Cat Dissection Instructions
This is the place where the dead teach the living.
Remember: Horseplay, eating/drinking in lab is not tolerated. 1. The specimens are valuable. 2. No part of any specimen is to be taken from this room without specific permission. 3. Specimens are to be treated with respect at all times, as they were once someone’s pet!!!
Safety Procedures 1. Goggles, safety glasses or glasses are to be worn at all times. There are some glasses available, You can purchase your own simple safety glasses at Loew’s, HomeDepot etc. 2. Provide yourself with clothing, garbage bag, etc. just in case some Clorox Spray were to ruin your clothes..
Safety Procedures 2. Proper handling of scalpels includes- –Always have a sharp blade –Always elevate structures to cut –One scalpel in the specimen at a time –Pass scalpels handle first
Safety Procedures 3. Clean up properly to avoid contamination and exposure to harmful chemicals- –Spray cat with preservative often –Enclose cat in 2 bags –Spray table with 10% Clorox Spray and wipe thoroughly –Wash hands after lab regardless what your job was
Supplies 1. Clorox spray under sink # Vicks is in lab drawer # Dissecting kits and sign out sheet in lab drawer # Obviously- gloves are mounted by the white sink, and under the lab cabinet.
Disposal of all tissues from the specimens as well as gloves only into specified emesis/trash can. ABSOLUTELY, POSITIVELY NO TISSUE PIECES IN THE SINK!!!!!!
Clean all surfaces of trays and dissecting tools. DO NOT RINSE TISSUE DOWN SINK.
Spray specimen (IF NEEDED) and double bag before putting away.
Also: 1. Take turns dissecting. 2. Don’t waste time 3. No one leaves until everyone leaves-everyone is expected to help clean-up. Any “mess” left will result in everyone losing points on their daily grade.