CSLI 5350G - Pervasive and Mobile Computing Week 5 - Paper Presentation “An Efficient and Robust Data Dissemination Protocol for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks” Name: Dinesh Bilimoria Date: Oct 16 th, 2013
Research Paper 2 Bibliography: Villas, L.A., Ramos, H. S., Boukerche, A., Guidoni, D., Araujo, B,R., and Loureiro, A.A.F.(2012). "An efficient and robust data dissemination protocol for vehicular ad hoc networks." In Proceedings of the 9th ACM symposium on Performance evaluation of wireless ad hoc, sensor, and ubiquitous networks (PE-WASUN '12). ACM, New York, NY, USA,
Background 3 Urban Multihop Broadcast (UMB) Vehicle Repeater
Background 4 Distributed Vehicular Broadcast (DV-CAST) Well Connected Neighborhood (one neighbor is in message forwarding direction -> broadcast suppression) Sparsely Connected Neighborhood (last node in cluster, and one neighbor in opposite direction -> store and forward)
Background 5 Distributed Robust Geocast (DRG) Two-dimensional ZOR - the relay nodes should have a wider angular distance to cover new regions of ZOR Non-realistic Model Realistic Model
Background 6 Mobicast
An Efficient and Robust Data Dissemination Protocol for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks 7 Objective The goal to provide solution to broadcast storm problem, network partition and temporal network fragmentation. Proposal GEographical Data Dissemination for Alert Information (GEDDAI) Eliminate the broadcast storm Maximizes the capability of performing data dissemination across ZoR Low overhead, short delays and high coverage
An Efficient and Robust Data Dissemination Protocol for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks 8 Contributions The solution performs data dissemination in a reactive way, i.e., it does not require the building and maintenance of a table of neighbors in order to disseminate data across a ZoR Proposed a sweet spot (ie ZoP) and use it to efficiently disseminate the data across a zone of relevance achieving low overhead, short delays and high coverage Assumptions Perform data dissemination with ZoR Vehicles do not require table of neighbors Do not need to use ZoF
An Efficient and Robust Data Dissemination Protocol for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks Sweet Spot (Zone of Preference) An area where the vehicles are inside it to perform data dissemination
An Efficient and Robust Data Dissemination Protocol for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks 10 Flow Chart Diagram
An Efficient and Robust Data Dissemination Protocol for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks 11 Data Dissemination When an event occurs source vehicle starts to disseminate data about the event Source vehicle floods the ZoR with AI message and forwards to neighbors One neighbor node is chosen to continue data dissemination If no vehicles in Sweet Spot, the vehicle farther from the transmitter will be chosen The process is performed until information is disseminated throughout
An Efficient and Robust Data Dissemination Protocol for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks 12 Evidence Use of metrics - overhead, collisions, coverage and delay Evaluation of Prototype OMNeT++ NS v4.1 Inetmanet Framework SUMO
An Efficient and Robust Data Dissemination Protocol for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks 13 Results
An Efficient and Robust Data Dissemination Protocol for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks 14 Results
An Efficient and Robust Data Dissemination Protocol for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks 15 Shoulder of Giants Distributed Vehicular Broadcast (DV-CAST) Distributed Robust Geocast (DRG) Adaptive Information Dissemination (AID) Distance Based Relay Selection (DBRS) Impact Cited by 3 since 2012
An Efficient and Robust Data Dissemination Protocol for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks 16 Open problems Analytical and modeling metrics to determine if proposing message alert will be practical in sweet spot (ZoP) Flow chart should indicate retry method before message is cancelled Impact of sweet spot (ZoP) message dissemination if communication radius is more then 200 meters
An Efficient and Robust Data Dissemination Protocol for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks 17 Discussion points 1. What is a Sweet Spot? An area where the vehicles are inside it to perform data dissemination 2. What method is mentioned in the paper to eliminate broadcast storm? GEographical Data Dissemination for Alert Information (GEDDAI) 3. What is the impact to the results on Page 12 and Page 13 if the dissemination rate is increased from 1 sec to 2 secs. Message will take almost twice the time to disseminate since overhead increases.