Paleolithic Age People from eastern and southern Africa Also known as Old Stone Age 2 million to 10,000 years ago Climate change Caused migration to Europe, Asia, and Americas Land bridges
Obtaining Food Bands Hunters and gathers Hunted in home territory Lived 20-25 years
Making Tools Made life easier for hunters and gathers Sticks and stones (shaping improved/hunting improved) Olduvai Gorge (pebble tools found) Better tools=better food
Making fire Rubbing 2 sticks or stones together Method of staying warm and dry 1st fire started by nature Protection from animals Used to cook food=longer life span
Seeking Shelter Usually camped out in open Used caves for emergencies 100,000 began using caves for living
Making Clothing Used animal skins Allowed to migrate to colder areas
Developing Language Hand signals Simple sounds Began to talk because of social needs Allowed people to work together, share ideas, & pass down beliefs and stories Greatest human achievment
Neanderthals Both Cro-Magnons -homo sapiens -France -Neander River Germany -used pitfalls for hunting -used animal skins and bones for shelter -first to bury dead Both -homo sapiens -hunting -religion -social cooperation Cro-Magnons -France -1st modern man -burin and axe -better hunters=more food -spear throwers -sailors -played music -cave paintings -social structure -beginning of government -economy