3 rd Week Exam Review
Directions: Copy the following questions on a separate sheet of paper. The completed review is due on the day of the exam. This is worth 10% of your exam grade. 1. Draw and describe the chemical symbols that are present when a corrosive, flammable, and/or toxic hazard exist. 2. Study your lab safety rules as indicated on the safety contract. (a) Identify the proper lab equipment used for a dissection lab and the safety precautions that need to be taken as a result. (b) Know the potential hazards involved with inhaling harmful vapors, what safety rules need to be followed? (c) What is the proper technique to dilute an acid?
3. List the name, function, and units for each laboratory tool or equipment. 4. Draw the safety symbols and identify the hazard associated with each symbol, include the following: electrical, special disposal, eye protection, clothing protection, biological hazard, corrosive, and fume. 5. List and define the 6 steps of the scientific method in order. (a) What makes a hypothesis testable? (b) Define independent variable, dependent variable, constants, and control. Be able to pick these out in a scenario. (c) What is used to form a valid conclusion in an experiment? EquipmentFunctionUnits Safety Symbol Hazard
6. Identify the 4 macromolecules for life. (a) List the function of each macromolecule or polymer. (b) Give examples of each macromolecule or polymer. 7. What are the components that make up DNA? PolymerFunctionExamples