1 The UNFCCC Adaptation Committee: Building Coherence to Address Adaptation Gaps Adaptation Knowledge Day V Presentation by Klaus Radunsky and Fred Kossam Bonn, Germany 09 June 2014
What is the Adaptation Committee? Adaptation Committee Advice Engagement Recommendations Technical Support Ensuring coherence & collaboration Promoting synergy & strengthening engagement Providing guidance on means to incentivize implementation Considering information by Parties on monitoring and review Sharing of information, knowledge & experience 2
Activities of the Adaptation Committee Collaborate with Convention bodies, UN agencies & regional centres e.g. Technical advice to ADP, GCE, LEG, L&D ExCom, TEC Promote national adaptation planning e.g. NAP Task force Support Monitoring & Evaluation Adaptation Action Technical support and guidance to Parties Collaborate with Convention bodies, UN agencies & regional centres e.g. Technical advice to AFB, GCF, GEF, LEG, NWP, SCF, TEC Strengthen engagement to improve support for adaptation e.g. Ad-hoc group on technical support Means of Implementation (finance, technology & capacity building) Technical support and guidance to Parties Thematic reports Adaptation under the Convention (2013), National Adaptation Planning (Nov 2014) Adaptation Forum Awareness-raising, outreach and sharing of information W o r k s t r e a m s 3 C o h e r e n c e Mapping – Reducing duplication – Addressing gaps – Promoting synergies Recommendations and guidance to COP
Focus on Adaptation Committee work with UN agencies and Regional Centres Work so far Mapping of support from UN agencies and regional institutions supporting adaptation in developing countries Submissions and technical information paper on “Roles of regional institutions and United Nations agencies in supporting enhanced adaptation actions in developing countries” On-line list of regional centres and networks working on adaptation AC ad hoc group on technical support to build on that mapping exercise to identify gaps, needs and opportunities for strengthening support for adaptation in developing countries Special event Friday 6 th June “Promoting synergy and strengthening engagement with national, regional and international organizations, centres and networks”
Some findings from mapping and analysis of support from UN agencies and regional institutions on adaptation 153 organizations contacted, 37% responded Organizations are working in: Africa 72%; Asia 68%, Americas 57%, Oceania 43%, Europe 32%, as well as LDCs 83% and SIDS 38%
Some findings from mapping and analysis of support from UN agencies and regional institutions on adaptation Main benefactors from organizations’ activities are national governments and communities. Main participants are national governments. 87% organizations are promoting capacity building for adaptation (at the individual level and/or the institutional level) 17% organizations mentioned they were involved in some capacity with the NAPs 42% organizations are supporting technology transfer 26% organizations mentioned the use of M&E for assessing progress 42% organizations specifically mentioned awareness of gender sensitivity in their adaptation activities.
Examples of suggestions for the Adaptation Committee to address gaps at regional level Relevant suggestions with regard to Adaptation gaps include: Organizations could benefit from the AC, including specific recognition of expertise within these organizations, so as to better engage with policymakers under the Convention on gaps Organizations are and can continue in establishing sub-regional networks of champions on adaptation and climate induced risk reduction Regional centres can draw on their regional networks to enhance local implementation capacity Centres can work in consortium with national and international partners who have common goals to address natural resource management, climate change research and technology transfers
Focus on the AC work with UN agencies and Regional Centres Future work All organisations wish to continue working with the AC AC to continue to build coherence including identifying recommendations for strengthening the role of regional institutions and UN agencies Specific activities include: Report from special SB 40 in-session event Analytical paper “Technical support for adaptation by regional institutions and UN agencies” (2014) Thematic report on national adaptation planning (2014) Workshops on: Means of implementation of adaptation action (2015) Promoting livelihoods and economic diversification (2015)
Outlook AC in collaboration with UN agencies and regional institutions aims to build coherence towards Providing coherent guidance and technical support Supporting the achievement of sustainable and targeted adaptation action
Thank you 11