IEEE Region 3 Teacher In-Service Training Program 23 July 2005 Atlanta, GA Ralph Painter, Florida West Coast Section Douglas Gorham, IEEE Educational Activities
2 Workshop Goals l Empower Section “champions” to develop or enhance collaborations with their local pre- university community to promote applied inquiry-based learning. l Enhance the level of technological literacy of pre-university educators. l Encourage pre-university students to pursue technical careers, including engineering. l Increase the general level of technological literacy of pre-university students for many years.
3 ITEA/Gallup Poll l Many Americans view technology narrowly as mostly being computers and the Internet l The American public is virtually unanimous in regarding the development of technological literacy as an important goal for people at all levels l There is near total consensus in the public sampled that schools should include the study of technology in the curriculum l 61% believe students should be evaluated for technological literacy as part of high school graduation
4 Percentage of Science Degrees Awarded Science degrees include life sciences, physical sciences, mathematics, statistics, computer sciences, engineering, manufacturing, and building Source: Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development
5 Short-Term Benefits l Participating teachers will acquire additional knowledge and materials necessary to enhance their science, math and technology curricula l Participating teachers will be able to add practical, applicable content to their curricula l Engineers and educators will be able to meet and learn about each other l Participating teachers will have a greater understanding of technical careers such as engineering, which they can impart to their students
6 Long-Term Benefits l The overall level of technological literacy of educators and their students will be positively impacted for many years l There will be the potential for future enhancements in school curricula l Engineers and educators will be given opportunities to meet and develop future collaborative relationships l Minority and female students will be exposed to engineering and other technical professions
7 Just What Is In-Service Training? l “Pre-service education” - Training teachers receive before beginning their teaching careers. l “In-Service education” - Training teachers receive after entering the classroom. l In Florida, teachers must accumulate 120 in-service points every five years to renew their teaching certificates. l An in-service point is similar to the professional development hours (PDH’s) many states require for renewing PE licenses.
8 Why Participate in a Teacher In-Service Program? Enhance the level of technological literacy of: l Teachers l Students l The local school community
9 Why Participate in a Teacher In-Service Program? l Enhance the standing of IEEE and the engineering profession in the eyes of pre-college educators and students. l Promote engineering as a career choice. l Encourage IEEE member participation.
10 Have fun. Why Participate in a Teacher In-Service Program?
11 Participating Sections l Chattanooga, TN* l Miami, FL* l Florida West Coast* l Toronto, Canada l Santa Clara, CA* l Fort Worth, TX l Twin Cities, MN l Philadelphia, PA* *= presentation held l North Jersey, NJ* l Republic of South Africa* l Oakland-East Bay, CA l Worcester, MA l St. Louis, MO* l San Diego, CA l Baltimore, MD l Indianapolis, IN*
12 Metrics To Date l Thirty-one presentations to date l 619 pre-university educators have participated l Science, technology and mathematics educators l These educators represent 63,000+ students
13 Metrics To Date Cont’d Over 90% of the respondents agreed: l They would use the concepts presented in their instruction l Doing so would enhance the level of technological literacy of their students
14 $500 to $1,000 per year will sustain a very active teacher in-service program. Counting the Cost
15 Re-useable materials and hardware. Counting the Cost
16 Counting the Cost Expendables
17 Counting the Cost l Reproduction costs l Often donated in kind. l Refreshments.
18 How to Begin? Two pronged approach: l Build relationships with school districts. l Build interest in members.
19 Recruiting Volunteers l Articles placed in Section newsletters l Announcements l At chapter meetings l At section executive committee meetings l Informal contacts with members l Members can choose to be presenters or coaches l Life members are good candidates
20 Qualities Needed l Tactful communicator. Willing to play the role of classroom assistant. l New methods of teaching - with less telling and more doing. l Enjoy immediate gratification.
