Horizon 2020 COSME Call: Water innovation: boosting its value for Europe Topic: Bridging the gap from innovative water solutions to market replication WATER 1 – 2014/2015 Search Topics Call Updates Topic Description Topic Conditions Call Documents Submission Service Other Funding Opportunities Submission Service To access the Electronic Submission Service of the call, please select the type of action that is most relevant to your proposal from the list below. You will then be linked to the correct entry point. To access existing draft proposals for this call, please login to the Participant Portal and select the My Proposals page of the My Area section. Download the user guide of the Participant Portal Submission Service. Previous Framework Programmes (FP7 & CIP) Research and Innovation Action START SUBMISSION Clicking on the button Submission Service leads to the page for accessing the submission tool. The hanging menu allows choosing one of the type of action of the topic, push the button Start Submission and enter the electronic proposal forms. We will go once again back to the search topics page now. Stay informed RSS feed iCal Email notification
Search topics – Topics for SME Instrument (Support menu) Calls TOPICS FOR SME INTRUMENT F U N D I N G G U I D E Horizon 2020 The SME instrument has been designed specifically for single or groups of highly innovative SMEs with international ambitions, determined to turn strong, innovative business ideas into winners on the market. The instrument provides full-cycle business innovation support from the stage of business idea conception and planning (phase I) over business plan execution and demonstration (phase II) to commercialisation (phase III). COSME SME Search Topics Call Updates Topic: INNOSUP 1 – 2015: Cluster animated projects for new industrial value chains The challenge is to develop new cross-sectoral industrial value chains across Europe, by building upon the innovation potential of SMEs. Europe needs to support the development of emerging industries, which will provide the growth and employment of the future. The reindustrialisation of Europe has to focus on the development of long-term internationally competitive goods and services that require combining different competences and innovative solutions. The development of new industrial value chains calls for the collaboration and integration of different innovation actors, including large enterprises and especially SMEs, across different sectors towards the implementation of a joint vision. More… Call title: Enhancing SME innovation capacity by providing better innovation Status: Open Call identifier: H2020-INNOSUP-2014/2015 Deadline: 2015-04-01 Other Funding Opportunities Previous Framework Programmes (FP7 & CIP) Topic: INNOSUP 2 - 2014: European Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Helpdesk Small firms and research organisations face a challenge to adequately manage, diffuse and valorise Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) due to limited knowledge and resources. These challenges can be dealt with at regional and national level by general purpose research and business support. However, cross-border commercial or research activities may require a pan-European approach. More… Call title: Enhancing SME innovation capacity by providing better innovation Status: Open Call identifier: H2020-INNOSUP-2014/2015 Deadline: 2014-04-01 Topic: INNOSUP 3 - 2014: IPorta 2 – Increasing the quality of IP advisory services to SMEs Managing Intellectual Property rights (IPR) is a difficult task, especially for Small, Medium and Micro enterprises (SME) or individual inventors. Such enterprises or individuals frequently do not have the knowledge or human resources to effectively use and manage IPR. Such entities would be able to better use their intellectual capital if: 1. they had more knowledge, including basics of IPR, and guidance on how to better use professional legal consultants; More… Call title: Enhancing SME innovation capacity by providing better innovation Status: Open Call identifier: H2020-INNOSUP-2014/2015 Deadline: 2014-04-01 Stay informed RSS feed iCal Email notification
How to participate: SME participation Funding Guide SME PARTICIPATION F U N D I N G G U I D E Reference Documents SME Instrument SUPPORT TO SME Organisation Register The SME instrument has been designed specifically for single or groups of highly innovative SMEs with international ambitions, determined to turn strong, innovative business ideas into winners on the market. The instrument provides full-cycle business innovation support from the stage of business idea conception and planning (phase I) over business plan execution and demonstration (phase II) to commercialisation (phase III). Participants will be able to call on business innovation coaching for the duration of their project. Phase I (proof-of-concept): Explore the scientific or technical feasibility and commercial potential of your new idea in order to develop an innovation project, with the help of a € 50,000 grant, and receive more support in case of a positive outcome! Phase II (development & demonstration): Develop your sound, ground-breaking business idea further with the help of a grant in the order of € 1 to 2,5 million into a market-ready product, service or process! Phase III (go-to-market): Take advantage of additional EU support to enter the market successfully (no grants). Apply Get personalized advice and guidance on how to apply from two support networks who understand your local and global challenges. Discover your personal help lines: Financial Viability Self-Check SME participation Enterprise Europe Network Whether you need information on EU legislation, help finding a business partner, want to benefit from innovation networks in your region or need information on funding opportunities, this is the place to start. National Contact Points (NCPs) NCPs provide information and guidance to SMEs wishing to participate in EU research and are able to offer personalized support in the proposer’s own language. Funding Guide The page displays the latest updates to the calls, like change of deadlines. IPR (SME corner) Collaborative Projects (SME + partners) Useful information for managing intellectual property rights in your business and projects. Work with at least 2 international partners (separate legal entities) from different EU countries (at least 3 in total) and request EU project support! Apply IS MY COMPANY AN SME? Learn more here, or do the self-check. Access to Debt and Equity Financing POLICY QUESTIONS? Discover where and how the EU can help your company to access finance for further business development. Horizon 2020 – SME Techweb Stay up-to-date with latest EU policy initiatives in the field of innovation in SMEs. Workshops, call news and more.
Electronic grant management Participant Portal as single gateway New ways of presenting calls New integrated grant management module No more blue ink signatures Extended mandate of Legal Entity Apppointed Representative (LEAR)
"Chain of trust" One person in the central administration of each organisation to be appointed by the Legal Representative in a formal process using blue ink signature = Legal Entity Appointed Representative (LEAR) Appointment letter to comprise also supporting documents on identity of the legal representative LEAR mandate (among other issues): assign persons authorised to sign the different types of documents; supervise assignment of other roles in the portal for their organisation For small organisations: a single person can easily acquire all necessary roles and access rights
New integrated grant management module
project dashboard
Doc library Chat area
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