History of beer Beer was discovered in Mesopotamy, 6000 years ago. Egyptians, Greek and Romans produced an equivalent . At the same time the famous barley beer have been created by Gallic. Then, during 9th century, beer was produced by abbeys. Monks : the first to add hop In 1268, Saint Louis officialized the brewer job . After the French Revolution, all controls were deleted so that the beer production grew up a lot. Now, we can find beer all over the world !
Steps Malting (put the barley and the warm water together and brew them) Saccharification (water the sugar’s malt in warm water to hasten enzymes) Hopping (put in the hop to make your beer more bitter) Fermentation (add some yeast to your mixture to produce some CO2) Conditioning (transfer your wonderful beer into a bottle) Taste ( let’s drink it and appreciate it)
Fermentation Fermentation is the process by which fermentable carbohydrates are converted by yeast into alcohol, carbon dioxide and numerous byproducts (which have a considerable effect on the taste, aroma …) Fermentation is dependent upon the composition of the wort, the yeast, and fermentation conditions. Traditionally, there are two types of beer yeast : Top fermenting yeasts: - Temperatures : 15 ~ 24°C - Quick - Higher alcohol - Fruitier taste - Use for Ale-type beer Bottom-fermenting yeast: - Temperatures : 7 ~ 12°C and after O ~ 4°C - Lower - Ferment more sugars - Use for Lager-type beers
Sugar → alcohol + carbon dioxide The normal, home brewing, fermentation is in two parts: Firstly Aerobic (Oxygen is present) This is the initial rapid process where the yeast is doubling its colony size every 4 hours. Secondly Anaerobic. (No oxygen present) Slower activity and the yeast focuses on converting sugar to alcohol rather that increasing the number of yeast cells. The overall process of fermentation is to convert glucose sugar (C6H12O6) to alcohol (C2H5OH) and carbon dioxide gas (CO2). The reactions within the yeast to make this happen are very complex but the overall process is as follows: C6H12O6 → 2 C2H5OH + 2CO2 Sugar → alcohol + carbon dioxide ( Glucose ) ( Ethanol )
The Recipe 1st cycle : at 50°, during 25 min 2nd cycle (brewing) : at 62°, during 20 min 3d cycle (saccharification) : at 72°, during 40 min Filter the mixture & put it in an other pressure cooker Heated the mixture : at 100°, during 1h Add the yeast brewing and heat during 10 min Let cool during 4 days (pressure cooker) Bottling