21 Choose Topics l Tie to state education standards. l Choose topics of interest to section members. l Emphasize “hands-on” activities. l Think low cost - under $100 to replicate for a class. l Simply ask teachers, curriculum supervisors and curriculum specialists (assistant principals) what topics are needed.
22 l “Rocket Cars and Newton’s Laws” l “Build Working Models With Household Items” l “The Orbit of Planet Gamma” l “Learn to Program and Test Robots For Classroom Use” l “Everything You Wanted To Know About Electric Motors But Were Afraid To Ask”, Sample Teacher In-service Presentation Topics
23 Sample Teacher In-service Presentation Topics Cont’d l “How Do We Communicate Using Radio Waves” l “Get Connected With Ohm’s Law” l “Effective Lighting” l “Build Your Own Robot Arm” l “Simple Machines” l “Light Waves and Spectroscopes”
24 Design and Build a Better Candy Bag IEEE Region 3 Teacher In-Service Program Training July 2005 Ralph Painter, Florida West Coast Section Douglas Gorham, IEEE Educational Activities
25 Principles & Standards for School Mathematics l Geometry: l Use visualization, spatial reasoning, and geometric modeling to solve problems l Analyze characteristics and properties of two- and three- dimensional geometric shapes and develop mathematical arguments about geometric relationships l Problem Solving: l Recognize and apply geometric ideas in areas outside of the mathematics classroom l Apply and adapt a variety of appropriate strategies l Communication: l Communicate mathematical thinking coherently and clearly to peers, teachers, and others
26 National Science Education Standards Standard E: Science and Technology l Abilities to distinguish between natural objects and objects made by humans l Abilities of technological design l Understandings about science and technology l Communicate the process of technological design
27 Standards for Technological Literacy Students will develop an understanding of… l Standard 8. the attributes of design. l Standard 10. the role of troubleshooting, research and development, invention and innovation, and experimentation in problem solving. Students will develop… l Standard 11. the abilities to apply the design process. l Standard 20. an understanding of and be able to select and use construction technologies.
28 Outline and Procedures l Divide into pairs l Brainstorm and create a sketch of your design l Build a model of your design with given materials l Calculate the approximate volume of the bag l Predict how much weight the bag might hold l Note: one 8 ounce bottle of water weighs 9.7 ounces l Test the strength of your bag l Discuss and agree upon a redesigned bag l Rebuild your prototype bag l Retest the strength of your bag l Answer reflection questions as a team
29 Reflection l What was one thing you liked about your design? l What is one thing you would change about your design based on your experience? l How might you incorporate this activity into your classroom instruction?
34 Tying topics to state standards. State Standards Exercise
35 Plan Times and Places l Special Events l USF Engineering EXPO, all day, February, prelude to Engineer’s Week l Teacher Conferences, e.g. Florida Association of Science Teachers or Florida Technology Educators Association l National teacher organizations that happen to meet nearby l Places l College Campuses, hotel meeting rooms
36 Follow-up Activities/Metrics l Count the number of educators who participated in your teacher in-service program l Be sure that teachers complete the 12 item questionnaire l EAD will tabulate the results l Follow-up with teachers to determine the level of implementation of the concepts and activities l Consider a sign in sheet to include an address l Consider sending a follow-up postcard to attendees
37 Lessons Learned l Contact the school principal directly to let him know that your section is planning an event at his school. l Have telephone or cell phone numbers for at least two contacts at the school. l If possible, visit the school several days before the presentation. l Use a cart for moving materials from volunteers’ cars to classrooms. l If your presentation requires electric power, bring several extension cords and multi-outlet power strips. l Exchange cellular telephone or pager numbers among all the section member volunteers. l Provide each section member volunteer with good directions to the school.
39 “Simply Spectroscopes” Teacher In-service Presentations
40 Teacher In-service Presentations
41 Teacher In-service Presentations
42 Contact Information Ralph Painter Douglas Gorham Allison Ickowicz