01 DEC 2006Koeln M-005: Limited Pilot owner maintenance EASA workshop 01 December 2006 JP Arnaud.


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Presentation transcript:

01 DEC 2006Koeln M-005: Limited Pilot owner maintenance EASA workshop 01 December 2006 JP Arnaud

European Aviation Safety Agency 01 Dec 2006 M-005 Limited pilot owner maintenance Slide 2 Part M.A.803 Pilot-owner authorisation (a) The pilot-owner is the person who owns or jointly owns the aircraft being maintained and holds a valid pilot licence with the appropriate type or class rating. (b) For any privately operated aircraft of simple design with a maximum take-off mass of less than 2730 kg, glider and balloon, the pilot-owner may issue the certificate of release to service after limited pilot owner maintenance listed in Appendix VIII. (c) Limited pilot owner maintenance shall be defined in the M.A.302 aircraft maintenance programme. (d) The certificate of release to service must be entered in the logbooks and contain basic details of the maintenance carried out, the date such maintenance was completed and the identity and pilot licence number of the pilot-owner issuing such a certificate.

European Aviation Safety Agency 01 Dec 2006 M-005 Limited pilot owner maintenance Slide 3 AMC M.A.803 Pilot-owner authorisation 1. The pilot–owner should hold a valid pilot license issued or validated by a member state for the aircraft type being maintained. 2. Privately operated means the aircraft is not operated pursuant to M.A.201 (h) and (i). i.e means commercial activities or operational activities requiring an AOC IAW the national rules 3. A pilot owner should only issue a certificate of release to service for maintenance performed by the pilot owner and after demonstrating the competence to carry out such maintenance tasks.

European Aviation Safety Agency 01 Dec 2006 M-005 Limited pilot owner maintenance Slide 4 History / need for such a working group JAA times: non complex and light aircraft not involved in commercial activities were not taken into account When the EASA was created, it became urgent, according to the remit of activities, to develop a regulation for non complex and light aircraft not involved in commercial activities. EASA Appendix VIII was based on FAR43 appendix A part (c)

European Aviation Safety Agency 01 Dec 2006 M-005 Limited pilot owner maintenance Slide 5 History / need for such a working group Part M was published in 2003 (regulation 2042) NPA gave the opportunity to comment part M (impact for non commercial aircraft) The Appendix was found too limitative. It was furthermore proposed re-evaluating the applicability of each task in Appendix VIII to gliders, balloons, airships and light aircraft. EASA accepted that paragraph M.A.803 and Appendix VIII should be subject to further re-evaluation within the rulemaking task M.005. Appendix VIII and M.A.801(b) has been updated.

European Aviation Safety Agency 01 Dec 2006 M-005 Limited pilot owner maintenance Slide History / need for such a working group Additionnaly, NPA gave birth to two working group M-017: comment review and implementation of further changes to part M, AMC amendements following RIA MDM-032: Regulation of aircraft other than complex motor powered aircraft when used in non-commercial activities Comments from both groups about pilot owner maintenance will taken on board by M-005

European Aviation Safety Agency 01 Dec 2006 M-005 Limited pilot owner maintenance Slide 7 Additional info Future new drafting groups Working group M-010: definition of pilot owner AMC M.A.803 A problem was clearly demonstrated by associations representing flying clubs. Pilot owner maintenance in the case of collectively owned aircraft needs to be further developed to allow pilots in flying clubs for instance to carry out pilot owner maintenance Work method: agency NPA to be issued: Opinion:

European Aviation Safety Agency 01 Dec 2006 M-005 Limited pilot owner maintenance Slide 8 Part M.A.803 Pilot-owner authorisation APPENDIXES VII (complex task) and VIII (pilot owner maintenance) has been reviewed (NPA 07/2005)

European Aviation Safety Agency 01 Dec 2006 M-005 Limited pilot owner maintenance Slide 9 State of the play Kick off meeting and two meeting were held (July, Sept. and Nov. 2006) Next meeting: mid January 2007 Composition of the group: a balance between experts from the General Aviation experts (representing flying associations as AEI, EAS, OAPA) and NAAs. NPA to be published June 2007 Opinion/Decision to be issued by June 2008

European Aviation Safety Agency 01 Dec 2006 M-005 Limited pilot owner maintenance Slide 10 Pilot-owner maintenance Decision already taken for a new structure: Aircraft Gliders Balloons Helicopters Example:

European Aviation Safety Agency 01 Dec 2006 M-005 Limited pilot owner maintenance Slide 11 Pilot-owner maintenance As from now, the next slides are only options that have not been accepted so far.

European Aviation Safety Agency 01 Dec 2006 M-005 Limited pilot owner maintenance Slide 12 Pilot-owner maintenance The concept for powered aircraft… 3 CRITERIAS a) The weight (MTOW) b) How to demonstrate the competency? c) How to adapt the list of tasks to the complexity of the aircraft? (Flexibility)

European Aviation Safety Agency 01 Dec 2006 M-005 Limited pilot owner maintenance Slide 13 Pilot-owner maintenance: general scheme

European Aviation Safety Agency 01 Dec 2006 M-005 Limited pilot owner maintenance Slide 14 Pilot-owner maintenance A guidance could be given to the NAA or the Part M / Subpart G approved organisation to adapt the list of tasks (Appendixes VII and VIII) to: Can the task be performed by a pilot owner? Complexity of the task: decision making

European Aviation Safety Agency 01 Dec 2006 M-005 Limited pilot owner maintenance Slide 15 End (new address)